Sunday, March 9, 2008

Kitten Pits


Don't you just love Augie's little chicken wings? He's so cute,, even his armpits are adorable. And don't get me started on those belly spots...


  1. Belly spots first, chicken wings second. Too adorable to even fathom.

  2. Dear people

    Lets NOT talk about those spots, please?

  3. Oh dear goodness that is darling! Your daily photos are so cute and bring a smile to my day!

  4. Head 'splodin' cuteness there. I love to see the bitties on their backs with the chicken wings flapping (especially if it's at my fingers). Oh, and to snorgle that tummy. *contented sigh* :-)

  5. Oh goodness! I always thought it would be fun to foster kittens, but reading this blog is making me start to plan on it!

  6. I love when they have the stripey backs and the leopardish belly polky dots! OMG!


    Polka Dot Belly Hugs,


  7. You have so many cute kitties here!

    Meowm keeps saying "ooooo" and "awwwwww". We will be back to visit.

    And we are sorry about little Bernadette.

  8. I've never SEEN polka-spots like that! Is that typical of any sort of breed? My Lilliane's a brown tabby but she....hmmm. Wait. You know, I have to look at her belly, I wonder if she might NOT have had spotties. I don't remember anything that distinctive, though. I'm with kleinwort on this one, that tummy needs snorgling.

  9. Awwww....rubbing that spotted little tummy wouldn't be just a responsibility but a pleasure!

    Gotta love those "play with me?" eyes, too.

  10. OMG! Your photos just get cuter all
    the time. These latest darlings are
    so precious. The belly spots are the best!! You really need to publish a "kitty photo book"....I've got several in my
    collection and none can compare to
    the wonderful pictures you have taken.

  11. Mmm, spotted belly! Tasty kitten goodness!

    Everybody sing: "He had an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny furry polka-dotted belly ..."



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