Monday, September 29, 2008

The Livermore Four

From the bottom left, going clockwise:
Albert, Lyle, Trudy and Davy Livermore.


  1. I swear, Trudy gives the most attitude-filled looks! I'm pretty sure she knows EXACTly how adorable she is and I love it. What a little princess :)

  2. What an absolutely awesome batch of fluffy furballs. They are so cute. I wanna snuggle with them all. I love how fluffy they are, not just kitten fluff, but the makings of a beautiful long haired coat of fur!!!!

  3. I'm breaking out in song -- you are so beautiful to me....(a good thing unless anyone can hear me).

  4. Another beautiful batch of babies!

  5. sweet! Cute lil purr machines!

  6. Their names are just purrfect and so are they. This picture, all four of them lying around the curve of a basket or bed, shows how itty bitty they are. Could I please just carry them around in my shirt for a while?

  7. The Livermore Four! Bound to be just as popular (if not more so) than those, uh... four shaggy boys from Liverpool a few years back...*G*

    These Livermores are are kitteh perfection!

  8. So much cuteness in one place. Davy, honey, you're eyes are gorgeous!

  9. do i have to chose just one?, i dont think that's possible, they are ALL perfect!
    i can't wait to see pics of Ms. Butterbean and her new fuzzy four.

  10. Oh my! I'm going to passout on my keyboard! I just had my fist look at the Livermores! I may faint from all the cuteness!

  11. Oh my, they're so teeny, tiny. Those gorgeous close-up portraits sometimes fool me into thinking that they're bigger than they are!

  12. The Fabulous Four!

    Look at all of that kitty goodness! No wonder Miss Trudy has attitude! She's got four brothers to stand behind her!

    A beautiful bunch - of course!

  13. these kittens are absolutely adorable!! although, i always think that:) just a little de-lurk to say you do such an amazing job with the itty bitties:)

  14. yay! more kittehs! They are so sweet and darling. And their portrait photos are so beautiful. Thanks for posting!

  15. Just thought you might like to know that there are 2 Pettibone Kitties on today. And they got big too.

  16. I just happened to pop over here - lo and behold I was rewarded with all 4 of the Livermores!! Plus a picture of little Davy too. Lordy, they are such beauties all of them, wish I could give them all a cuddle in person. I bet they are adorable all playing together.

  17. They are adorable! Very nice to meet the Livermores.

  18. They're so tiny and sweet. Yet another great name choice!

  19. They all look very sweet, and less scared than they originally were, I bet. Lyle is particularly cute. :)

  20. As soon as the page loaded, I let out a very loud "Awww!" This definitely made my day.

  21. I must ask... Where did the name come from? Do they prefer liver to any other food? Are there itty bitty livers enlarged? (I hope not.) It's an unusual name, and I'm intrigued.

    Of course, the kitties are gorgeous, and I can't wait to hear about some of their antics.

  22. Princess Trudy and her court. How adoreable!!!!

    I'm so going to enjoy watching you little ones explore the IBKC home - and then head off to forever homes of your own!!!

  23. nk - I'm guessing the name came from a conversation that was something like this:
    Laurie, to the IBK: Liver?
    IBK: MORE!!!
    And yes, they are winsome...the idea of stuffing the lot into my shirt is VERY appealing. Aaah, we can now sit back, make a cuppa and enjoy the new round of Itty Bitties.

  24. hmm. how can you tell they are tiny?
    need to put a paperclip or a coffee cup by them in one photo for reference. :)

  25. Oh those wise little faces! Just like Elizabeth when she was an IBK. I have to go kiss her now. I added you on my faves list at the Museum - meant to do that a long time ago.

  26. Ohhh my god, the cuteness!! What beautiful babies...Their Forever Families will be so lucky indeed!

  27. Albert has officially stolen my heart with those gorgeous kitty eyes!

  28. What a cute basketfull!! Just wanted to thank you for your site here; it warms my heart every day & I missed your photos & comments when you were on hiatus.

  29. Oooh - I love Davy's little arm resting on Trudy!! Protective big brother? Does she have an orange tint to her coat, or is that just the light reflecting off her sleek black fur?

  30. Can I snorggle in the middle????? ppllzzzz... -Jeanne

  31. WOW!!! Those babies are all so cute! We had a youngster wandering outside this morning looking for home. I sure hope he/she found it.....sure was a friendly little striped kitty.

  32. darn. i was one of the first people to purchase MS Butterbeans post cards and i must have posted my postitive comments to the wrong place! now i'm not able to re-post them.
    they are BEAUTIFUL postcards! she is the most precious kittie ever! and I love them and I will purchase more!
    so there ya go.

  33. *sigh* Now I've got to scrub chapstick smears off of the monitor. Too cute fer words!

    What a lovely load of Livermores!

  34. Let it be said again: I don't know how you come up with the perfect names, but you do.

    When I adopt Tortie #3, I will be coming to you for advice. :)

  35. Such beautiful fluffballs!

  36. Four little Livermores all in one cat cup. I must drink them all up.


  37. Sigh - one cat cup + 4 kittens = easy to run away with them!!

    Anyone up for it?

    I can head down I-5 in aabout 20 minutes!

    I can go to sleep and be my kitty girls' warm lump



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