Monday, April 21, 2008

It Runs in the Family

Like their mama Beulah, these two babes have extra toes too.


  1. *Squeeeeeee!!!!!*

    I was so happy to see a new picture pop up on my screen!!!!! :-)

    The babies are looking great! And absolutely precious. Thanks for the update pictures.

  2. Polydactyls!!!!!!!! You do know that such kitties bring their people extra blessings! Well deserved in your case!
    Wide open eyes...and indeed their ears are migrating.
    Thank you for these precious pictures - and for all you do for IBKs!

  3. Awww, Kitten #1 looks like he has the 'quivvering lower lip'. SO CUTE. You'll have to see if you can get a extreeme cute close up of momma Bel and one of her babies polydactyl toes. I love the kitty toes.

  4. Yay for babies! I feel so honored to have met them before they became part of the IBKC. That's right, they were born under my watch in the Cattery! Never before have I been able to meet the IBK's before they were superstars! I hope they remember their Auntie Shana Banana when they're rich and famous!

    And Foster Mama's Laurie & Kim are right, Mama Beulah is as sweet as she can be. She's the perfect mama to these adorable pumpkins. I'm excited to watch them grow, and to watch her give them more and more freedom as they get bigger.

    Yay for itty bitty kitties!!

  5. Oh my gosh! soooo adorable! my kitties are just about the same size now, with wide open eyes and incredible cuteness. they won't keep still for me though. or my camera's just not fast enough. welcome new batch of babies! polydactyl or not, you're just purrfect!

  6. The little mouf spots on each side of #1 baby's face are so CUTE, and those toesies? Well, what can one say? They do look like tiny seeds that you plant and then grow there ANYTHING as dear as a new batch of IBKs? Not in this universe.........

  7. OMG!I can't wait to meet the Beulah Bebes.....!!!!!!!! Boy do they have some claws!



  8. Oh my! Polys! More bebe kitteh toes to nom! They are just precious. Agreed, d-h, those mouf spots are the best. Gives me a target for smootches.

    Oh heavens, listen to me... but it's a new batch! We get to go idiotic over them, right???


  9. They are so sweet and wide-open eyed. That kitteh with the divided face is so special. What am I saying? They are all so special!

  10. Oh oh oh squee! Polydactyl kitties! and a polydactyl momkitty too, yay! the only extra-toed cat I know is a great huge orange and white boy. That reminds me... which of the kittens have the extra toes? It sounds from other comments like one might be Mr. Orangekitten...?

    But yes, kitty love! I was thrilled to see a new post pop up too, and no little bit relieved besides. *cuddles Momkitty Beulah and the itty bitties* We've six kittens and a momkitty at the shelter here as of sunday, and four of the babies are definitely torties - fun!

  11. oh, how cute! i love when they are that age where they have little teensy round ears like tiger cubs.

  12. oohhh, teensy toesies! Top Bebeh is sooo Leonine in expression, Buelah must have gone for the hunky tom in her alley... Darling bebehs!

  13. Extra toes = extra cuteness, mischief and very efficient making of biscuits ;)

  14. I have a resident polydactyl, she is all grey with a touch of silvery shimmer on her.

    Polly (or is it Paulie???) and Dac look so cute in their itty bitty portraits!

    I wanna hop on I-5 and grab 'em up and snorgle them....then I would go [[THUD]] and have IBK's crawling all over my unconscious self....

  15. Chanter, it's the gray tabby types with the toes. In these two pictures the featured babies are not completely visable because they are in a woolie wraparound bed with itty bitty siblings in the background. One of those looks quite dark and then there's the one whose face is divided right down the middle with pinkish white on the left side and gray on the right. A perfect straight divide from its forehead to it's little pink nose. It looks as if Ceiling Cat didn't finish painting it.

  16. Aaack! *faints from cuteness overload*

  17. More Evolution Will Get You kitties!


    At this stage they look so much like tiger cubs. Tiger cubs that can wield a can opener!

  18. Oh my! Too darling! The little ears look so tasty... I just want to snuggle with them and nibble on those ears.
    Thank you posting a new pic. These make my whole day.

  19. Oh, too cute! Polydactyl grey tabbies, yay! :)

    Ooooh, there's one that's got a grey/pinkyginger divided face? That's adorable. That almost sounds dilute tortie/torbie-ish, in a way. *cuddles the little extra-toed tabby babies* and all the rest, of course. a polydactyl momkitty, polydactyl grey fuzzy babes, torties, and Mr. Orangekitten... priceless. :D

  20. just like willamena!!!

  21. Photo 1: kitten .... or EWOK??

    It's the ears.

  22. I and my two kitties are very lucky that the orange boy is not the extra toed one! That is what I want as my next kitty!


  23. Bigfoot kittens! Oh my, can't resist them... I have a bigfoot boy who is smart and sweet and loves other cats. I had to take him, he was this little kitten with big feets...

  24. Ooooh that's right, willamena was a polydactyl fuzzy too! *loves*



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