These fabulous beauties have been bouncing around my house for about a month now, and it’s time they were introduced to their public. One has been spoken for, but the other two are ready to find their new home – together, please!
You may be wondering… “Treadwells? Seems odd.” Well, have a look.

Have mercy! That is some serious square footage. And they’ve all got it! They lick their splayed out little toes to wash up after dinner all it takes is one good swoosh across the face. Done! Very efficient.

This is Owen Marshall Treadwell. He might just be the sweetest kitty ever. I mean it. Look at that face. So expressive. So happy. A little love. We originally thought he was a lilac point, but his markings are changing and he looks more like a lynx point now. No matter. He’s perfection.

Ingrid Treadwell has the most gorgeous eyes in kitty land. Her sweet face reminds us a bit of little Jerry Lee. Can you see it? As the only girl in the family, she has assumed the role of caretaker for her brothers. She bathes them, cleans their little ears, and like them purrs pretty much non-stop. She’s a happy, beautiful little munchkin. And when you look closely, you’ll see her Ann Francis beauty mark. Luscious!

And Hugo. Super-Fluffy-Puff-Puff. Is this guy a heartbreaker or what? And honestly, I think the little dude is incapable of not purring. A dear friend has fallen in love and Hugo will be moving to Seattle to live with her and her fella this weekend. On her birthday! He’ll be living the good life and spoiled rotten. Clearly, his birthright.
And here’s the bonus. Hugo’s new mama is a local radio celeb and his photo has already been posted on the station website!
Click here and scroll down a bit to see the little guy. Mary assures us there will be updates once he has officially moved in. Hooray!

That leaves Owen and Ingrid to find their perfect people, and they want to stay together. If you think that might be you, and you live in the Tacoma/Seattle area, send me an email and we’ll talk. Please keep in mind that there is a screening process as it is crucial that they be properly matched with their new family. They’ve wiggled their way into my heart.
I know it seems like forever since Laurie’s much-deserved hiatus began. In the mean time, I hope the Treadwells have succeeded in warming a little corner of the void.
Awwww I would love Hugo to come to and live with me - He's a lovely little kitten...
ReplyDeleteI love kittens who purr!
Oh thank you, Sue! I knew I missed the IBKC, but I had no idea how much until I saw your post. The babies are darling! Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
ReplyDeleteOMG thud. Such puffy, pot-bellied cuteness!
ReplyDeleteI'm in love with every one of these babies!
ReplyDeleteThey are pawsitively gorgeous! We sure hope they get to stay together!
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for the Treadwells. They are lovely little bundles. It's so good to see some new little kitty faces.
I think the pic of the little girl and little boy spooning will get them a forever home pronto!!!
Yay kitties! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting these little darlings. I think it will be just enough to tide me over! ;)
Thank you for the Treadwell pictures. How adorable! My dearly departed Baby had extra toes - his front feet looked like catcher's mitts. Kisses to each little furry!
ReplyDeleteHello little Treadwells, you are all delightful and I love your fat little paws.
ReplyDeleteThey MUST stay together, please! I had two other cats (16 & 14) when my two arrived, as well as 2 four month old puppies. At the time I thought I must be crazy. Now, 4-1/2 years later, I believe it was BRILLIANT.
ReplyDeleteSue, thank you for this post! It has helped tremendously.
Thank you, Sue!
ReplyDeleteIngrid and Owen are adorable... I love the photos!
-C, calculating the true cost of kittens if one must fly from Philly to Seattle to pick them up...
Yay! Substitute kittens. I needed my IBKC fix. I've been jonezing!
ReplyDeleteTreadwells....good last name for polys! Darling babies.
Sue, thanks a bunch for the update.
ReplyDeleteHow lucky am I, I got to meet them in-person, mittens and all! And they're all heart breakers.
I think we're all looking forward to following the antics of Hugo & Mary. Will she keep his name?
Go kittens go!!
Thanks Sue!!
ReplyDeleteI was jonesing for kittens!
Ms. Banana - Yes, Mary is keeping Hugo's name. She figures it will be perfect when he's Huge-O! He'll be retaining the surname as well. :)
ReplyDeleteHooray, bigfoots! I am lucky enough to have two of them. Watching them hold stuff in their paws is amazing and adorable. Watch out, they can be quite clever...
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! They are just so precious with their huge fluffy paws...and the picture of Ingrid and Owen! Made my heart melt...unbelievably cute. Thanks so much for sharing their pictures and putting a huge smile on my face :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the kitty fix!! Hugo is a sweetie but Owen & Ingrid are just adorable. I especially love the picture of them "spooning", its so clear they love each other. I have a brother and sister kitty too its just so sweet to see that bond. Hope you are successful in finding them a forever home...if I only lived in the area...
ReplyDeleteSo fluffy and soft! How could anybody not adore such little artists, in their favorite media of looking cuddleable and purring.
ReplyDeleteEven if they did get their paws from the Moose Parts Supply Store.
What fluffy goodness!
ReplyDeleteI hope they get to stay together. Our Pettibone littermates couldn't make a better pair. I'm all for the two-fers.
oh gosh, if i didn't have harper and ramona i'd be on a plane to seattle (kitten on lap 1 finger typing)
ReplyDeleteCTB - sorry for your loss :(
ReplyDeleteSue - thank you for the guest post. I almost *died* from all this qte!!!
Oh. My. Goodness. They are adorable-super-puffballs of cuteness! I hope Owen & Ingrid get to find a home together! We adopted two kittens that were really bonded to each other and it was the best decision we ever made. They are so happy together. I hope lil Owen and Ingrid get to be cuddle buddies together forever!
ReplyDeleteKittens! POLYDACTYL kittens! I love them. Thank you Sue!
ReplyDeleteI'm in cuteness collapse. I can't bear the sweet feet or the little noses resting on the paws. Thank you for this lovely hiatus from the (much deserved) hiatus.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Sue! I have soooo been missing itty bitties! These Treadwells are heartbreakers!
ReplyDeleteSue, thank you, thank you, thank you!! I'm not on the feed - *thunk* to the thick head! - and just happened to peek in today! Awesome! The kittehs, your pics, sharing with us... all awesome! I am also ded of qte!
ReplyDeleteShana, would you be willing to do a guest post... maybe diary style? I so miss hearing stories of older kittehs finding forever homes!
Laurie & Craig, hope you're having a wonderful, relaxing time!
Hugs to all the IBKC community, too! I sure have missed your daily postings! So good to come in today and see 26 of them already~
I had a rough day, and this post really brought a bright spot to it. How can a person stay grumpy after looking at such wonderful little beings? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAn awesome kitten fix - and I do hope they do get to stay together...they are very happy kittens and deserve to stay that way!
ReplyDeleteI just started carring for a 12 week old puppy - who is an aspiring assistance dog. My 2 purrers are withholding judgment
I just found this site and I absolutely love it!! Your kitties are so beautiful. God Bless
I hope we get to see a whole bunch more pictures of these stunningly beautiful Treadwells!
ReplyDelete(And it's been two weeks (and Laurie, I'm sure, has all of our blessings to rest as long as she wants and needs), so I'm thinking that we're nearer to other IBKs too!
I can't get enough of these three.
Know what's better than kittens? Polydactyl kittens!!!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Judy! The IBKC is totally addictive. :-) And the community here is great - it's heartwarming and inspiring to see folks like Laurie, Sue, Shana and many others in action with the itty bitties (and not so itty bitties, in the case of Shana). And everyone is so supportive. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteSaved by the Paws! "Treadwells" - perfect for those wee bigfoots and it's true, I want all of them too! (Probably good I'm too far away; I'd have a 1000 kittens!) And yes - I do hope the Committee is having a restful, calm, respite, which is certainly deserved! OK, I can carry on now. Sweet smoochies on the Treadwells from Admirers in Wisconsin, if you please!
ReplyDeleteOh they are adorable!!! I love polys!!!! I have one of my own as well. Makes me crazy how some feel they are *odd*. I say THEY are odd!
ReplyDeleteso, uh.. yeah. I MUST come meet both you and Laurie once I get to Seattle/Tacoma (we haven't decided yet, but we're making a pitstop in Portland for a little while first).. and I must have kittens! I must have them ALL. Especially if you get more with paws like these ones. They are just so CUTE! I've had several double-pawed in my life and they are just the sweetest things! <3 Thank you SO much for posting this :) I've been in major kitty withdrawal!
ReplyDeletetoo bad I'm on the wrong coast... I'd take them in a hurry... what a beautiful family of "Hemingway" kittens!!
ReplyDeleteFluffy paws!
ReplyDeleteDouble the smoochies on the little darling purrers from admirers in Wisconsin! I'm here too, back home and seriously glad to hear more kitty stories! Much love to all three fluffballs *snuggles them*.
ReplyDeleteJust out of curiosity, what happened to Gunther and florie, in the end? Hopefully they found a home/a pair of homes, too.
Chanter - Gunther and Florie were adopted together by the nicest young man who had just purchased his first home. He (and Grandma) are completely in love with both.
ReplyDeleteI loved the spooning picture of Ingrid and Owen so much I made it my desktop background, every time I see it, it makes me smile ;o)
ReplyDeleteSo super cute! I posted one of these images on my site for tomorrow morning around 11:00. I've linked back to you:)
FABULOUS FOOTIES-- the Treadwells are purrfectly named! My best scritchies to all, and pass along a hug to Laurie, too. (currently outta town, just dropping by!)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, what adorable babies! The markings, the soft soft kitten fur, the PAWS!! *thud* I have passed out from the cuteness.
ReplyDeleteI have been so blue without my IBKC updates and pictures, although Laurie does deserve her hiatus. Thanks for giving me a kitteh fix! These guys are just darling. Those feet are awesome!
ReplyDeleteThanks to everyone for the kind words about our adult kitties in the cattery. Here's a brief summary of the last week...
ReplyDeleteWOW, it's been awesome in the cattery! So many wonderful adult kitties found their new forever homes, including gentle Mia (she's been here a month!), Big Howard (handsome siamese boy), Clare (our cow kitty), Satin (as soft and gentle as her name), Ice Cube (a silly name for a silly girl), and Monty (very curious, just like kitties should be). I might have forgotten a few, it's been busy and in a very good way! YAY!
For those of you in Western WA, if you have Comcast OnDemand, you can watch some of our big kitties on our adoption program. Just go to your OnDemand program, then Get Local, Around the Sound, Pet Adoptions, Pierce County, Cats. We record new kitties each week, the new recordings hit the air on Friday evenings. Get to know these biggies and celebrate with us when they get adopted!
Thanks so much for sharing the adorable Treadwells with us!! I have 4 cats already...and I want a kitten!
ReplyDeleteYou Treadwells are adorable! What cool feet you have.