Friday, November 20, 2009

Perry Draper Surveys His Kingdom




  1. love his hind kitten toes on the back of the he can get up just that little bit higher! :)

  2. Such a mighty kitty. I hope you're enjoying your view, Perry!

  3. Oh Perry how you've grown!

    You look satisfied with what you see, and I can assure you that you will be just as happy with your new home.

  4. Yeah, that's what a real king looks like...
    I love the new look of the IBKC blog!

  5. Awwwwwwww! Perry Draper is very CUTE! We adore this pic. He is a KING among kittens!

  6. Love that Perry! He's a king - but a snorglelicious one at that!

  7. You have to love him standing on his tippy toes.

  8. I love this pic!... I also LOVE the new blog look... titles, buttons, headers on the sidebar. Very cute!

  9. Gracious me. Perry is going to be one long, tall, gorgeous kitty when he grows up. Now, he's so entirely cute, how could anyone not just risk scratches for a snorgle?

  10. Now that is a kitten who intends to be Assertive!

  11. Ack this knocks my socks off. Perry is so so handsome. Kittens raised by you come with added bonus of knowing how to pose. :-)

  12. All cats know how to pose - they just choose when to share that skill with us. Usually when no camera is nearby!

    But Perry - you decided to see what Gordon discovered weeks ago! Reaching for the heights opens new horizons...

  13. King Periwinkle! What a long, tall drink o' water that boy is. Seeing this picture reminds me of Charlene's recent tweet about him. Where *was* he???

  14. Sigh. This morning I am thinking of the Drapers waking up in their new, forever homes - where they all will certainly reign supreme. Looking forward to hearing the adoption stories, Laurie, and in welcoming a new litter. When you are ready, of course! Meanwhile, hugs to you - I know each kitten packs a bit of your heart in their bags as they journey on.

  15. Goodbye, little angels! We'll miss you!!!

    (btw, I love the new website look, too, especially the "baseball cards" for Charlene and Drewey. They'd make good wallet shots, too!

    I also love that there's a new little photo montage of Charlene... and you still keep your original tagline: "A teeny tiny bloggy about itty bitty kitties" It remains one of my favorite elements of your page.)



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