This is Drewey, our other permanent resident cat. She doesn't get a lot of blog time because she's doesn't play much of a part in the lives of the kittens. You will usually find her curled up in a ball under the bed , sprawled out in the sunshine on the deck, or avoiding interactions with Charlene.
Mostly, she lives the life of leisure, but Drewey does have one very important job. She monitors the comment section.
Lately, there's been a bit of a rise in the number comments needing to be deleted. The majority of which are posted anonymously. They've been just a tad snipey and negative, but enough to twitch her whiskers. She doesn't like to have to delete comments. It makes her really grumpy.
So please, think before you post. This is a feel-good, happy kind of place. Nothing negative. Okey Dokey?
From one senior citizen to another, Drewey, your wish is our command.
ReplyDeleteDrewey looks extremely disapproving of having to delete posts. I dont blame her. Personally I would never do anything to get her mad at me.
ReplyDeleteShe looks like she could get a lil cranky. (just a lil)
Oooo! If I were a negative commenter and I saw that picture of Drewey then let me just say I would sure be sleeping with one eye open!
ReplyDeleteoh dear! but it looks like drewey is up to the task.
I hear you Drewey, I hate deleting posts myself. I promise to behave....most of the time :)
Yes, Ma'am, anything you say Ma'am. Absolutely I will be on my best behavior at all times, Ma'am.
ReplyDeleteTo coin a ICHCism: Disapproving Drewery is... disapproving! You tell 'em gal!
ReplyDeleteHer point about thinking is well taken. Since this is a positve place, let's think positively and hope some of the snipeyness was unintentional - perhaps the authors may have forgotten that the typed word can't convey facial expression, body language or vocal inflection (or that everyone doesn't know their particular brand of humor)... and what was meant to be a comment filled with irony, or obviously a joke, just winds up sounding snarky and mean spirited to someone else.
We will watch it, Dear Drewery!! We love the IBKC and want it to stay a warm, safe place for everyone!
Grumpy Drewey is Grumpy. And the only thing that makes her grumpier than dealing with comments is interacting with the Butterbean.
ReplyDelete/em steps away from the Drewey.
Yikes. I love all the kitties and the work you're doing!!! xo
ReplyDeleteGood for you Drewey ! You have the proper expression to enforce politeness and civility.
ReplyDeleteThat aside, lovely Miss L ( she of the Hubble) and I have recently had this discussion about posters who avoid taking responsibility for their comments. I feel very hissy, not to mention ears flat, tails bushed when they do that...to quote my Miss Xena .." No likey."
You know what Drewey, you aren't the only one having problems lately. I saw on the the Hotties site that they had shut comments off yesterday because of something nasty someone said, and honestly it really made me angry. There has also been a lot of problems with spam on sites or to blog owners. It is really disapointing to me that people need to be like that. One of the first comments I received on my blog (which was never published) was negative and all I could think was how crummy must this person feel about themselves if they have to post a bunch of negative junk anonymously on a cat blog to make themselves feel better. If you can't say something nice then you deserve the wrath of Drewey!
ReplyDeletei can't see how anyone could post anything negative on such a wonderful, positive site.
ReplyDeleteyou keep 'em in line drewey!
This is definitely a positive, happy kind of Internet place. That's why I LOVE it.
ReplyDeleteDrewey, if you need any "muscle" to keep the negative posters from dragging this blog down, please let me know.
That having been said, I think your disapproving glance will suffice! :) Girlfriend? You GO!
One more thing. Drewey's glare scared me...just a little. Reminded me of being a naughty little girl in Catholic school and the look Sister Perpetua gave me after I got caught trading pencils with my best friend, Mary Frances. ::::shivers:::::
ReplyDeleteDrewey, do you know Sister Perpetua?
Oh Drewey, thanks for keeping this site happy. It brings smiles to so many faces.
ReplyDeleteThat said, if you need reinforcements, just let us know!
Drewey, you are so magnificent. Thank you for doing such a great job of nuffing the nuffers. ROCK YOUR OWN SELF ON, HONEY!
ReplyDeleteSo nice to see you, Drewey! I'm sure we will all be on our best behavior.
ReplyDeleteCrikey! The look on Drewey's face!
ReplyDeleteI saw that precise look on Sister Mary Margaret's face when I was railroaded in a chewing gum while in class charge.
Drewey! I love that face! I think she looks very regal... maybe she was a Dowager Empress in another life? Or even a Grand Empress Dowager??
ReplyDeleteI love it here, Dewey, and it seems I have you to thank for the happy nature of the place. You do a wonderful job. And, it's a great treat to see your cute, cranky little face. Thanks for your good work, Dewey!!
ReplyDeleteOh Drewey, you poor poor girl..I'd give you a kiss on the head even if you do look a little cranky :)
ReplyDeleteI just can't fathom why or how anyone could write negatively on this blog.
These are kittens...KITTENS I tell you...warm, fuzzy, funny, snuggly, sleepy, playful little kittens. This is the bestest place on earth.
Now back to some serious kitten watching on the screen.
Thanks Drewey for all your hard work!!
I can't even think of what kind of negative comment someone might be compelled to leave here! Guess some people just need to be negative!
ReplyDeleteDrewey's adorable face has pulled me out of lurkdom to post. That pink nose, that crabby tabby expression! It is love at first sight!
ReplyDeleteOk, mean comments suck and I can't even imagine why someone would do that here of all places. BUT if it means Drewey will be pictured more often...
Just kidding. :)
Drewey definately has a "Mind your manners" look about her.
ReplyDeleteHonestly Laurie, for someone who does such great work for all of kitty-kind, it is unfathomable that anyone could have ANYTHING negative to say at all. Elvis, Albert and I are truly appreciative for all you have done.
Oh my, I would love to hear a "message from the Rooster" about the fund raising efforts. We've heard messages from Hubie, Francine, and THE Bean. She's probably secretly teaching the Fortunato's how to operate the phone bank but keeps it on the down low so as to not ruin her grumpy visage...
ReplyDeleteDrewey - you are one awesome cat! I respect you - immensely! *snorgle*
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine looking at your kitties and even having a negative thought come into your head! Cuteness abounds!
ReplyDeleteI would never DARE post a negative comment if I knew I was going to get the stinkeye from Ms. Drewey. She is one tough cookie. But I still want to scritch her anyway... :)
ReplyDeleteAs someone that had her post deleted, I will say that I was not trying to be negative at all. I love this place and bringing the happy mood down certainly was not my intention. I thought I made a joke about two daddies and just felt the need to address the person that had to correct my "logic" as I am quite knowledgeable about genetics.
ReplyDeleteAgain I am sorry if it was rude/negative and I immensely support the work that you do and admire you deeply for it.
Keep up the good work Drewey...There's no room for nastiness here :)
ReplyDeleteThis is my 'happy place' that I look forward to visiting each day. It lifts my spirits to read about the IBKC, and look at all the pics.
Oh my...I am thinking we all need to stay in our happy place! And IBKC is indeed my happy place! Keep up the good work Drewey and all the rest of you kitties! You always bring me joy and I love you all!
ReplyDeletebtw Drewey, you're doing a great job because I visit many many times a day and I haven't seen anything nasty!
ReplyDeleteOkay, number one....how on earth could anyone post anything negative here? Seriously!
ReplyDeleteNumber two...Drewery is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love her!
What an elegant, venerable ladycat Mrs. Drewey is!
ReplyDeleteDarling Drewey,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for taking on such an important job for the IBKC. It makes me very sad to know some comments need to be deleted, but I sure am glad you're on the ball.
Personally, I adore your sweet face. I know you're a real pussycat and I send you cuddles and buddy bumps.
Pleased to see you telling those silly folks to enjoy the joy of the kittens!
ReplyDeleteAnd to stay away from the snark!
I was a tad startled as I scrolled down the page - but most of us humans would sit up and pay attention with you facing us!
Purrs and skritches....you hide your sweetness deep down I am sure!
Yeah, Drewey! You go get 'em!
ReplyDeleteGosh what a handsome old lady she is!
ReplyDeleteWe hardly ever see her so I had no idea she was so lovely.
Ms. Drewey, you look very stern indeed! Good job, monitoring all the comments posted to the blog. I hope your support staff person gives you lots of love and treats as "payment" for all the hard work you do. Could we see you smile, one of these days? Maybe? (Uhm, yeah, didn't think so...)
ReplyDeleteHow could anyone feel snippey on a site like this anyway??? Oh...they need to get into the furball spirit...stay here a while longer and also check out cuteoverload.com. If they can't smile then...something is really wrong! We love all the kitties on this site (and around the world too!)
ReplyDeleteOHHH< she is magnificently grumpy. What a wonderful feline portrait.
ReplyDeleteHow could anybody post something NEGATIVE here? Kittens? Beautiful foster-mommy-kitty-Butterbean? What's not to love?
So sorry comments need to be deleted....this is one of the best kitty and animal blogs...ever!
ReplyDeleteOh I love Drewster! Her fur looks so soft and warm. I bet if you buried your nose in her fur it would be just slightly sweet smelling and mayble just a little damp from a nap. Older kitties rock!
ReplyDeleteOh Drewey, it's too bad we don't see more of you! You look very annoyed, and I don't blame you.
Soft scritchies to you!
Awww... I've never seen a picture of Drewey before! She looks like she's been around the block a few times. How old is she?
ReplyDeleteHey Drewey, can I use your picture to 'warn' my office mates about cleaning up after themselves? You'd be purrfect scare tactic!! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHope to see your smiley side soon, too.
^ ^
. .
hmm. so, looks like 'hugs' are probably out of the question then? right Drewey? :)
ReplyDeletethe perceived attitude is priceless.
Drewey definitely looks like she is somebody you don't want to mess with - you might get a paw o' doom.
ReplyDeleteI love Drewey and think it would be fabulous to see more of her (even if it's just a photo of her napping). :D
ReplyDeleteGood for Drewey! Negative Nellies stay away.
ReplyDeleteDrewey was positively lovely and so sweet when I meet her on the porch for my visit and to pick up Enid and Hester.
Hester sends lots of buddy bumps and Enid is happy to clean your nose in lieu of kisses. Thanks for all your hard work in giving kittens a good start in life.
Michigoose,, she's around 17, we're not sure. She's been with us for 15 years, and she came to us when she was about a year or two.
ReplyDeleteThere's a post about how she came into our lives here:
Everyone: Regarding the negative comments, it's mostly all been small and subtle stuff, most likely unintentionally hurtful, but I don't want ANYone with hurt feelings around here.
One would not want to get on Drewey's bad side. Good for her! She knows what she likes and she doesn't put up with what she doesn't. It sounds like your house has a nice balance. Also, I know Drewey doesn't want to have to monitor for unpleasantness; it clearly makes her cranky! And it's just weird to me that people can be unpleasant in a lovely little spot like this. But that's the price of playing on the interwebs, I'm afraid. :(
ReplyDeleteI love the pic of drewey laying outside in the grass with dandelions. its very precious.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Drewey.
ReplyDeleteOh Drewey, I hope I never gave you cause to delete any of my posts. But if you did, I'm sure it was necessary at the time. I agree that this is a feel-good site. Some sites I go to deal with difficult subjects and feelings can carry over by accident. Anyway, I hope it never showed and if it did, I'm sorry.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I think you're a very cute kitty and we should see more of you here, even if you don't like the littler ones. Content adults are better than kittens any day. Last week my "kitten" (in attitude though not size) got overactive and knocked off my printer and 2 computer speakers making such a racket. My more mature cats would never do that. But I love all them regardless.
How lovely to see Drewey! I can't blame her for looking a tad put out, and I hope people will try to be more thoughtful in their comments, so she can enjoy her deck time.