Thursday, April 24, 2008

Picking Up Speed

They are dragging their bellies on the ground, but Beulah's babes are getting more mobile by the day. Here's tortie number two, tearing it up. I don't know if her extra toes are a help or a hinderance.


  1. This baby girl looks so precious! It's amazing to already see the changes in her and all her sibs since their birth. Thanks, Laurie & Kim, for taking such incredible care of them. You have hearts of gold!

  2. Oh oh oh yay! One of the torties is a polydactyl! *cuddles* Tortie love!

  3. OK, fess up IBKC, these are just pretend kitties from the store where you pay big bucks for perfectly adorable tiny toys that feel so good when you hold them in your hands. Next thing we know you'll be needing to solicit funds to pay for these obviously very expensive kitties. The fact that there's even a pretend mamacat is going to make it really costly. I little girl I know calls pretend things "tender". I think these are tender kitties!

  4. Go, go, go little tortie! I'm sure those exra toes are going to be a big help (eventually) ;)

  5. O.M.G. Look at the teensy pink tongue poking out of that adorable little mouth. Teeny tortie is all concentration as she tries to walk, and you can even see her pointed little tail dragging behind her, too.

    I love how her matching set of creamish brown paws coordinates with the mark of the same color on her forehead, down to and including that precious nose! Very symmetrical, darling.

    At the, um... speed she appears to be going, maybe this one should be named Flash.

  6. "uh...this walking is hard work!"

    Keep at it, IBK! What a cutie! I love the pink nose with the black underneath & up the sides! Aaack! Too sweet!

  7. keep on truckin', kitteh!

  8. The Mayfields in the slide show next to her seem SO GROWED UP in comparison.

  9. I just totally love your blog and pictures. Love love love them! And these little ones are just the cutest! (all of them have been cute - I haven't seen one yet (and I've read all your archives) that has not made me go "awwwww" love them.) and your photo taking skills are exceptional too btw!

    Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing the joy of these precious babies (and their moms) with us!


  10. What a cute little girl! I can't wait to see how she will continue to grow and change. Baby kitties are too cute!

  11. awww so cute.
    She looks like she is on an epic journey.
    (to the food bowl!)

  12. Ever since I saw her, I kept thinking she looks like that character actor (whose name I cannot for the life of me think of) with the pencil moustache that always was a waiter, maitre 'd or store sales man. In looking online, you can also say she is Errol Flynn-ish or John Waters...poor thing, if a boy, he's be set, but as a girl, I hope she doesn't get a complex! SOOOOO sweet!

    Purry Hugs,

  13. Oh my! *swoon*
    It's just too much cuteness! I am both green with envy (you have ibks!!) and admiration (you have ibks!) every day, Laurie!

  14. Oooh! Those kittens are all just adorable in their wobbly belly-dragging phase!

  15. The open mouth is priceless-- I can practically hear the "ehn ehn ehn"!

  16. Not to get too technical.. but is this baby a calico, not a tortie? I thought torties look like the sweet Maddie and her sister, and the baby's coloring is not like hers at all. Maybe I'm mistaken?

  17. Anonymous, I think she's still technically a tortie -- to be a calico, the patches would have to be big patches on a (usually white) background, almost like a blanket rather than a dappled look.

    She's so cute!!!

  18. Robin that's too funny about this itty bitty resembling John Waters. One of my prized possessions is a picture of John and me. He's as gracious as he is dapper.

    On my 214th glance today, she reminds me of one of those dime store toys with a wind-up key hidden under her pudgy little belly.

  19. Chanter, she is a dilute tortoiseshell, which is a tortoiseshell whose colors are muted greys, browns, and blacks rather than vivid. She has ridiculously pink paws, tongue, and part of her nose. Her head and tail are both down and her mouth is open in the utmost concentration and you can read that her little kitten mind is saying "Full speed ahead!"

  20. Torties are generally black and orangie. Dilute torties are gray and orangie. Calicos have some white.

  21. She looks to me like she's all "right, left, right, left"....Evangeline and Lilliane love it when I look at these babies because I always give them a good snuggly cuddle afterwards. If there's anything more dear than kitties, I can't imagine in MY mind what it might be!

  22. What little darlings! And with six toes - perhaps these will be the Hemingway itty bitties?

  23. My cat, Lily, was a poly, and when she was just a month old she looked like a baby tiger, loping around with her big feet.

    They never hindered her aside from the occasional misstep in the litter box, causing her to get poopyfoot. The poor thing. :)

  24. My oldest kitty is a polydactyl (all 4 paws)- she was definitely NOT hindered as a kitten.

    Her favorite toy was a superball - she would pick it up and look like she was throwing it to get it off her paw.

    I also knew a poly that had what looked like he had 8 paws - 4 normal and 4 minis...I could not resist naming him Hanford.

    Love these IBK's and Toes sends her purry wishes for Beulah's IBK's to have an awesome life.



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