Now, that position he was in was cute enough to make me pause for a moment. I sat down next to him on the couch and that's when I noticed his tiny pink tongue protruding from his mouth a good quarter of an inch. To top it all off, he was purring.
I've seen kittens sleep with their tongue sticking out just a tad, but I have never witnessed a kitten giving as much tongue as Nelson did today.
I was trying hard to wait until tomorrow to share these pictures with you, but I just can't keep them to myself for one moment longer.
Way to go, Nelson. You've taken cute to a whole new level.
OK Folks,, are you ready for this...

That is too cute and too funny for words. A picture says it all!
ReplyDeleteI loved the story leading up to the pictures. How utterly adorable. As my bf said, "What a happy baby!" Mr. Purrs whilst falling asleep with tongue sticking out... So adorable.
Aaaww, definitely too sweet to save until morning! Thanks for sharing :) I keep coming back to stare in between sentences of this paper I'm supposed to be working on tonight!
ReplyDeleteThat is too adorable for words!
ReplyDeleteStay just as sweet as you are, little man!
ReplyDeleteAwww, how cute! My kitty used to sleep like that when she was a baby, and I would just melt. This was definitely too good to save until morning.
ReplyDeleteOh I think I just fainted from the sheer cuteness of little sleeping Nelson with his tongue sticking out...I think I'm going to sit here and just stare at those pictures all night :) Oh, and you're right, I've seen kittens/cats sleeping with a little bit of their tongue sticking out, but Nelson was just letting it all hang out :) Please give him a hug and extra cuddles from me, for being so adorable :)
ReplyDeleteSuch cuteness with an accompaniment of PURRS???
ReplyDeleteBliss - Thanks for not keeping us in suspense!
Aaack! I am speechless from the cute. Must have purrbaby. Must have him now. I'll be right over!
ReplyDeleteOMG Nelson! That's some kind of cuteness crime or something. I can't stop laughing!
ReplyDeleteI can not believe all this cuteness!!
ReplyDeleteOH my gosh, that was entirely too cute! I'm so glad that you didn't wait until morning to share it with us. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAwww. I have to know how long you were able to look at that sweetness before you touched that little tongue to put it back??
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, this is too cute!
ReplyDeleteThat's sooo cute!
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh..he is sooo cute and hilarious..What a cute tiny pink tongue..maybe he's dreaming of his mother cat... - Jeanne
ReplyDeleteSQUEEEEEEEEEEE! (I actually said this out loud)
ReplyDeleteO.M.G.!!! It's a good thing I was warned and put the tea cup down before looking!
ReplyDeleteI would not have been able to resist touching that little tongue!
That is one happy kitteh! Made a grey Monday into a happy Monday
Gosh, the spring air must taste good. Just yesterday a friend of mine posted a bunch of pictures online of her cat doing the same thing!
ReplyDeleteAwww. I wonder what he was dreaming about. Probably mice and catnip and milk and a little red ball.
ReplyDeleteI *squeeeed* when I saw that picture. I love little tongues sticking out! :D
The angle doesn't look comfy, but that is one relax-o kitteh! I love the tongue thing; when my cats do it, it always makes me laugh. They look so comical that way!
ReplyDeleteI hope Nelson's future family sees this picture. He looks so cute there.
ReplyDeleteToo cute!
ReplyDeleteHey little boy, you look so cute and relaxed. You must be having a wonderful dream. It is amazing the way kitties can sleep in the most contorted positions. And yes, that little pink tongue just kills me.
ReplyDeleteKittens fall asleep in the weirdest positions! I love that little tongue sticking out - one of our cats does that sometimes. He is such a cutie (well, they all are)!
ReplyDeleteThank you for not keeping this cuteness to yourself a second longer. I definitely feel lighter by seeing Nelson's teeny tiny tongue. Many meows of thanks.
ReplyDeleteno, i was not ready for this!
ReplyDeleteJezus! I cannot take such concentrated cuteness!
ReplyDeleteNelson, you have blown my cover. It's clear I wouldn't be laughing if I were really working on this excel spreadsheet. When kitties forget to put their tongue back inside always cracks me up.
ReplyDeleteApparently your couch has a flavor.
ReplyDeleteI can't STAND the sweetness. I was thinking what Jeanne wrote, that the baby was dreaming he was cuddled next to his mama.
ReplyDeleteAndrea in Calif
Oh good gravy. Teh cute, it burns! Dying here. Dying I tell you. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteJust when I think the kitties can't get any cuter, I am wronged! My cat falls asleep with her tongue out, but Nelson beats her in precious points. What a little darling! I can't get over the body position either - like he was sooooo tired that he just plopped down.
ReplyDeleteThat Nelson is a special boyo.
ReplyDeletePoor Nelson! Is he going to be embarrassed about this when he grows up? Are all the girl cats going to be sniggering behind their paws when he goes out? Oh, who cares? Such a handsome chap is going to charm their socks off, regardless! Such a cute little lad. Can I have him...or Neville....or Harlan....or Tressa....or all of them?
GASP. Oh. Whoa. Overdose on sweeeet!
ReplyDeleteOK, this does it. I'm moving to Tacoma. Must cuddle itty bitty darlings.
ReplyDeleteCat got your tongue? Haha.
ReplyDeleteSometimes when my cat licks himself he stops with his tongue sticking out but I've never seen him sleeping like that.
You've definitely cornered the market on cuteness. a tiny furry frat boy passed out at a kegger.
ReplyDeleteMust be an orange and white kitty thang, because my Malcolm does the same thing.