From the moment the Finch boys met their new mom and dad it was clear they were meant to be a family. The boys greeted them and played comfortably near them and in their laps. Ira even climbed up on his new dad's shoulders to perch.

Just like all our adopters , their parents are good people. The universe is so kind to us. It always seems to send the perfect parents our way. I am so grateful for that.
So, yep. They're gone. Those sweet little boys who burrowed deep into our hearts have moved on. I know we'll all miss these two. When they left I said to their mom "you're going to love these boys". Without hesitation she responded "oh, we already do". So take comfort in that, please.
Here are a couple of shots of the boys in their old school kitty carrier just before they left.

I got word, they're doing great. They are as happy as can be in their new home and their parents are enjoying their pair of boisterous boys immensely.
More kittens? Not quite yet. I've got a big project in the works, I'm writing a craft book, and I need to get through the next few weeks without distraction. As soon as my deadline passes, we'll see what's available at the shelter. I'll continue to post, but it will most likely be little lighter than normal. There are still more Finch photos and movies to share. I've got a couple of IBKC alumni updates too.
Thanks again for loving Ira and Walter so. Thank you too for being such a huge part in their start in life. We appreciate you very, very much.
Please accept our gratitude (Me, Toes, Marbles and many of my colleagues!) for all you do with kittens, crafts and camera!
ReplyDeleteYou definitely have a full plate, so ]]]SIGH[[[ we can suffer through a bit of slower postings in support of your cool stuff.
"me" time is important for you to be able to do all you do...we eventually want more kittens...so take care!
I love that last pic. Charlene seems to be imparting some final wisdom to Walter and Ira and they seem to be saying that they're going to be okay and thanking her for taking care of them until they could go to their forever family.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad these boys made it.
We are sad ~ but so happy too. After all, the dear little Finch boys got the loving forever home they needed and deserved ~ so we ALL got a happy ending. We will miss them lots too, but it warms our heart to know they are safe and loved. :sigh:
ReplyDeleteThank yoo for all yoo do for kittens.
How wonderful to know our darling boys are off to such a terrific start. I'm so grateful they were adopted together.
ReplyDeleteThe photos of them in their carriers remind me of a favorite shot of Dashiell and Spenser. Ron was leaving for work one morning and the boys were perched on the windowsill of the nursery (aka the guest bathroom). He took a picture through the window screen w/his iPhone, and it has that screen-grid look, but the boys are still adorable.
I forget from one batch to the next about those giant yellow tags around their necks. Another indication of just how itty bitty the babes are. Thanks for taking such exquisite care of them, Laurie. Now it's time to do the same for your sweet self.
I'm so glad these two sweet boys found a loving home ~ so wonderful!
ReplyDeleteYou are working on a craft book? How exciting ~ no wonder you need a little time without wee kitty paws running around.
Have a terrific ~ quiet ~ week! :)
Goodbye little Baby boys..Enjoy your new home with your new parents and Plllzzzzz give us lots of news..You are such lovely sweety Finches boys xoxox
ReplyDeleteThese special boys will always hold a dear place in our hearts. I am so glad to see pics of their departure. They looked ready for their new adventure. I am so glad to hear about a book in the works! Congrats! I kindly request pics of the resident cats especially Drewey, we love them so!
The Van Dyke Family
So glad to hear that the boys are settling in to their new home. Sounds like they got some great new humans.
ReplyDeleteThat last picture just tugs at my heartstrings. Be brave little ones. And Butterbean, it'll be okay.
Laurie, good luck with the book.
I hate to see them go but I'm so happy to see them going together and to a happy home! Keep up all the great work you do!
ReplyDeleteMuch as we'll miss them (and oh man will we ever!) I'm so happy to know they've found a loving family.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for alumni stories! I always wish we'd get more of those.
Good luck on the book Laurie.
I can only say "Yeah, what they said"....and I'd SAY you've a right to some time without distraction. (And I bet in spite of it all, our cherished Butterbean doesn't mind being Queen of the Hill with only Drewey to share with.) Oh - and..."craft book?" WHAT craft book? Where should we look for it when it DOES emerge? Blessings be upon you, Laurie, and every corner of your heart and hearth.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, I got a little choked up reading this post. I am so happy they have a family that already loves them, but I will certainly miss those two.
ReplyDeleteI am so greatful that they pulled through that scary period and are now goin to grow into healthy, vibrant and well loved members of their new family!
ReplyDeleteDo enjoy your very well deserved break! We'll be waiting when you get back!
I was also a little choked up with this post, and that last pic. Odd how certain ones burrow deep into your heart. I'm so glad they went together and their mom and dad sound great.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing them with us! Best of luck little boys! You'll be missed!!
and best of luck on your book!
bye, sweet baby boys. we love you! we're so glad you found loving parents. thank you, laurie, for always making sure your babies go to good homes. *sniff*
ReplyDeleteOh so cute! I'm glad they found a great forever home. :)
ReplyDeletehooray for such loving parents. Lucky parents, lucky Finch boys :)
ReplyDeleteSniff. I can't believe how much I'm going to miss the Finch boys. I've fallen in love with kittens I've never seen in person. It's all your fault Laurie! How do you do that? :) Good luck with your craft book. I hope you're including your tree pedestal cake stand. That's amazing!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad the Finch boys got a really good home. I sure will miss the boys though..I have loved being a part of their life. Bye bye sweet boys. Love you.
ReplyDeleteSo long, little Finchies. You were brave boys through it all. You had the love and support of Laurie, her family, the QueenFosterMom Butterbean, and all of us. Now you have what every kitty hopes for:a loving forever home. Lucky little men.
ReplyDeleteSo Laurie...this craft book...it wouldn't be wedding oriented would it??? (Please say yes,lol). Retired florist, whose daughter is getting married soon, needs some "modern" inspiration from you youngsters;) Your flowers, fresh and paper, are gorgeous. Tell me the book has wedding stuff in it:)
Goodbye sweet Finches! Though I do hope Laurie keeps in touch with your new parents, as I am intensely curious as to whether Ira's eyes will stay different colors.
ReplyDeleteThe last pictures with the collars and the big yellow tags are always my favorite. Good luck with your big project!
ReplyDeleteWhat a happy ending!(ignore all of us weeping -they are happy tears) The boys are going to grow to be wonderful cats, in a home filled with attention and love.
ReplyDeleteThat last picture says so much, Laurie. The boys and The Bean certainly were communicating there!
Good luck with your book, and your other projects. Time for some Laurie time! Relax - we will all be here.
I'm so happy your kitties got a good forever home, but we'll miss reading about and seeing their adorable pictures. If I lived closer to you I would certainly have seriously considered adopting them myself, there is something very special about these two boys! I hope you can keep us updated about their new lives. Good luck and much happiness to all!
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time that I cried a little when reading that the kitties were off to their new home. There is something very special about the Finch boys and you captured it beautifully in your posts. Laurie, thank you for what you do for all of your foster kitties and thank you for letting us into your world.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the projects.
We're so happy they have found a forever home!
ReplyDeleteThey always look so tiny and vulnerable when they are wearing those great big ID tags just before going to their new homes.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad they are going to be together forever. I am sure their new family will love them to bits! I already miss them, though, and their precious little faces. I bet Butterbean does, too. Maybe she'll wash you until the next batch of itty bitties moves in.
ReplyDelete"We already do."
ReplyDeleteThat makes me happy.
Aww, I love that last picture of Beanie saying goodbye to the boys. *weep* Bye bye sweetie pies. We'll miss you.
ReplyDeletePatti, are you the new mom? Lucky lady! :)
ReplyDeleteOh gosh no. I wish I were though! I was just repeating what Laurie said the new mama said as they were leaving.