She likes to position herself so it's impossible for Drewey to walk past her without coming within her paw's reach. She'll trap her under tables, on the stairs, or in a doorway.
One of her favorite spots to trap her sister is in the bathroom. Drewey likes to drink from the tap, and Charlene will lurk beneath the sink or in the doorway and wait for her sister to jump down.
Drewey is annoyed by this behavior, but she's the most patient cat in the world and will sit it out until Charlene grows bored and moves on.

I'm in no hurry. Whatever. Sit there as long as you like. I'm perfectly happy up here on the sink.

Coast is clear, I'm out of here.

What....? I was just thirsty.
Cats are so awesome. I love watching their interactions. Great action shots, btw.
ReplyDeleteAs a crusty senior myself, I have a very special spot in my heart for Drewey!
ReplyDeleteLove these two sisters! They have their own special way of relating!
ReplyDeleteLove the action shots and Drewey's expressive little face.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh this morning!
I love shots of Drewey. She reminds me of my old girl, Sunshine.
ReplyDeleteI have a younger, adorable cat that picks on the older crankier (for a reason) cat. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with trouble-making kittehs!
ReplyDeleteCute ... so how are the kittens today ?
ReplyDeleteI love your cats! They have the greatest personalities & you capture them so well with the camera!
ReplyDeleteCharlene . . . your halo is looking a little tarnished there . . . :)
ReplyDeleteIt's always a brighter day when Grand Dame Drewey makes an appearance on this blog! Just love that grumpy "girl", she's a special one.
ReplyDeleteWow, STELLAR photography!!! And oh yeah, the subjects are pretty awesome too :)
ReplyDeleteOh man, you moved this post up the blog. My heart almost stopped when I thought the most recent Finch post had gone.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow - fun post. I do love Charlene and I'm so pleased she's my Facebook friend.
Here's hoping the boys will be better today.
Poor Drewey having a Bored ButterBean to deal with. Those Finch boys better well soon for Drewy's sake! I love the "what me?" look on the girl.
ReplyDeleteLOVE the action photos. Sadly, this very situation is how we ended up with four kittehs in our household! We started out with a pair which have gotten old and cranky, then got a young'un, then had to get a partner-in-crime for the young'un so she'd leave the old ones alone!
ReplyDeleteCharlene needs her boys back to keep her busy. I heart Drewy!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the action shots! Silly kitten-bean tormenting her older sister.
ReplyDeleteWe get a lot of sibiling squabbling at our house, too.
Drewey and The Bean remind me of my sister and I. Naturally, as I am the youngest, I dearly love to aggrevate the living hell out of my sister.
ReplyDeleteSibling fun is NOT species specific!
Love the shots!!! It's something about the bathroom sink that seems to attract kitties!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see your kitties looking good. I was a little worried about Charlene since she busted in on the kitties in quarantine. Hope the Finches get better, they look so cute and sweet.
ReplyDeleteNaughty Charlene! But good for Drewey for being so patient!
ReplyDeleteDrewey always looks so perturbed... I love it.
ReplyDeleteDrewey, you curmudgeoness you! I love your expressions and I am glad you have found a way to work with Charlene's energies.
ReplyDeleteI know Drewey, younger siblings can be a bit of a pain once in a while... But you are strong, you can sit it out!
ReplyDeleteJC, look at Charlene's tweets - I think we have good news of the boys in the horizon.
ReplyDeleteBesides, I think that Laurie wouldn't be one to cover up bad news with this post. So funny news is good news even if it isn't about the Finch boys!
Fabulous photos.
ReplyDeleteNaughty Beanie! It's lovely to see Madam Drewey though. She's gorgeous! I had a grumpy old lady cat (she lived for 22 years). She had a good way of dealing with naughty young uns and dogs too. She stared them down! Terrified the heck out of the alsation next door! LOL!! Grumpy old lady cats are the best.
ReplyDeleteThat's too funny!
ReplyDeleteThat is what little sisters are for. My kitties are twins and the girls always lures my boy into being around when she's breaking something. She runs out of the room and he is left there to take the blame. Come on, Caspian! Don't listen to her!
ReplyDeleteooh Charlene you rascal
ReplyDeleteAww, I love it when cats play those games.