Meet Tressa Lovejoy.

Quite possibly the cutest kittens in the history of all kittens? Yes?

For those of you who voted "Torbie", you are correct. I know, some of you are probably thinking she's a calico, but she's not. A calico has distinct patches of color, Tressa doesn't. She has blended patches of color like a Tortie, in a distinctive Tabby pattern, which makes her a Torbie.
Take a look at her lovely markings.

Cute, eh?
It's 9:02 and I can tell you're all holding your breath,, so I should just hit..."post". Click. Enjoy!
SQUEEEEEEE! I was just thinking about how pretty a black and white tabby would be, but she's black and white and orange! What a pretty, pretty princess!
ReplyDeleteTressa certainly doesn't disappoint!! I don't think I've ever seen a torbie before but now I want one! She's precious - I loved her instantly.
ReplyDeleteYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA! ADORABLE! I have been clicking refresh for 10 minutes now! Thanks Laurie - what an enjoyable morning of anticipation!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness. Yes goodness. Again, I wish I lived closer.....I would love to share our home with one of these Lovejoys!!!!!! She is a little doll........
ReplyDeletegloria in Clinton, MS
you certainly saved the best for last! she's beeyoooteeffull!
ReplyDeleteThis is an incredibly gorgeous litter. Sigh... kittehs.
ReplyDeleteooooohh ....she is sooooo sweet and soooo cute and sooooo pretty... - Jeanne
ReplyDeleteOh What a Doll!! Look at that face! Tressa, you are an angel. She was totally worth the wait.
ReplyDeleteWow! Adorable doesn't do her justice. I need to invent a new word but I can't think of one- I am overcome!
ReplyDeleteOMG, Tressa is terrific!! What an adorable little baby she is. And I learned something new too...all this time I thought my Ginger was a calico (she has similar markings) but after looking at the pics of Tressa and Laurie's description it turns out she's a torbie too! Either way, she's beautiful to us!
ReplyDeleteit is not possible. that is a fake kitten.
OMG. now i need a nap.
Well, I THOUGHT I was ready, but how can one be ready for this amount of adorableness? How lucky she is to have three darling brothers!
ReplyDeleteHow lucky are we to be able to watch them grow! Please don't feed them more than "just enough" so they won't go away any sooner than is absolutely necessary.
THUD! I did indeed fall over from the cuteness. What a gorgeous kitty. She's going to be a beautiful grown up.
ReplyDeleteShe has wonderful markings! I love all the pictures. I hope she turns out to be a snuggler, she's going to get cuddled a lot!
ReplyDeleteYep, that's just about the cutest kitten I've ever seen.
ReplyDeleteguess we have to move to WA now, cuz Mom says we NEED to adopt the whole litter... oh good, more boxes!
ReplyDeleteKnock me over with a feather, I've just seen the perfect face to adorn every little (and big) girl's birthday card! Precious precious precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOOOOOH. I was close as I thought calico. Why don't you just FedEx her to my house, she would fit right in with my 2 torties and a calico. How incredibly adorable.
ReplyDeleteWow, I love her coloring! She is going to be such a beautiful grown up cat.
ReplyDeleteAgain I will say it, I wish we could move and up our 2 pet maximum. Bring on the kitties!
xoxo Caroline
Eeeeee! I saw Ms. Butterbean tweet about Tressa and hurried over to see for myself. SO CUTE!!!
ReplyDeleteMay I be the first to offer to adopt her? I am even willing to drive from Raleigh, NC to WA to pick her up. Say, tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I've never seen such a cat. She looks like a miniature tiger.
YES. Cutest kitten in the history of kittens. I agree.
ReplyDeleteOh wow! She is adorable! My guess of calico was almost right. I had heard of torbies but wasn't quite sure of what they were but Tressa, you define what it is to be a Torbie! Lovejoy - what a great name for a litter of perfect little bundles of joy!
ReplyDeleteOh my god. She is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI just want to cuddle her into oblivion!!!
She is beautiful and thank you for the Torbie definition. Is she a turbo Torbie? ;)
ReplyDeleteOne orange teardrop and one black teardrop!?!
ReplyDeleteThat isn't fair! That is cuteness above and beyond the call of kittenhood!
More than that, she looks like she's packed with personality.
Awwww no way!!
ReplyDeleteShe is a lovely little kitten - Love her colours!!
She seems smaller than the boys though...
Oh my. I've always had a favorite of your litters. Not this time. There is absolutely NO WAY that I could pick out one. I'd have to adopt all four if I were in the market -- but alas I'm on the other side of the USA. What is the quickest adoption request you have gotten for a kitten ever -- maybe the same day the picture was posted? Just curious. This set may set a record.
ReplyDeleteOH MY SWEET PANCAKES, I WANT HER! If only we were adopting any animals...
ReplyDeleteOh. My. Dear. Sweet. Lord.
ReplyDeleteTressa is absolutely adorable! The cutest IBK EVER! She loves the camera & the camera loves her - and I need to wipe the lipstick marks off my monitor!
She is... PURR-Fect!
Exquisite! Adorable!
ReplyDelete...I don't think I've ever known cats could come in a coloring like hers, she's most unusual...
Not only is she a cute kitten, but she will be a lovely adult female cat for some lucky person.
ReplyDeleteYes, I think that might be the most beautiful kitten evar!
ReplyDeleteWow, she is so cute I can hardly stand it. Great for a crummy Monday morning! What a pick me up. She is definately in the fall down from the cuteness category!
ReplyDeletePhoto three is my favorite - a hint of what joy it is going to be to see all four Lovejoys together!
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, Charlene, you're still the fairest of them all, Lovey!
Just decided Tressa is my fav in this litter...
ReplyDeleteSorry boys you are lovely too but your sister is so lovely its untrue!
OH MY GAWD. She is the most darling baby I have EVER seen. Superlatives don't do her justice.
ReplyDeleteOh... so very lovely! If I was closer I would want to bring her home!
ReplyDeleteAha! I was right!
ReplyDeleteAwwww lookitherrrrr... how sweet is she?
OOOOOOOHHHH!!!! _palpitations_ oh my. Just oh my. Utterly, utterly!
ReplyDeleteI would give up my desire to have a tuxie boy to go along with my current tuxie girl for that one. The first thing I thought when I saw her was "SQUEEEEE" just like z_wilsonsa. Oh, sweetest baby!!!
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOSH she is absolutely gorgeous!! And those big watery eyes!!! She must know it too, look at her being a little ham for the camera!
ReplyDeleteshe is gonna be a heartbreaker when she grows up. OMG! What! A! Gorgeous! Kitty!
ReplyDeleteThose boys are cute, but Tressa is perhaps the cutest kitten I've ever seen. And I thought my two babies were the cutest ever...until now! She is a beauty queen.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! Tressa looks so much like my Chani! Thank you for the lesson about Torbies, Laurie. Now I know how to describe Chani.
ReplyDeleteso much cuteness... how do you stand it?
In our family, the cats have initiated into the numbering of all the cute poses, which all mummy cats teach their babies from birth. Tressa is doing 27a in the second photo, and 14b in the third. This is very impressive; they don't usually get beyond 13 to 15 at her age. But she's just CUTECUTECUTE with no pose at all!
ReplyDeleteShe is absolutely precious! And now Charlene, there is no need to Twitter your concern - you are still the reigning queen of the household - as a matter of fact, you can impart all your wisdom about being a georgeous cat to little Tressa. She's going to need your coaching - as you know, being beautiful does have its challenges and responsibilities!
ReplyDeleteI WANT HER!!!
ReplyDeleteDoes Washington, DC, qualify as Washington? ;)(I'm guessing not!)
Yay! I voted for torbie. She's awesome!
ReplyDeleteHey Laurie, just wondering. A lot of the photos of late have seemed really dark. Are you doing something different?
Oh my, what a beauty. They are all cute, but I love Tressa's mix of colours....
ReplyDeleteha HA! torbie, i DO win after all!! :D
ReplyDeletehow about gorbie though, for gorgeous torbie?
What a super cute kitten!! Just adorable.
ReplyDeletecute!!! and such a total princess!
ReplyDeleteSUGAR PIE, HONEY BUNCH. Love the shot of little Miss with brothers' pink toes surrounding her.
ReplyDeleteAndrea in Calif.
OMG!! She looks like my precious Kitters (r.i.p. - age 17) whom I always labled as a calico and was the most fabulous cat in the whole world - E'VAR!!! I would have flown out west for her....but I just rescued another little one on Saturday!
Tressa is a lovely girl.
ReplyDeletebut lets not forget Butterbean, who is the most beautiful of all kitties to place paw on this earth.
I really cant wait to see her with all of the kittens!
Torbies are the absolute best! Don't let that sweet, angel face fool you; if Tressa's anything like our torbie, she'll be a sassy little one. Just as all kitties should be.
ReplyDeleteShe's beautiful. Ah, now that's what confuzzeled me: two nations divided by a common language. You see, if you'd added tortie to the poll then I would have voted there. As that's what we call a torbie in the UK. I had a tortiseshell and white (torbie, tortie) called Puddy. She was gorgeous. They are good healers, and usually take over as the boss of whoever is around.
ReplyDeleteawwww what a perfect halloween kitty!!! even better than a poofed up black cat :) she is just too adorable!
ReplyDeleteOh my golly....I am in the car, will be there in 8 hours. I am in love!!
ReplyDeleteThat's it. She's close enough to a calico for me. I'm on my way north to steal a couple kittens. And the grump sleeping on a stack of scratch paper next to me can just deal with it!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a perfect kitten!!! The entire bunch is too cute for words, but Tressa is the ultimate cuteness.. I love her little nose... oh how I want that little furball, too bad i don't live in the area to adopt her :(... i'm sure there is a huge line waiting for her right now haha.
ReplyDeleteYay, I guessed Torbi!
ReplyDeleteShe is darling, like her brothers. They have the sweetest little faces.
KERTHUNK!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what happened when I saw her face, and her markings! OMG! It looks like someone took markers adn scribbled orange and then black/gray...she is absolutely awesome. I need to move to your area just to adopt Ms. Tressa of the Lovejoys.
ReplyDeleteWonderful building up of the excitement, btw!
She is exactly as I imagined her: perfect.
ReplyDeleteI have just died of love...
ReplyDeleteCutest kitty EVER!
I love the little sleepy face behind beautiful Tressa in that third picture.
ReplyDeleteI was VEERRY close in guessing calico, though I still rule that calico is a series of colors and not a marking set, but meh! That is the cutest little face ever, I simply don't care on the nit-picky stuff!
ReplyDeleteSo cute!
ReplyDeleteCan you repost the "Mystery Lovejoy" photo but now showing Tressa? It's such a sweet, little group photo. I'd love to see all four together.
she's cute, cute, cute. So cute ( as are her brothers but not quite so cute) that I have had to put fingers to keyboard. Shame I'm on the other side if the pond!
ReplyDeletewanna, wanna, wanna, stamp, stamp, stamp and other tantrums!
Love your blog it cheers up my day but today was best
Oh, how adorable!! I knew it'd be a torbie, because she looks so much like my little girl Scherzo who came from a litter of orange-and-whites!
I agree with Anonymous, please re-post the picture of the mystery kitten will all kittens revealed! A card in the making, perhaps?
ReplyDeleteOh be still my heart. I think I have gone to pretty kitten heaven.
ReplyDeleteAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I have never seen a Torbie before. I'd move to Washington just so I could adopt her. And what a beautiful name for such a beaauuuuuuuuuutiful kitten!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'll add my SQEEEEEE!!!! to the hoards! Precious! But I've got to admit, the kitten I'm looking at at any given moment, is the cutest kitten on earth to me. Ask me to choose between... impossible!
ReplyDeleteEven the appearance challenged (would that be the PC term?) ittys are adorable.
Work did intrude so I missed Ms. Tressa's debut at 9am. Darn!
Well. Well. Well.
ReplyDeleteLeave it to the girly of the family to break out all of those colors!
Beautiful girl. Beautiful babies.
Of course.
Oh my. I need a snorgle. That kitty... I might move to Seattle just to have that kitty!
ReplyDeleteMeowm just passed out! She just couldn't handle the cuteness!
ReplyDeletewahouuuu....so cute !! I love her !!!
ReplyDeleteOMG!! she is just to cute for words and such a ham..the poses are just melting my heart!!I have 4 kitties and that was my limit.. but my goodness they are just too..too..cute
ReplyDeleteNow I know what a torbie is. And, of course, I want one. Over the top adorable.
ReplyDeleteOh the picture of her with her front paws curled! I just want to rub that belly and kiss it too. She is absolutely a kitty to melt my heart. Thank you for a meltable Monday with the lovely and sweet Tressa Lovejoy!
ReplyDeleteIf I lived near you, I would be pounding on your door already to lay claim! She's GORGEOUS!
ReplyDeleteThanks again Laurie, seeing Miss Tressa was the perfect thing for a Monday (any day really), and picture #2 with the upside down kitty face makes a great wallpaper for my desktop!!!! She is so gorgeous.....
ReplyDeleteTressa = Trouble + Tessa
ReplyDeleteIs that right, Laurie?
I am overwhelmed by the charm and obvious intelligence...."My brother did it" will be her refrain!
Oh Miss Butterbean...you are gonna have your paws FULL with this set of kittens.
They will try to charm their way out of trouble.
Awwww...she is adorable!!! She reminds me a bit of our little Miss Ramona:)
ReplyDeleteShe's gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteSo lovely!
ReplyDeleteI think you might want to keep this one permanently. You could get a life time of lovely photos with her.
ReplyDeleteI knew I guessed right! What a precious litter this is and check out those markings!
ReplyDeleteShe is exquisite. What a sweet girl!
ReplyDeleteOh Lord...I'm not moving to Seattle for a year! But it'd be worth it to relocate just to pick up Tressa and cover her in kitty kisses!!!
ReplyDeletesoooo precious!! i would almost quit everything and move to WA to adopt her! :)
ReplyDelete~Em in CA
Ooh...she's a beauty! I did vote for calico...but her torbie markings are gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a very long wait...but well worth it >^..^<
what a sweet litter! they are so adorable. i love the creamsicle boys and the chocolate sprinkled little girl.
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing!
OMG!!! If I hadn't just adopted two babies a few months ago, I'd be on the next plane to Seattle to scoop up Tressa and a brother!
ReplyDeleteOHHHH! Oh oh oh! I "awwwwed" out loud when I saw that photo. She is stunning, and a little charmer too.
ReplyDeleteI bet she has as much personality as my 8 month old torbie (no white), Tessa. LOL You - and her brothers - are in for a wild ride. :-)
ahhhhh... definitely the cutest!!! I've never seen or heard of a torbie, but she is beautiful!
I just walked in the the door from work and fell in love. She is just...I can't even find a word that is better than "beautiful"...or "stunning"...or..."magnificent". What a charming little lady. Laurie, you have the most awesome job in the whole wide world!
Oh wow! I wish I could have another kitten... or that my parents were ready to get a new kitty... Anything to get that adorable ball of cuteness somewhere near me. She is most definitely the cutest kitten ever!
ReplyDeleteOMG she is so so cute, and I was right...
ReplyDeleteI'd love to adopt her, pity I'm thousands of kms away.
Oh, my god, she's amazing. What a lovely little kitteh!
ReplyDeleteIs she sumthin' or is she sumthin'? Wow... She'll be the first one to be adopted I bet!
ReplyDeleteThe nearly-identical boys look like Miss Tressa's backup singers.
ReplyDeleteOh she is just darling. What an adorable sweet little face and that tummy is just begging for scritches. Sigh...
ReplyDeleteI wish I lived in Tacoma, so I could adopt all these cute little critters.
ReplyDeleteShe's adorable. In my country, they said that a cat with 3 or more colors will bring luck....Meowwww
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness those stripes look painted on!! How adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else notice the subtle outlining of her nose leather? Amazing kitty. Can't wait to see what she looks like grown up.
ReplyDeletei'm tickled with kitty cuteness overdose!! Torbie, torbie, torbie... adorabie :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous cat!
ReplyDelete*thunk* That's me falling over, and that's just from imagining all the cuteness! I *love* torbies! The kitty I want to bring home (touch a whole lot of wood and hope I can soon) is a torbie, so I'm admittedly biased as it gets. Much, much love!
ReplyDeleteOh my, she is a very beautiful torbie. I'm a torbie myself but it's hardly noticable as my siena coloured parts are only small compared to the silver parts. What I adore most is her nose! I'm glad she's not battling in the Kitty Fight Club over at The World according to Misha. Yay to torbies!
ReplyDeletePurrs, Siena
TOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUTE!!!! I cannot write my paper because I keep looking at her royal adorableness! :)
ReplyDeletemy cat looks just like her and shes a calio tabby shes called pippa
ReplyDeleteHi!! This little kitty is soooooo adorable!! I just got a torbie and is soooo cute also!! Well please visit my blog at www.chefcecilia.blogspot.com I really want some views and comments! Thanks a bunch!