OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW!!! Thanks to all of you AMAZING, LOVING AND GENEROUS people, we have reached an INCREDIBLE goal of $20K. I am going to wake the napping Fortunatos and tell them what we've done. There will be happy tears, dancing, and treats for all!!!
I think in my entire life, this will be the happiest story I will have to tell.
I think Cynthia deserves a star on the Kitty Walk of Fame! Wow, the power in numbers big and small. Hurray for kitties large and small.
ReplyDeleteAWESOME LAURIE!!! Give them kittehs kisses from Kookyhandbags!!
ReplyDeleteOh wow!! YAY!!!!! ~dances with cats~
ReplyDeleteGreat job, Laurie, Ms. Bean and all the IBKs....and their world-wide fan base!
I am just SOOO...... excited and thrilled for all the 4 footed friends-what a goal!! I was on the edge of my seat-just goes to show-animal people are just the BEST!!!
ReplyDeleteI am very happy. Wow, what a great accomplishment. Congrats to all IBKC'ers who made this possible and to Laurie and Charlene!
ReplyDeleteAlso: Cynthia, you are amazing.
Brilliant, is it wrong to be sobbing along with everyone else?
ReplyDeleteWay to go IBKC!
What a fantastic accomplishment, one and all...
ReplyDeleteSuper Duper!
wow - think of all the kitty babies who are going to be helped by this group effort! We are some kitty-lovin' folks for sure!
ReplyDeleteHugs all around, all around the world, for that matter.
Let's get drunk!
I say Cynthia deserves the naming of the next litter (and I'm sure a lot would give up their name in the hat for that). I think most would agree without her help, the goal might not have been reached.
ReplyDeleteAlso, how much do we have total..with the auctions and everything?
Count me among the crying tears of joy group! Congrats Laurie!!
ReplyDeletethe next 10 girl kittens need to be named cynthia and rita. Cynthia#2, rita#3, etc.
ReplyDeleteCynthia, you're a star!!!
Laurie, Charlene, and all the IBKs and donators -- WOOOOOOOO!!!
Bright blessings,
OMG!!!! Yay, Rita and Cynthia for helping push the tally over goal!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe challenge was just what was needed! Miss Aggie and I have joined Tori in dancing around the room!!!
YAAAAAAYYYY IBCK and all its gentle readers!!!
Wow, great job everyone. I leave the page for ten minutes to actually do little work and we break 20SQ. Woo-Hoo!
ReplyDeleteCoNgrATs to ThE ibKC and HuManE SociEty of TacOma/piErce CoUNty!!
ReplyDeleteMew..LuV, Ex-SheLtER KittieS:
HaZeL ( - BaSiL FaNcypAnTs)
& FuRguS "FurgER BUrgEr"
ReplyDeleteLaurie and the ibkc, you are the best fundraisers ever :)
A special yay for Cynthia from the heart.
I'm so glad for the cats.
Thank you so much Laurie!
YAY!!! Congratulations! It is incredible what has happened here. Thank you Laurie for being such an inspiration in the way you care for the IBKC! All of the kittens, and Charlene & Drewey are so special. The smiles you bring to every reader, and the spotlight you put on shelter animals is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely awesome.
ReplyDeleteThis speaks to the power of your conviction in helping kittens, and the goodness of an entire community of readers, kittens and friends.
I had to go wake up Baxter to give him the news and kisses and HE LET ME! A momentous day indeed.
ReplyDelete$20,000 all for the kitties! What generosity! What love!
ReplyDeleteCynthia, you rule!
OVER 20,000 dollars.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, this is proof positive of how much you are appreciated not only for your efforts in saving little bitty kitties, but how you have touched and blessed so many people across the world that will never even have the pleasure of meeting you, this would be that proof.
This is how so many of us have done something to thank you for being the magnificent woman that you are.
Congratulations! And many thanks to Cynthia for her wonderful matching offer - it inspired us to donate.
ReplyDeleteHey Charlene and Laurie, you can go to the bathroom now!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! What a wonderful, generous effort by so many! May many more itty bitty kitties be blessed in the future by all the donations!
ReplyDeleteBig tears here too - how amazing that so many people have stepped up for the kitty rooms!
ReplyDeleteAhhh - I love you all!
ReplyDeleteSo many kitties will be helped to so many new, forever homes and people all around teh world are helping them.
THIS is the power of the Internet!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!!!!!! THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!!! I just told my cat and kitten and they started to purr. I am so happy! =^.^=
ReplyDeleteHooray! Congratulations to you :) This is so exciting. Cynthia and Rita, you rock. Laurie and Miss Butterbean, what more can I add to what has already been said.
ReplyDeleteHooray again!
fantastic!! *big hugs for all kitties* <3
ReplyDelete*tears of joy and happy feet!!!*
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Laurie and Charlene and all the IBKs and everyone who helped out and Rita and Cynthia and... Just YAAAAAAY EVERYONE!! :)
God Bless us all. Kitties look out! There are stars in your future!!!! Great Job everyone! This is something to remember!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou know - what this site and the future kitten quarters at the HS and ESPECIALLY what laurie and sue and all others who foster kittens do - it has people think, WOW, i need kittens in my life! how did i ever exist before without kittens in my life! and this is going to help that thinking. :)
Whooohoooo!!! Congratulations!!!
ReplyDeleteCynthia is a fundraising godmother, for sure! I'm so touched and excited that there are so many wonderful people out there that care about kitties. Congratulations Laurie and the IBKC for this great fundraiser!!! Next year, 50 squillion!
ReplyDeleteListen ~ Shelter cats everywhere are purrrrrring!!
ReplyDelete"I think in my entire life, this will be the happiest story I will have to tell."
ReplyDeleteWhen you write your novel, that will have to be the first line. The story will be about how you helped the itty bitty kitties, how you let us watch and then let us help, and you made a huge difference.
Thank you.
I think Angela really hit the proverbial nail on the head. By having this fundraiser, you've given us all the ability to help you with the IBKCs and be a part of something bigger. Distance keeps most of us from being able to do more (i.e. adoption), and this made it possible. In this one exciting moment, we were all part of the IBKC!
ReplyDeletei love the ittybittykitties!
ReplyDeleteWowzer! Awesome! Woot!
ReplyDelete*runs after extremely reluctant cats for snuggles and kisses*
There aren't words. There just aren't.
Interwebs community: we haz it.
I'm going to go cry happy tears now.
Whooooo~! Way to go kitties, Moms, and Dads!
ReplyDeleteHope we get to see the Fortunatos celebrating. :3
ReplyDeleteI am not ashamed to admit that I join the happy, crying party too
ReplyDeleteamazing job everyone and I know that IBKC will make sure that money is well spent
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! CONGRATS!
ReplyDeleteHoly Toledo, that's just incredible! *applauds and beams*
ReplyDeleteWOWWOWOWWWWW... Just got in and WOW...Congrats to everybody..See Hubie Love, we made it again..Have to say Cynthia and Rita, you were super great with your donations..Laurie and the kitties, incl. Charlene (of course!) what a great job you guys achieved..that is such a fantastic fantastic news...Big big big big hugs to everybody (more to the babies!!!) from France and Ireland....
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely thrilled at this victory for generations of kittens to come. I LOVE the IBKC community! Laurie & Charlene, you rock!
ReplyDeleteI'm so inspired by your success! I can only imagine how great this is going to be for all the cats in your area! hurray!
ReplyDeleteThe teeny-weeny bit I was able to add made me feel good, so I can only imagine how you must feel, having inspired the enormous outpouring. It also inspires me to make a contribution, as soon as I can, to my local humane society. Thanks for all you do, to make our lives more kitty-filled, and to give the kitties better lives!
ReplyDeleteThis is such AWESOME news...I am out of town and just checking in on the IBKC to see what's up and see this great feat! Laurie, Charlene, Cynthia, Rita you are heroes... everyone - we did it! It feels great to play a small role in getting to 20 SQUILLION. Kitty lovers are the best!!
ReplyDeleteWOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteConCATulations from the east Coast! Way to gooooooooooo!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to mention that it is brilliant for the IBKC to have done soo much for this walk a thon. BUT let us not forget the myriad of other teams beating the streets to help the cats and dogs in the humane society.
And again, as I tear up, way to go IBKC.
Doing the Happy Dance! We done it! YOU made it possible, and we got to help :)
ReplyDeleteHappy walking tomorrow!
Does the 20 squillion include the amount earned by various auctions?
ReplyDeleteAlicia.. Nope, it's not included in the firstgiving total. I'll announce the GRAND total on Monday.
ReplyDeleteOh wow then, that's even MORE impressive. Congrats kitties and Laurie!
ReplyDeleteDang. I just teared up. I didn't expect that.
ReplyDeleteCongrats, I just logged in, and saw the great news. Soooooooooooooooooo glad that all the kitties will benefit.