Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gotta Love a Three-Day Weekend


It was a busy weekend. We did lots of entertaining, and the Anderson-Ericksons got to meet a lot of our friends. The kittens were sweet, charming and confident and were the life of all the parties we hosted. Two of them (and I'm not telling who yet) staked their claim on their parents! Nice work, kitties!

Monday was all about relaxing. It was cold outside and we were all exhausted, so the better part of the day was spent on the couch.

The Bean got to mingle with the babies. I've got lots of pics of the introductions and I'll share those with you soon.

I hope you all had a lovely three-day weekend too!


  1. Wait, who's not in the picture? I count five kittens and the Bean.

  2. I didn't see Craig at first!

    I'm so happy to hear that they were good little hosts and hostesses. Any fraidy-cat moments, or were they cool and collected the whole time?

  3. I counted 6 babies, Anon, 3 are clumped together. Hurray for the two who have already found their forever parents.

  4. SylvestermiasmommaJune 1, 2010 at 10:12 AM

    Awww, cute photo. Love to be able to nap with kittens on me. My two kittehs only sleep with me when I am in bed.

  5. Oh, the perfect way to spend a chilly day. Piled together, on top of Dad, with Auntie Bean keeping watch, and Mom documenting it all. And doesn't everyone have a parade of admirers come through their home?

  6. It doesn't get much better than this.

  7. Yep, Anon. They're all there. The only one missing from that picture is me! (minutes later, I joined the pile).

    Darin, They did great. Then only time they retreated was when a boisterous 2 year old got a little loud and a little close.

  8. What, no curtain climbers in this new bunch? ;)

  9. Sweeeet weekend! Kitten season has truly begun-- got to snorgle 6 at our shelter today, and promises of lots more this week coming out of foster! Furrypurries!

  10. Great weekend by the sound of it. Love the kitten pile as always!

  11. Ann
    Why climb curtains when theres Craig to nap on

  12. True, Dewi, and Charlene seems to be keeping a close eye on those curtains. Everyone looks very happy to have a sunny, sleepy holiday, all warm inside the house.

  13. Love that look that Clement has...
    "He's not moving. Why isn't he moving? [pat pat] He should be playing with us.[pat pat knead] Why isn't he playing and snuggling? [patpatpatpatpat] What's wrong with him? [patpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpat]"

    Such a pensive puddy-cat :)

  14. Lordamighty, your husband can sleep through anything!

  15. What a marvelous way to spend the day. I envy your hubby! paulajeanne and molly

  16. Gotta love the kitten-pile-on-Craig photos. I wonder: does one kitten hop up on him first, followed by the others saying, "Oh, me too!" "And me!" "And me!" etc.? Or do they all rush him at once? ("Craaaaaaaiig!" *kitten stampede*)

  17. How long can Craig lay on the couch before the kittening begins? I'm betting less than 30 seconds:)

  18. Who wouldn't love staying home with all of those kittens?

  19. You're lucky it was cold. You can always add more clothes (or kittens). When it's hot well there's only so much you can take off and not have the neighbors screaming in horror.

    This is the first litter without Drewey. I hope the Bean is feeling better.

    Speaking of beans, did anyone else see what's happening at Hubble Space Paws? http://hubblespacepaws.blogspot.com/ A 14 year old cat needs to find a new home fast. His person is dying. The good news is that the response has been tremendous and it's a matter of picking the BEST home and not hoping for A home.

    Laurie, your blog, and the other cat blogs I read, brings much happiness in my life. With all the hate, ignorance, and snarkiness on some internet forums, it's a pleasure to come here and be free of it for a while. We cheer as one, grieve as one, and laugh as one. Thank you.

  20. THAT is a mighty nice way to spend a day!
    My two teenage girls are delightful snuggles too.

    I do love my visits here and all the other visitors are pretty awesome too!

  21. Oh, Auntie Bean, that's another big, boisterous litter! I bet you're glad you have Laurie and Craig to help out!

  22. I agree 3 day weekends are the best!



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