Thanks to a referral from Wendell's dad, Norman Ashby has found his family.
All Ashby's have their last round of shots on Tuesday afternoon, and will start departing shortly thereafter.
I know it seems crazy fast, but these healthy little kittens have grown like weeds. No sniffles or bugs to slow them down. Also, this round found their families in record time. It's rare that everyone has a place before they are ready to leave the nest.
Nice work, kittens. You've made your mama proud.
And now.... a little blatant self promotion.
For all of you Seattle folks, I'll be selling my crafties at the Sandpoint Antique and Design Market this Sunday. For more info.. visit here.
AND for you Portland peeps... I'm doing a little trunk show at Flutter, my friend Cindy's shop, on Saturday, April 4th from 11 AM to 6 PM. There's more info here and here. Come say hello, if you're in hood.
i'm incredibly jealous of the person who gets to take norman home...he's my favourite
ReplyDeleteIf things fall through for Norman (or Clovis, or Rupert, or Milton or Bunny) there is a place for him (all of them) in Raleigh, NC. Just sayin' is all.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to all of them.
So glad Norman's found his forever home - yaaaay!
ReplyDeleteYay! So excited to hear than little Norman found his forever home too...it's amazing how each and every one of these itty bitties find their way into all of our hearts in such a short time...I'm so so so happy that all the Ashby kitties have found loving homes :) Great job Laurie and all the other IBKCers (humans and feline) for rescuing these beautiful kitties, taking such good care of them, and helping them find loving homes.
ReplyDeleteHooray! Go Floofy Norman! I'm so happy for you :)
ReplyDeleteThrilled for the adorable Norman.
ReplyDeleteNOW, could we please see Wendell as a grown up kitty? He was such a darling kitten (like the rest of the IBKs aren't/weren't too?)
Yea Wendell, Wendell's dad, Norman and the lot of you!
Huzzah! The Magic Workings of the IBKC are at it again!!!
ReplyDeleteWe're so happy that Norman has a forever family.
Jonah and Daltrey (and Mom Darin)
Aw, that's great news for Norman!
ReplyDeleteToes, Marbles, Cloud & I are thrilled!
ReplyDeleteThe best little floof found a great home. It's a compliment to the IBKC hosts and helpers that they get referrals from loving IBKC alumni!
We will miss the Ashby's, yay for healthy kittens...boo for how fast they grew up
I agree with the lot! After waiting (and waiting and waiting) we were SO delighted with the little Ashbys....now we're so delighted FOR them. That IS fast, their finding forever homes. It's very good that there weren't so many babies for a while - but I do hope there will be some new IBKs for us to love and admire. You should maybe check the statistics - has there been a population explosion in the Seattle area? 'Cause I can imagine a LOT of us moving there, JUST so we could bring home some Itty Bitties.
ReplyDeleteGood work -- foster mama...Cudos to you!!
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Norman, and so much better for that very fortunate family. Live long and prosper, little guy.
ReplyDeleteOh this makes me happy! Yay, Norman! Little floofball of love!
ReplyDeleteWow! It's great this round of IBK found homes so soon. I'll miss them of course but finding homes is far more important. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo! I suppose part of it is that there are fewer kittens available right now, but I think the biggest part is the Ashby family charm.
ReplyDeleteDale-Harriet, I can just imagine some poor demographer trying to figure out why there's such a surge of people from all over the world moving to the Tacoma/Seattle area.
As if your kitten care and feeding skills weren't enough, your art/craft work is nothing less than stunning. If only I could see it (and you!) in person.
ReplyDeleteGreat success with the shows.
I'm so excited to hear that everyone found a home! This was such a special bunch.
ReplyDeleteNorman! Last but not least! Congrats one and all...
ReplyDeletePlus I am going to Sandpoint on Sunday...can't wait to meet you!
Good they found their homes... Wish them all the best.
ReplyDeleteWell, I just took a little trip down memory lane by clicking on Wendell's highlighted name in this post.
ReplyDeleteThat was one cute little muffin. And I couldn't help but notice that there were very few comments on some pretty amazing posts. It was before you hit the big time, Laurie.
What a beautiful little boy.
Congratulations to Norman, Wendell & Wendell's dad! And Laurie too.
ReplyDeleteHip hip hooray!!
I just came across these two sites that I thought folks here might be interested in:
ReplyDeleteCats: http://www.freekibblekat.com/
Dogs: http://www.freekibble.com/
They donate 10 pieces of natural, organic kibble to an animal shelter with every quiz question answered (1 daily)
Started by a little girl who wanted to help the cats and dogs, they get companies to sponsor it.
WAIT WAIT! Laurie - are there enough pictures of the Ashbys for some {koff koff} you know, POSTCARDS?? Just idly thinkin', you know. And when (har har) I win the lottery, or when my huge best-seller book goes to movie rights (har) I'm coming to ALL of your shows......I'll be there anyway, maintaining my Summer (Winter?) home in order to adopt baskets and baskets of IBK.
ReplyDeleteLittle Norman is my favorite too!I'm so happy he's found his home. I adopted my cat when he was three, so I missed the kitten age, but when I look at Norman's sweet face, I can see what my Henry may have looked like when he was a little one. They have a very similar look! Be good little Norman! And send lots of pictures of you growing up!
ReplyDeleteLaurie, hope you had a great weekend at the fairs.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to make a photo request before these kittens depart. I really need to know what Bunny's toe beans look like.
Yay Norman! He's going to be waaaay floofy when he grows up.
ReplyDeleteAnd we need more pics with Charlene before they depart! They're so adorable together.
ReplyDeleteNorman is breathtaking and will be an utterly gorgeous adult! Lucky family! Purring in California, ==Marjorie
ReplyDeleteYay, I am so happy Norman found a good home!!!
ReplyDeleteNorman is going to be the most beautiful of all of the Ashbys when he is all grown up.
ReplyDeletei hope his new mom and dad will
take photos of him as he grows up and share with us.
Yeah Norman!
did they all already go in
to get 'fixed'? I must have missed that {{part}}.
Woo-hooooo!!!!! Go Norman Go!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Norman, Wendell & Norman's new family!!! If you're ANY bit as excited as I am, you're counting the hours and minutes 'til tomorrow afternoon!!!!!