Mr Livermore is the same little kitten you met yesterday. The kitties came late in the day, so I had a limited amount of natural light to photograph in. (it sure is getting dark earlier these days!) He's the only one I was able to capture.
The surname has been decided upon, but still no decisions on the first names. So for now,,, it's just Mr Livermore. There are a couple of other Misters and a Miss too. You will be meeting them shortly.
The kittens are all settling in just fine. They are getting used to their new surroundings and new family. So far, this Mr Livermore is the most social. He purrs upon eye contact. The others have good motors too, but you have to catch them first. They like to dart under things when you first enter the room. They are warming up though. I can see vast improvements in the brief time we've had them. I'm sure they'll be just like the Davenports... 'fraidy cats turned loving machines.
Although she was a little bored at first, Charlene did seem to enjoy the kitten break. When the kittens are around, she always near them, keeping a watchful eye. The break gave her the opportunity to relax a bit and catch up on some napping. Since the Livermores arrived, she's been camped out on the other side of their bedroom door, anxiously awaiting introductions. She can't meet them yet. We've got to make sure they are all A-OK and didn't come in with any bugs.
Drewey was happy to have a kitten-free life for a spell. She never really interacts with the kittens, on a rare occasion she might have to dash past them on her way out the door. Some how they managed to cramp her little old lady cat style.
It's very nice having kittens again. I certainly did miss them but it was nice having a break too. It made me realize how much time caring for kittens, photographing and blogging really does take. I can't really slow down on the kitten care, but I can slow down with the blog. I'm still planning on blogging, of course, but I probably won't be posting every day.
Thanks for sticking around while I was on hiatus. I know you're anxious to meet all the Livermores. I'll post them as I name them.
What a precious lamb-chop Mr. Livermore is! Absolutely adorable!!
ReplyDeleteLawrence! Lawrence Livermore! He'll have his own National Laboratory (google it). :)
ReplyDeleteOMG! Mr. Livermore, you are adorable! I can imagine those ibk purrs from here... *snorgle*
ReplyDeletehehee, i thought the same thing michigoose!
ReplyDeleteI would be so happy to pick up kitten poop for you if I could keep you blogging daily! You should start a wee donation bucket, for yourself or for the Humane Society, that might help justify the time spent more efficiently.
Well done on raising, photographing and sharing so many lovely kittens.
It's a rainy day in a shaky world and having posts whenever you can get to them is such a tonic.
ReplyDeleteHugs to the Livermores and the IBKC.
Oh man, he's so awesome. I want to snuggle into that fluffy fur. Can't wait to meet the rest of the Livermores!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think Chadwick Oscar Livermore sounds so perfect for the little fella! We have all missed you and the furkids. You have inspired my hubby to actually seek out another one. To my surprise, he agreed to 2 and we will be picking them up tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteSnorgles to one and all!
ReplyDeleteTerrance or Lawrence (but not Terry or Larry)
ReplyDeleteHow about Edward Livermore? It sounds very British.
ReplyDeletei'm in lurve!
ReplyDeleteIt's so good to hear that you, Charlene, and Drewey benefitted from a vacation. However much you want to blog is jut perfect, at least until we talk a foundation into subsidizing you to blog about the kitties full time. I say it'd be a good investment for world peace.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely Lawrence Livermore, or, if you want to add a European flair, how about Lorenzo?
Mr Livermore is a sturdy little dark grey tabby who's going to grow up to be a big bruiser of a cat. His fur looks to be quite long, especially on his manly chest.
He's sitting in a large pink nest and looking up with a "This is MY spot now" air, but he looks like a good guy who'll share with his siblings.
I can understand how impatient Charlene is, since there's lots of fur on him to groom!
LOL, michigoose! Looks like several of us had that first reaction, too! The other boys could be Ernest and Orlando, to continue the theme. ;-)
ReplyDeleteWell, Mr. Livermore, it certainly is a pleasure to meet you! I'm looking forward to following your adventures!
I'm on board with the aristocratic theme... Miss Miranda Livermore for the girl? IBKC is one of my favorite places to come every day for cute kitties, maybe someday when I'm an empty-nester I will foster kittens too.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the person that said these shaky times and this grey, rainy weather lead to the need for your kitten blog. Perhaps you can alternate with Sue and her brood of kittens to alleviate the burden.
ReplyDeleteWhat a darling you are, Mr. Livermore. I'm sure whatever name you're dubbed will be perfect.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I'd like to see 50 updates a day, the babies are the priority, so I'll celebrate postings as they arrive and not complain one bit.
Dearest Laurie, Mr. Laurie, and Drewey-n-Charlene,
ReplyDeleteLike I said when you first went on hiatus:
The fact that you take care of these kittens in the first place is the most glorious, wonderful, beautiful thing in the world. This is the true, real reason you have so many fans.
The fact that you take the time and effort to share your adventures with us on your blog is simply yummy icing on an already scrumptious cake.
We are behind you and yours 100% as you find a new, more restful balance in your life, among fostering, blogging, and all the non-IBKC things you do (like using that fantastic scrapbooking table).
Daltrey, Jonah, and I send everyone over there a big, snuffly hug and look forward to hearing from you again!
-darin, daltrey, and jonah.
He does look somewhat British with a very proper reserve (which is just a front, as his purr demonstrates!)
ReplyDeleteEach and every kitty is his/her own being, but as some have mentioned previously he does evoke memories of our dear Jerry Lee!
Welcome, wee little Mr Livermore! You're a heartbreaker. Can't wait to meet the rest of the brood.
ReplyDeleteLots of YAYs for big kitties finding their forever homes today! Swimmy was adopted! He's a very submissive, scared, shy BIG guy (I mean BIG) who melted the heart of a grown man. A perfect match! Also, dear Thomas was adopted by a gal looking for a companion for her husband who lost his elderly cat recently. Again, a perfect match.
While I was away, we had a fantastic number of adult adoptions including Jasmine and Rosenberg. Plus, sweet 11-year old Ragdoll sisters BlueBell & Tippy went to a rescue org today. Such great outcomes! YAY!
I do believe that if Lawrence, Chadwick, Edward, Ernest & Orlando don't become IBK names, I shall have to steal them for big kitties who are still nameless. I hope ya'll don't mind me borrowing your creativity!
ReplyDeleteGood lord this guy is KKkkeeeeyewt!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate every moment you spend here, along with Charlene.
It has been quite a wait, but I magine life is a whole lot different after a hiatus
That bed is so cute, it makes me want to curl up in it! With the kitten, of course.
ReplyDeleteMr. Livermore is just adorable! Mom doesn't know how you manage to say goodbye to so many kittens. Mom would suffer serious separation anxiety as she gets attached almost instantly!
ReplyDeleteIf this is a taste of Things to Come - why, we're back in the flow, and what a perfect way to set off the glories of Autumn!! Oh - and that comment about *new cards* coming wasn't lost on ME, just so's you know!
ReplyDeleteShana Banana, thanks for sharing that wonderful news! I love your updates about the grown-up (or at least chronologically grown-up!) kitties selecting their human staff and getting their new homes.
ReplyDeleteMr Livermore has walrus whiskers and reminds me of Wilford Brimely. I'm expecting him to tell me that I can get my diabetes medicine at a reduced cost.
ReplyDeleteHis whiskers remind me of a tamarin monkey.
ReplyDeleteTap tap tap ^fidget^ Trying to wait... :)
ReplyDeleteHe looks like a Clive...yup, definitely a Clive. What a cutie!
ReplyDeleteWith all you do Laurie, I will understand if you don't post as often, taking care of the kitties is the most important thing and you do such a great job. Since I am relatively new to the site, there is still a lot I haven't seen yet so I'll get my fix by checking out the previous litters. Have a great weekend....by the way, I think Lily Livermore would be a great name for the little sister of this bunch!
ReplyDeleteI like Edward Livermore. Had a proper-ness about it.
ReplyDeleteOOOOOOH, Livermores...more, more, more Livermores! What a perfect name. I've missed Miss Butterbean and new kitties! YAYAYAY!
ReplyDeletePurry Hugs,
Oh, shana! That's fantastic! Gotta love the big cuddlers!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, feel free to co-opt any name suggestions I might make! Although I must say, I'm not very creative for my own - Winifred, Morticia [yes, there was once a Gomez, *sniff*], Annie (as in "little orphan), Chester and Bitty.
Now I need to find science connections for Lily, Chadwick, Oscar, Lorenzo, Miranda and Clive. Yeah, I know I can be geeky.
It's the science theme that made me start thinking about names to go with Livermore. LOL!
I'm very pleased to meet you Mr Livermore, you remind me of the lovely Porter with your befuddled expression. Adorable.