Friday, March 14, 2008

Innocent Emmett

Here's little Emmet Holstein. He's number three in the herd of five. His distinguishing marks are his double widow's peak on his forehead (he's kind of got a Eddie Munster thing going) and the smudge on his chest. Apparently, he's quite smitten with his foster mama Sue. He follows her all around the house all day long. I don't think she minds a bit. In fact, I think she is equally smitten with him. How could you not be? Just look at that innocent face!


  1. He's darling! And there's something just right about photographing the Holsteins on a polka dot background. Can't wait to meet the other two!

  2. His muzzlepuffery is perfection!

  3. I second pea's comment - that muzzlepuffery is just so darned cute. And what I would give to have him follow me around the house!

  4. Emmett insists that I kiss him right on the lips. Really. He does.

  5. Sue - I trust you DO kiss that tiny face! Now know how they say baby pictures make young women's biological clocks tick? I do SO want me a new baby boy KITTY! (Not sure the Resident Ladies would agree, though - NOR the resident husband....)

  6. Dale-Harriet, I have learned over the years (and over the husbands) that the resident ladies should have a tiny vote and the resident husbands should not. They don't have any idea how much they will love another kitty till it's a done deal.

  7. Mr. Emmet is a definite moo-cow kitty. I love his big, sweet, "please love me" eyes! I'd happily follow him around anywhere!

    Holstein Hugs,


  8. Oh, Emmett. You are a heartbreaker.

  9. What a sweetie. He is utterly adorable and looks like he should have plenty of loving

  10. Little Emmet really mooooves me! What a cute little heartbreaker!

  11. Someone is going to have an awesome orange muzzlepuff!

  12. Dohhhh! Emmett, you are precious! And agreed, so kissable!

    I just melted when I saw your name... same as one of the ibk's of the pregnant stray we fostered last summer. My Emmett has a little black triangle of a nose and looked like a sad clown when he was first born, so in honor of the great Mr. Kelly, I named him Emmett.

    He's now hale and hearty in his forever home (his wonderful new mom renamed him Frankenstein-LOL!) and she gives me regular updates and pics.

    I'm gonna pray for the same for you, sweet little one! Except for the Frankenstein part, of course! ;-)

  13. Oh, PS - We found forever homes for all 6 of our Emmett's brothers and sisters, too. And they've all kept in touch. We kept the momma kitty... her name is Bitty. :D

  14. Oh my Emmett is a little heartwarmer!

    His eye match the dots!!!!

    Ooooh the cuteness overwhelms me!
    I must go to sleep now!



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