Monday, December 21, 2009

Welcome Home, Walter!

So good to have you back. Now get your suitcase unpacked and get back to business. You've got some growin' to do.


  1. Oh, sweet wittle Walter!
    We are still here, sending loves your way!
    And Miss Charlene is on the other side of the door!

  2. Soooo happy the boys are back! Christmas miracle?!? Perhaps! Can't wait to see pictures of their chubby bellies!

  3. Hooray!!! So glad they're home. :-)

  4. Oh, HI there, li'l fella!

    While I was kind of hoping for sweet "wet and clean kitten" pics, I should have known that ANY pic at all would make me feel pretty good.

    You heard what Momma Laurie said: you got some growin' to do!

    And you just can't believe what a treat is waiting in the form of Miss Bean, right behind the door... Maybe a Christmas present - another, this one furry, foster mom?

  5. Hiya Walter, good to see yoo back! We missed yoo buddy.
    Will Ira be home soon? Smoochies to him to get better 'cos we want yoo back togevver for Chrimouse.

  6. oh sweety pie... Walter I really want to squeeeeezze you..You are soooo cuute..Am sure you are very happy to be back home with mamma Laurie and co. Love YOU xoxox

  7. Welcome home indeed you wee little cutie!

  8. I love that one of the "you might also like" posts that came up with this was "Yes, Walter, There Is a Santa Claus."

    If there was any question, the fact that Walter and Ira are home for Christmas puts that to rest!

    Added proof? My brother's cat escaped outdoors and disappeared for five days last week. Saturday, in the midst of a blizzard, he re-appeared and meowed to get in. No idea where he was. No inclination to go out again.

    Let's hear it for kitties being home safe and sound for Christmas!

  9. Walter! Your little white ear tips just send me! You're looking so good! Merry Christmas!

  10. My husband and I follow your blog from Korea (we're teaching English here, but I went to school in Tacoma where I volunteered at the PCHS). We've been wishing hard for your boys to make it home. I'm so glad they did. Our own kitties are staying in the loving care of my mom, so I relate to your longing for them. I hope all of you have wonderful holidays!

  11. It's amazing how news about a kitty I don't even know, who is all the way on the other side of the country, can make me so happy. Welcome home Walter!

  12. Aww! He looks so excited to be back!!!

  13. Once again your photos let the sugar coating come back into our lives. Thank you.

  14. I'm going to savor this sweetness!

  15. How Is Ira? Is he home too?
    Such sweetness! Good luck little guys.

  16. Yes indeedy, there is a Santa Claws! I'm so glad to hear that the boys made it back home healthy and happy. What a relief it is to all of us, and I know especially for you, Laurie.

    Merry Christmas to you all!

  17. Terrific news! Welcome home to the boys.

  18. welcome home to you and your brother!

    what a lovely solstice present for your mama!

  19. Yay!!! Walter, you are such a cute little kittyums... I'm so glad you and your brother are feeling better and acting all kittenish again... double yay!!!

  20. So cute!!! I'm so glad he's back and I know he is too!!

  21. I'm so glad you're back, little one. Grow up big and strong, OK?



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