Hello there, I would like to introduce you to Morty, Stewart, Violet and Chip. I had the pleasure of spending yesterday afternoon with these four itty bitties . They are wards of fellow foster mama, Sue.
I know Chip is the light peachy-brown one, but I can't identify the other three without seeing their backsides. They each have a very distinctive tail. One is just a tiny stub, one is all crooked, and one, according to Sue, is dipped in sugar ( it has a whIte tip).
Of course all kittens are adorable,,, but these guys, oh my goodness, are mind-blowing cute. Seriously.
And lucky for you, they are going to be available for adoption soon ! It should be just a couple of weeks, or maybe three , until they are ready to go. Any interested parties in the Seattle/Tacoma area , send me an email and I'll connect you with Sue.

Oh, so sweet! And you take such wonderful pictures, too. Each kitten has a clear personality and mood. It's clear how much you love them and understand kittenhood.