Friday, August 1, 2008

This is Orson

Tubby, fluffy Orson Angelo Davenport!!


  1. Orson is a thug! He's just the sort of guy one cannot help but fall for, but Mother would not approve. Methinks he may have some genes outside the refined Davenport pedigree. I'm mad about the boy!

  2. Orson! What a perfect name for this guy! I totally agree with Anne on this one...he is the bad boy you can't help but love, even though you know you shouldn't... :)

  3. I fall in love so easily here at IBKC.....{{{big sigh}}}

  4. Rosebud....

    He totally looks like an Orson from the look to the extra fluffiness!

    I love this picture!

  5. I've never seen an overweight kitten before. Laurie, can you say more about this? Anyone else? How does that happen?

  6. He DOES look like a thug, bad boy. How freaking adorable. More tabbies? awesome!

  7. He's positively pufferiffic!!! (He's sooo adorable he's provoked my alliteration!!!)

  8. You know I'm a sucker for the chubby ones!

  9. elaine,, he's not over weight. he's just got a stockier build and he's fluffy.

  10. He's wearing a mask! What a darling boy.

  11. Thanks, Laurie. When you said he was "tubby," it threw me. It's hard to tell how big the kittens are. Do you know their ages?

  12. Orson Welles? I think he would prefer portly!

  13. Great name for this kittin - to quote another Orson, "Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch," a sentiment I'm sure this one would approve of :)

  14. Ha ha ha. Orson is /awesome/. I absolutely love big chunky boy kitties.

  15. FLOOOOOOOOOOF! Give him to me. Now. Please????

  16. I believe there were actually 6 Davenport youngen's, and Mr Orson here has gobbled down his other brother! He's absolutely adorable, fluffiness and all! What a cutie.

    He's got some good competition ~ we have an adult Orson at the shelter (see him on Comcast). The odd part is, we thought big Orson was a girl when he came in...but he's a 10-month old neutered male. Told ya it happens, luckily not too frequently.

  17. I kiss you, Orson!

  18. Oh my! What a routund little guy! He probably has the kitten bulge gut and half his weight is fluff! What a bruiser!

  19. oh, he's just gorgeous.
    he'll be one of the first to
    find a home.
    absolutely purr-fect-o.

  20. he's not fat! he's just fluffa!
    i'll bet this will be a special favorite of ms. butterbean!

  21. oh, AND he's sitting on his tailio! :)

  22. Hello little Floofy Fellow! It is so nice to meet you.

  23. It seems to me that he has the same decided air than little Ms Cecily sitting pretty (two entries down).

    I wonder, do they just look that way or are these really the most fearless and decided kittens that ever existed?

    Laurie, if you ever have to bath these babes, it would be fun to have a photo of the wet Orson to see just how much of him is fluff!

  24. Holy Cow! What a delight!!!! Absolutely - he reminds me slightly of Mitchell Merriweather. Love!

  25. Ugg! I am a sucker for a fluffy kitty! I want him!!

  26. Aaack! Must. Have. Orson.

    He is one big ball'o'fluff!

  27. Santa! He's got a fluffy white beard/bib. He looks like a cat who'd love to hang out with the guys. Make sure whoever adopts him has a cat-loving man in the house. They'll be best friends!


  28. What a handsome young man with a fitting name!

  29. he looks like he has a tiny bit of 'tude too.

    I wonder did this batch have to live outside when they were first born? And the 'tude is a defense?

    They will soften right up under the IBKC's (including Charlene!) love & care :-)

  30. orson seems to be giving a "hey i'm fat so what!" look.

  31. What a bruiser! Definitely kind of kitty!

    Purry Hugs,


  32. AWWW, I love fluffy kitties! And yes, the first thing I thought of when someone mentioned how much of a floofball he is was Mitchell Merryweather. Is Orson a tuxedo tabby? Somebody mentioned white fur and tabbyness...

  33. Hi chanter, In this shot he is sitting on his back paws, and his front paws are spread a little further apart making him look like a teeny tiny tough guy. He is also looking straight at the camera.

    His bottom half is white, up through his chest & neck & his top half is tabby "floofy" fur

  34. oh! and Orson's nose is a pretty pink. His sister Cecily has a black nose, and the tiny boy we first met has a nose that is darker pink in the middle and black around the edges.

  35. Oh. Oh oh oh. Orson might be my favorite IBK ever. I would like to bring him home and let him push me out of the way and eat all the food off my plate.

  36. Ohh, Orson is such a perfect name for a kitty! And I just love his eyes, they are so beautiful! :)

  37. I agree with anne, Orson is a bad lad, he will never be short of female admirers.

    Nice to meet you Orson, you look as if you mean it!

  38. The Davenports certainly have cattitude! Orson is gorgeous, I adore chunky cats. (I have a couple of those myself!)

  39. Um, Orson, I hate to break it to you, but your attempt to present yourself as a tuff guy (the spread-legged pose and the steely-eyed stare) are completely undone by your bubblegum pink nose. The major floofiness doesn't help, either. I'm afraid we see you for what you really are - a pussycat.

  40. I hope he grows into his eyebrows someday. :)

  41. Oh my goodness, too cute! *cuddles him* Thanks for the description, it's darling!

  42. Gasp! This may be the fastest I've ever fallen in love

  43. Oh Chanter, Orson is pure heaven in a hunk! The eyebrow mention is because his eyebrows look more like whiskers and they curve all the way from high noon to 3 or 4 o'clock on one side and nearly 8 o'clock on the other side. He has huge grown up tabby ears lined around the inner edges with camel color and then they have huge Foofs of white for lining. I really think Laurie is kidding us this time and he's been manufactured. If it seems like he's hard to describe it's because he's simply spectacular and wants very much to be a badass (sorry children, I had to say it).

  44. Well, his tummy does give him away. Orson is not, as he may wish, all muscle. I have one that started out like him, originally from a garage in Burien, he still only purrs when he is eating...

  45. Oh Laurie - I know I posted earlier, but I just have to ask, how can you stand the cuteness that are all these kitties. Especially this Orson fellow? I have been follwing since theB Bouviers, and he really is as cute as Cornelis * Sigh *

  46. Laurie, is his back leg black? Or is he sitting on his tail? Either way, ultimate cuteness!

  47. omg, I want him:) He'll have a fan club in no time!

  48. i declare myself president of the orson fan club. cutest. kitten. EVAR.

  49. Howdy Orson!

    You are doing a good impression of a tough guy...

    But I have a full-grown fluffer-nutter kitty girl who thinks she can bully us around....and I tell you

    >>oops, gotta go...she says its time to feed her!!!<<<

  50. Oh my! Orson is my favorite but little Inez sure is a close second! You guys are doing a wonderful job...If I lived closer I would probably have to adopt one of your little darlings! Keep up the good work!

  51. i love this picture so much.

  52. He is a fluffernut!



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