All the money we raise during this year's Dog-A-Thon fundraiser will be going directly to the adoption program for the cats and kitties. Beneath this umbrella, there are lots of projects and programs in need of funding. One area of need, is the senior cats.
When Drewey passed away back in April, several of you made donations in memory of our dear girl. The "Drewey Fund" was born, and this money was made available to the vet staff to use for procedures and tests, such as teeth cleanings and blood work, exclusively for the senior cats.
I think everyone knows how special senior cats are, but often people are shy to adopt them because they worry about potentially high vet bills. If the vet staff has the resources to get the senior cats healthier first, this will reduce the chance of a financial burden for the adopter, and will make the seniors more "adoptable".
I'm excited to announce that ALL the money we raise today goes right to the Drewey Fund - every single penny of it. So if you donate today, it all goes directly to the senior cats!
I know were all about the kitties over here, but truth be told, it's the senior cats that tug on my heart strings.
If you have a soft spot for the seniors too, or have a special senior cat you would like to honor, please make a donation to our campaign today.
Thanks so much, everyone. I can hardly wait to see what our total is!
Click HERE to help the senior cats!
I love the old girls. I think this is a great cause -- they've given us so much and they deserve a little extra help to live out their natural lives in comfort and love!!!
ReplyDeleteYou got it, Laurie and Charlene! The older kitties need help too! Plus, y'all also reminded me to donate to my local HS in honor of a recently deceased former colleague. So my local shelter wins too! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great plan! We adopted Shenny, now 18, when she was 13 years old, and it's been great. She's our sweet old lady.
ReplyDeleteWell I just donated for the second time! I had to give to the matching funds challenge, but when I saw today's post, I couldn't not make a donation in honor of Gus, my old man cat who passed away 2 years and 2 weeks ago to the day at 18+ years. I'm so pleased to hear that there's a Drewey Fund - older cats make WONDERFUL companions, but they are the most difficult to get adopted.
ReplyDeleteGusso was the most special kitty I've ever known. I adopted him when I was at a personal low point in life, and I truly believe that we rescued each other. He was the gentlest boy. His sweet temperament was unmatched by any other cat I've known; I think it was because he was happy to have a loving home for his golden years.
You can see pics of Gus on his catster page (click on my profile). Please consider bringing an older kitty into your life. They'll make life richer and your heart grow bigger than you'd have ever thought!!!!
To my little old man: "Fare thee well, fare thee well, we love you more than words can tell..."
Was going to wait till July to donate again, but I cannot ignore this day's challenge. We love you and the memory of you, Drewey and all of our dear sainted oldies!
ReplyDeleteSenior cats are very speshull indeed and deserve all the love and care they can get.
ReplyDeleteDon't know who came up with idea of the daily challenge, but it's brilliant!! Couldn't resist the "dump the guy" challenge and can't resist this one... to Drewey and Poppy... who continue to inspire us to embrace our inner crank!
ReplyDeleteEvery night I feel like the luckiest gal around when my older 12-year old kitty curls up on my shoulder to sleep. I love the seniors, but I still love the little ones... They're all special!
ReplyDeleteAw, Drewey is so cute. She continues to inspire.
ReplyDeleteYay for senior cats!!! :D
ReplyDeleteOther than one litter of kittens, all my fosters have been old guys. My current one is 15 and it breaks my heart that someone gave him up. Going to head over and donate tonight. Such a great challenge.
ReplyDeleteI had to donate in honor of Rufus Abercrombie, a sweet old orange fellow. He was living under a bush in our back yard last summer -- obviously a housecat who'd been left. Really friendly, just looking for humans to be his. We got him checked out by our vet, and cleaned up, and found out about his hyperthyroidism and started treating it (he was rail-thin until then, and afterwards started to fill out). Our vet estimated his age as 12-15 years old.
ReplyDeleteWe tried to bring him in the house, but there was a lot of fighting with the established adult cats. But God (or, as Laurie would say, the universe) found him a home -- a very nice lady came and adopted him, and he's living in the hills and having a grand time now. He went from lethargic, skinny old man to a filled-out cat who even hunts small creatures now.
So, a donation for Abercrombie to help all those other older cats who need to find their humans, too.
Last night, I dreamed that I was having a sleepover at the IBKC house... if you ever need a really creepy fundraising idea, I bet auctioning off a sleepover with Charlene would bring in big bucks!
ReplyDeleteI love all the senior cat love that's happening today!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth,, Brilliant idea. We could call it "Cat's Pajamas".
Come to think of it, It might be a bit much. I don't mind sharing with you all,, but I do need to keep SOME boundaries.
I'm not sure all of my message showed up with my donation on the FirstGiving page, so I'll repeat (and elaborate) here: My hubby and I don't have any cats of our own right now, but I have four "furry nieces and nephews" that I adore, one of whom is a senior (15-ish; they got him as a stray from the pound so his real age isn't known). Poor baby is diabetic and pretty much blind from cataracts these days, but when I saw today's challenge, I knew I had to donate in honor of both him and my brother and sis-in-law, who have loved him for so many years and are taking such good care of him in his old age.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe I've commented here before, but I've been a loyal reader for quite some time--I donated a bit during last year's fundraiser, too, in fact. And, like so many others, I just have to say thank you for the blog and everything you do--it's been a bright spot on many a cloudy day.
What a lovely picture of Mrs. Drewey.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, I'm so excited to see all this senior cat love! I may be wrong, but it looks like this is one of the fastest fund-raising challenges yet. don't get me wrong - i luuuuurve the kittens - but it seems like the seniors tug at a lot of heart strings.
ReplyDeleteOn a funny note - this sounds weird, but i SWEAR Drewey looks just like my (late) grandmother. If I could put a pic of Drewey and a pic of Ginny (grandma) next to each other, I don't think I could stop laughing. They even had the exact same shade of silver hair! Ginny definitely embraced her inner crank too!
You knew just the right buttons to push to get a repeat gift!
ReplyDeleteThis one is for the senior cats I've known and loved, especially Boulder and Cushka and Old Fart.
I think I've already shared Boulder and Cushka stories, but I've not mentioned Old Fart much.
Old Fart was adopted as a senior cat and got both words of his nickname for very, very good reasons. Now, at 18+, he's mostly skin and bones, but his human staff reported that even a few weeks ago, he glared down a Florida cougar and bosses around the razorback pig that his staff adopted as a sick orphan and that now outweighs all of them put together.
Having been lucky enough to work with some wonderful senior cats at the shelter I volunteer at, I felt it was right for me to donate to help other senior cats find loving homes. I'm glad that there are organizations working hard to make sure all cats, not just kittens, find loving homes :)
ReplyDeleteLaurie, FYI, the IBKC fundraising team made the Cute Overload blog today! http://cuteoverload.com/2010/06/29/itty-bitty-kitty-committee%C2%A0fundraiser/
ReplyDeleteI just had to give again! For the seniors.
ReplyDeleteOkay, now you need to stop with the awesome challenges. Because I'm broke. hahaha
Gave in memory of two wonderful cats:
ReplyDeleteJezebel, who I very reluctantly let go a few months ago; she was 21... had been in decent health until a couple weeks before she died. I adopted her my last year of college, so she'd been with me my whole adult life -- miss her terribly!
Priscilla was a stray, who adopted me when I was in high school. Parents told me not to feed here, so I didn't, but I didn't stop my best friend from feeding her on my front door step ;-) Pris moved in and charmed the whole family, even my dog-person curmudgeon dad ;-) She was a dedicated indoor/outdoor cat, but still lived to be almost 18.
My two current boys are young rescues (one is 7 months old, the other just turned 2), but I still miss both my dignified old ladies!
Imagine my delight when I saw IBKC fundraising right on cuteoverload.com! Oh man, that's absolutely wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteMaking a donation now:
ReplyDeleteAttention any Georgia residents!
Save the poor black kitty!!
Okay, it's not much, money is very tight, but it's something. The seniors got me.
ReplyDeleteOr perhaps it was my beautiful sweet 10-ish year old Sapphire girl on the back of the couch behind me who got me. She chose me two years ago this November, and I love her to pieces. I love the kittens, but I also love adult cats. Especially my girl. And my house is very very small, far too small for kittens, as much as I wanted to hop in my car and pick up the entire Anderson-Erickson bunch!
Hi Laurie!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the Drewey Fund! You are a blessing to cats and cat lovers in so many ways! The First Giving site is already showing that it is June 30, which it isn't yet here (thought it is on the East Coast), so we wanted to make sure our Drewey Fund money got included for June 29. Purrs, hugs, and congratulations all the way around!
Lise,, I know the Firstgiving page shows it's the 30th, but it's still the 29th here. I'm emailed after each donation is made, so I'll be able to account for all that comes in today. So don't worry.. yours will count!
ReplyDeleteGreat day for the Drewey Fund == congratulations and thanks to all!!
ReplyDeleteOlder cats are so cool and so not destructive.
ReplyDeleteKittens are cute but they really don't have fully formed personalities. I love even the pesky quirks of older cats who are more demanding in terms of how they should be served by their human staff.
Nor is there anything more rewarding than getting a grumpy older cat to grudgingly purr when you cautiously cuddle them
I just donated. Senior cats have a special place in my heart. I just lost my cat Brownie this past fall after 17 wonderful years with her. Senior cats are the best!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post, thanks so much for sharing this with us!