Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kitten Magnet Craig

Kitten magnet Craig


  1. Kodiak and Kenai's momJune 5, 2010 at 2:09 PM

    Cat tails make excellent bookmarks. Really.

  2. I love how it looks as if he's reading them a bedtime story.

  3. 5 out of 6 are looking DOWN. I wonder why?

    Christine h

  4. That would so be our TSB, she totally is an animal - especially cat - magnet. We can totally see her buried alive in a kittenpile!

  5. He's sitting down, and he's got an open book, of COURSE he's a kitten magnet. It's one of the laws of physics (or gravity) (or something). However, at least ONE of them should be ON the book for them to be completely following the rules. Preferably more than one. Perhaps they're just getting started. :) They ARE adorable.

  6. Eeek! So adorable!
    ... but yeah, how does he manage to avoid having a kitten *on* the book?!?

  7. it looks like he doesn't mind at all.

  8. This appears to be a picture of Heaven.

    Kittens + quilts + books + a handsome man who likes kittens, quilts, and books
    = HEAVEN


  9. Little slice of heaven on view there...

  10. That's the sweetest picture I've seen in a long time! Oh, to be covered in kittens!

  11. That's such a wonderful picture. I hope you get it framed.

  12. Maybe he is wearing catnip infused velcro....*hehehe*

  13. What a wonderful picture!! Craig looks like he is reading ot the little kitties!! That is so sweet!!

  14. Never fails... All the cats are asleep, you tiptoe into the living room with a book, knowing that you'll have a while before you're infested with cats wanting your attention. Mwahahahahahahahahahaha............ Fooled you! Cats can hear a book open from 5 miles away!! Same thing with papers on the desk that need a cat butt sitting on it.. sewing quilts that need cat hair all over them.. typing on the computer is the ONLY time that they want you to pick them up.. Never seems like they want that much attention when YOU'RE ready.

    Gotta love 'em anyway. :)

  15. Aw, Loulou got the prime shoulder spot!

  16. OMG what a great picture!!!

  17. I am in awe that there are no kittens ON the book....and how incredibly awesome Craig is with the cats and kittens.

    I want one! (no kittens for me!...) my 2 seniors might leave me a 'gift' otherwise!

  18. Not to sound facetious, but that is the hottest thing I have ever seen.

  19. O.M.G. this is too cut for words!! Thanks for a great way to start my day!! This is always one of my (very few) go-to sites. Several times a day!! (Wishful thinking...) Thanks for all you do.

  20. The cats looking down are looking for a lolcat caption. :)

    Kitten magnet...was this a requirement for marrying him?

  21. Is Craig as much a Kitty Magnet outside the House.
    I have visions of Craig being followed by herd of kittens wherever He goes.

  22. What a lovely picture! Definitely a kitten magnet and a seriously good sport.

  23. SylvestermiasmommaJune 6, 2010 at 1:22 PM

    What an adorable picture. Craig you are a true Kitten Whisperer! Lucky!

  24. What a good man you have.

    I also want to know why 5 out 6 kitties are looking down.

  25. I think men with kittens are too adorable for words! When my boyfriend has the 3 cats sitting with him, I turn to mush! Great picture!

  26. if only the bean was sitting on top of his head...

  27. His cologne must be Eau de Catnip!

  28. That's how I look with my four cats...except they are all at least 4 times the size of the kittens. Cats just know you are trying to read but they are so much more deserving of attention than a book. Eventually you end up with the awkward holding the book in the air so no one lays on it pose.

  29. Uh . . . the kittens are really cute . . . but is CRAIG up for adoption??? ;-)



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