Friday, September 26, 2008

Good Afternoon, Mr Livermore

Here's yet to be named, tabby number two.


  1. Oh, oh! So sweet! I love that dark grey nose.

    I just sat there with my head cocked staring at that sweet face!

  2. Those ears look very nommible. What a sweet lil face!

    I say Charles Livermore for him.

  3. Oooooooffff -

    My heart just had a nibble taken out of it!

    Such a handsome pair the first 2 Livermores are.....

    How many more are we going to have to "suffer" through???

    All that fur - HOW is Miss Charlene going to figure out where to start her washing???

  4. Oh dear, do all the Livermores have such shaggy chest hair? Irresistible!

  5. Oh, Livermores, you are gorgeous!

  6. What a regal little family the Livermores are! Adorable.

    This little guy seems like an Edwin to me. Can't wait to see what you come up with for them. You always do such a great job with the naming of the cats. :)

  7. Hello, tabby! What a cutie...

    How about Algernon?

  8. Oh, Amy... I like the name Edwin! As in Edwin Hubble, after whom the Hubble Space Telescope was named. And Ester, Hubert Reeves was a top notch cosmologist and science educator. And of course there are a zillion braniac Charles-es (Messier, Darwin, Drew, etc.) out there... Keep that whole science thing going.

    Livermore is the town in California that is home to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory & its cofounders are Edward Teller & Ernest Orlando Lawrence.

    Whew! Those science guys sure gave us a ton of names to consider!

  9. Oh, cool, Jodie... Algernon, as in "Flowers for Algernon" (just a little side step over to science fiction - some of you may know it as the movie Charly).

    Why am I so stuck on this whole science connection???? I dunno... maybe because it's fun! ;-)

  10. These Livermores have such lovely ear tufts.

    How about calling this little guy Marvin?

  11. OMG! And hopefully there's a Hugo in the bunch! Marvin and Hugo. (and if you get that reference, you're old enough).

    Ok, I'm stopping now! But dang this is fun!

  12. Nope...uh uh I am thinking ----PERCY

  13. How about Lila if there's a fluffy girl...and, I'm hoping there is. Kate

  14. They're beautiful little cats. Thank you for posting, however often you can. I can't tell you what a wonderful respite the IBKC is for me, and whatever you need to do to keep it sustainable for you is fine by me. Thank you, Laurie.

  15. It's great how different these two tabby brothers are. The first little guy has such dark, almost charcoal grey feet and he seems more vulnerable. This guy has very white feet and lighter grey fur and he seems more sure of himself.
    I love them both, whatever their first names turn out to be.

  16. This kitty-boy seems to be a Solomon, to me.

    I am not really sure why....

  17. yipppeeee...kitttttyyyyy are back!What a lovely handsome kitten you are Mr sweet..Can't wait to meet the others... Jeanne

  18. Oh another Mr Livermore, my, my another splendid little tabby fella!


  19. Good gracious me. Isn't he a handsome little devil! So far, these Livermores are beauties!

    Laurie, I just don't know how you do it. I was thinking of the IBKC this morning when I was off to the vet with my 11 year old girl for a well-kitty exam. And that was a production! All those kittens and two grown beauties to take care of! You are an angel!

  20. ah. they are both gorgeous.
    what beautiful cats they will be.
    this is a no-brainer.
    homes will come quickly for these little guys!
    thank you so much for sharing!

  21. You cannot go wrong with Kittens - few things in life are cuter :)

  22. What incredibly cute faces these boys have! Hurray for the Livermores!

  23. Cuteness overload! }}faint{{

  24. See his little dark ear tips? So cute!

  25. Newman Livermore- in order of Paul



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