Sorry, friends. I had hoped to get the Ferris and Emory departure post up yesterday, but just ran out of time.
You'll be very happy to know that the boys were adopted by Erin and Erik, dear friends our dear friend, Shana Banana. Of course they came HIGHLY recommended by Shana. She said they we're good, kitty-loving people, which is all I needed to hear. Sold.
When they visited, they didn't want to pick the kittens, they wanted to be picked BY the kittens. Well, Emory and Ferris picked them, and I think all parties involved are quite happy with the choice.
Here are a couple of pics of their adoption day.

The boys all suited up in their new collars and tags.

Ambrose, Clement, and Bernice say goodbye to their brothers.
Erin emailed to let me know that the boys have made themselves at home, and are settling in quite nicely. They have lots of toys (and carrots!) to play with, lots of things to climb, and are receiving oodles and oodles of love.
It's always nice when the kitties "stay in the family". We'll be able to keep close tabs on these two. Erin promises lots of pictures and updates.
So, we're down to four now. Not for long, though. Louise and Ambrose are packing their suitcases right now.
I love it when a plan comes together! Especially when it involves good, kitty loving people & itty bitties finding furrever homes.
ReplyDeleteErin & I go back 30 years. You can all rest assured she & Erik are just that.
That last photo really got to me! Oh boys, you chose your people so everything will be just wonderful. Having been a "chosen one" that's just the best. I don't quite know how cats choose but they are always absolutely right. I look forward to seeing these two grow up.
ReplyDeleteDear Erin & Erik,
ReplyDeleteI know you'll take good care of those sweetie pies. More importantly though, please please please send it some pics or videos of the boys with carrots to let us know how they're doing!
Happy bittersweet day. Good travels, Emory & Ferris!
ReplyDeleteThat last pic is a heart breaker for sure.
ReplyDeleteSo happy they found a great home, but I teared up a bit when I saw the other kitties saying goodbye. They are all so cute, it will be sad when they're all gone!
ReplyDeleteYahooooo! Stayin' together is the best. Looking forward to the updates... have fun in your new home, little guys! (And hugs to Shana for brokering the deal!)
ReplyDeleteOh, goodness, that last photo makes me tear up a little. Makes me think the adoptive parents should organize annual reunions. : P
ReplyDeleteAll the best to the Anderson-Eriksons as they head off to their forever homes! And ear-scritches to the Bean. I know she feels the loss.
Awesome! I'm so glad Emory and Ferris got adopted into loving homes!
ReplyDelete*sniff* we're gonna miss all of you as you go off to your furever homes! but as a rescue myself, trust me, you guys are so very lucky. we are so happy for you and love the idea of letting the kittes choose the bean.
They look so tiny, yet grown-up, in their fancy traveling duds. Bon voyage!
ReplyDeleteOh the photo with their new collars and tags got me. Glad they found their new family. Bye babies. Hugs and scritchies to you both.
ReplyDeleteThat last picture is cute as the kitties know that Emory and Ferris are off to a wonderful forever home and that they will be going off to one soon too.
ReplyDeleteIt's a very big honor to be chosen by a cat - and just imagine: 2 IBKs chose Erin and Erik! How special a start is that?
ReplyDeleteYes, I got a little teary too over the last picture. Soon all the sweet ones will be in just their perfect forever homes!
That's the best way to do things - have the kitty pick out the humans instead of vice versa! Clearly Ferris and Emory knew what they were doing.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to the boys and Erin & Erik!
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet story...
ReplyDeletemy fingers are crossed for Clement and Bernice.
Those tags are about as big as they are!
ReplyDeleteYup, whenever you post pictures of the itty bitties in their going away collars and tags I'm reminded of just how dinky these darlings really are. And as many times as I've seen such photos, I'm still surprised every time a new litter begins saying their goodbyes.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure these are the cutest tuxies evah!
ReplyDeleteThey are so cute with their tags almost as big as they are!
ReplyDeleteoh - that goodbye picture in the crate - snif
ReplyDeleteOh, such dapper little gents they are...!! Bye, lovely boys -- be well, be happy!
ReplyDeleteThank you all, Emory and Ferris are settling in and adjusting well. This weekend while Erik was vacuuming our front room Emory, like any self-respecting cat in his mind, quickly hid. However Mr. Ferris decided to take a different approach, he attacked and when that did not work he climbed on top of the vacuum!
ReplyDeleteHaha!!! Atta boy, Ferris! (Re. the vacuum episode)
ReplyDeleteSay... it sounds like they're keeping their names? (Just curious...)
We did consider changing Ferris' name but just found we could not. It fits him. We have of course at different times shortened their names to Fen or Fer for Ferris and Em or Remy for Emory and for the moments when they are madly chasing each other around the apartment we call them the Zoom-Zoom Kitties.