Monday, March 23, 2009

It's Milton Monday

Ashby Kittens in the Window

Ashby Kittens in the Window

Ashby Kittens in the Window

Ashby Kittens in the Window

Ashby Kittens in the Window

Ashby Kittens in the Window


  1. Oh that little spotted belly is so cute! What a glorious little tabby boy!

  2. I love that 4th shot - the placement and shape of his paws is just beautiful.

  3. Itty bitty paw pad prints!

  4. Precious little paws - and I love how Bunny is watching him! What was outside that caught his attention?

  5. What a precious little guy you are, Milton!

  6. If your cats are anything like mine, you have not only little paw prints on your windows but also noseprint schmizz.. I'm forever washing the insides of my windows about 9inches from the bottom of the window. SO many things outside to intrigue them!

  7. Thank you for the belly shots! Now, excuse me while I swoon from teh cute!

  8. what a cute little spotty fluffy belly and cute paws Milton has! so precious - Jeanne

  9. Little Mister has the sweetest knees! And a speckled belly like my Tiger Lily...looks just like her actually.

    Your blog truly brightens my day.

    Andrea in California

  10. MILTON is just MAGNIFICENT!!! What a curious little guy he is, too cute for words, esp the picture with little Bunny included in the fun.

  11. Milton! Your cuteness is a perfect beginning to my Monday!

  12. Oh, Milton! My heart is meltin'

    What a sweet boy! I want to snorgle me some belly spots & nom on some kitten paws!

  13. Belly spots! Adorable toesies! Oh gosh, I'm having vapors. Smelling salts please!

  14. Milton, you brightened my Monday blahs. Spotty belly! Nomible!

  15. Milton pattycakes! Superkissable chocolate palms.

  16. Methinks someone needs belly pettings!

  17. Yippee, we finally get to see his famous belly spots!

    Thank you, Laurie, I really needed this dose of cute today.

  18. Here's another thing I love about the IBKC and it's groupies: No NUFFERS! Peeps can just say they want to nibble or nom the IBK feet and nobody writes back to say, "eww!". We just get in line for our turn at the toes.

  19. Oh I am so in love with him right now! That belly is so cute - and the look on his face in the first picture - I love it!

  20. Look at the wee little paws! I can't stand it.

  21. What a fluffy cute belly Milton has!

  22. Mr. Milton so reminds me of my Oliver, who is now officially a fat a$$ but loves looking out the window. I think Milton has a future as a mime! :-)


  23. I think Milton Monday is one of the best inventions ever. Can we have this as a weekly feature for as long as he resides with you?

  24. beautiful spotted belly!
    i like the first shot- what a great watch-cat Milton will be
    I can hear him now, standing up and growling at the random stranger or dog! that might dare to pass by 'his' window!
    and adorable little perfect toe pads!

  25. Mr. Milton, you have one of the all time most nomible bellies! Love those spots! And those chocolate toes give sweetness to your spice. What a cutie!!!!!

  26. For some reason the first picture made me think of Alvin (of Alvin and the chipmunks)...what a cutie pie Milton is!

  27. Oh YES, what THEY said! I just love the spotty little tummies on stripey little kitties. And I'm with Anne B (as usual); anyone who doesn't *get* belly snorgling or paw-noms is missing out bigtime. (But that's ok - more for the rest of us!)

  28. Oh my heavens! Meowm just wants to rub that little tummy!

  29. God he's beautiful! Congratulations!

  30. Ok, so one of the first things by boyfriend asked me about today was what was new on the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee. I had to laugh. He totally agrees that Milton is awesome - if only we didn't live in Chicago.

  31. oooh bellyspots, fuzzles and love! Sweeeeeet!

  32. Awww, so this's the tabby boy with the belly spots! *cuddles him* He sounds darling. I wouldn't be able to resist petting that belly if I were there, I don't think.

  33. Oooh Sir Milton of Plentiful Belly Spots!

    You are gorgeous and I am glad you are enjoying SOMETHING that is obviously of great kitten interest....just what is it?

  34. I bet if you played connect the dots on those belly spots it would say "Cutie Pie".

    I love these shots!

  35. Oh my goodness! Those paws! That spotted belly! I don't know what else to say, but I imagine you all understand.

  36. me thinks milton is the cat's meow.


  37. Oh my goodness...his little haunches are too much. I love him! *swoons*

  38. allergies-smalergies. who needs to breathe when you can cuddle such cuteness! :)

  39. Is Milton behind glass? Exhibit A: Cute. Lots of cute behind this glass, but we don't want you to touch it--it's very contagious.

  40. Chanter - Laurie has posted a series of six shots of the wee boy. They are apparently taken from outdoors and in most he's up on his haunches on that famous window sill with a front paw or two pressed against the glass.

    Bunny appears beside him wondering what the fuss is all about. My sense is that his attention is on Laurie as she finds the perfect angle for the perfect shot.

    Of course, this is the perfect method for showing off those famous belly spots of his. I really think that was his motivation all along.

  41. I just want to kiss the bottoms of those cute little paws.



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