Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Two Pound Angel

When Miss Enid stepped on the scale yesterday, she passed the two pound mark.

Still, her tiny wings are strong enough to get her off the ground. She spends lots of time roosting on our shoulders and the backs of chairs. More than once, I have found her hanging from the drapes.


  1. Awww Miss Enid would be coming home with me... ;)

  2. She is so darned adorable! I think I must fight Martin for her!

  3. yeah! another curtain climber!
    (at least she can just fly away if she gets too high and gets scared! :)
    so adorable!

  4. Oh yah, Julia? I guess I'll have to take you and Martin on for Julia. That would only make the fight fair!

    Enid. What a precious girl. These LaBaths. Sigh.

  5. Ahh, the flutter of teensy wings! does that outcute the pitter patter of bittykitty feet? ooooh, so close!

  6. Awen they are all precious aren't they... Id have the whole family if i could...

  7. Two pounds...that means Enid is read for her itty bitty surgery.

    Those "wings" are cute!

  8. She's so damn cute from any angle! Those wings are just too much.

  9. Oh gods...so cute (and of course she likes the heights...she's got itty bitty kitty wings :3)

    Oh, if she wasn't literally across the country from me, I'd have to talk seriously with hubby about the little one. :3 (And if she weren't already named Enid, I'd suggest Nina for a name, but that's me. :3)

  10. Now she needs a halo around her head to match the wings :)

  11. Valerie - if you only knew. This kitten is way off the sweet meter. She has been from day one. Sigh...

  12. A precious angel-kitty...
    how adorable she is - and it is wonderful to hear she is off the scales sweet, too. Her new family will be blessed!

    Kisses to Enid and her sisters!!

  13. I dare say someone needs to invent a new sweet-o-meter for all these girls. The current one will not suffice.

  14. Valerie - *I* see a little halo there! And whoever is blessed to provide her forever home is SO lucky! (Anyone with whom a kitty lives is blessed, is my opinion) but those WINGS! Yes, Marjorie - close call, but think on't. Precious Enid has BOTH pittypatty ittybitty paws AND fluttery bittykitty wings. (That's NOT to say her siblings are any less adorable than she, of course!)

  15. Oh good gravy. Could she BE any sweeter?? ~swoon~

  16. Oh goodness...those wings are just the cutest thing ever! My heart just melts at the sight of those wings. A true angel kitty! Too bad I promised Husband that we'll stop at 3 cats...really, what's wrong with being the crazy-cat-couple and having a dozen???

  17. This darling girl must be related to Mrs. Jane Tabby of the Catwings stories. Perhaps one of her grandchildren?

  18. Hyacinth, I know what you mean. I want more, husband says we'll be known as the crazy cat people and nobody will housesit for us when we go out of town. Whatever! Although, he DOES scoop the litterbox, so I get the better end of the deal.

    I LOVE ENID. If I lived closer, I'd definitely fight for her. What a doll.

  19. dale-harriet-of course! All of the IBKC's kittens have halo's and wings. All of them! Enid is just proud to show them off, that's all! >^.,.^<

  20. And can we talk about Enid's nose? It's so darling 'cause it is just a regular little kitty nose until the very tip which is a perfect PERFECT grey triangle. This girl has heavenly written all over her. Maybe that's what Miranda's dots would say if we could join them, "Enid is heavenly".

  21. Ohhhh, little lovey baby wings...Seen the black kittehs down at Next to Nature? They don't have wings but they're cute too. Congrats on good operations!

  22. So it's true.
    Cats really ARE angels with fur!!

  23. I think Miss Enid is my favorite LaBath.

    (Please don't tell the others, they'll get jealous.)

    If I didn't already have two. And wasn't in New York...

    ::skritches her ears::

  24. Sweet, sweet Enid. When it's her turn to come to the shelter for her IBK snips, you might find me placing her gently in my pocket. No one will notice. Oops, I guess I gave it away. I love my Enid!

  25. It must help so much to have wings when you are a kitten. Nothing is out of reach or bounds!

    Miss Enid you are a one off!



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