There's SO much going on around here with kittens moving in, kittens moving out, and all this fundraising madness!
Just a couple of hours ago, I sent little Clement and Bernice on their merry little way. We were sad to say goodbye, but so happy to adopt out our bright, healthy babies.
Their new mom, Kris, was so excited to bring her home her new kittens. She's been following the IBKC for quite some time. This past fall, she and her husband said goodbye to their big kitty, and since then, have felt a void in their life. They decided they were ready for some kitten energy in their home, and Kris decided that Clement and Bernice were the ones.
The past few days it's just been Clement and Bernice. Ambrose and Louise left Saturday, and Emory and Ferris earlier in the week. When ever the kittens trickle out like that, the order is upset, and you can see the personalities of the remaining kittens start to shift. As the more dominant ones leave, the quieter ones start to shine.
Well, Miss Bernice, who was one of the quietest, most demure little lady cats we've had, really started to come out of her shell over the past couple of days. She went from shy little wallflower to a full on confident, kitty comedic genius. It was SO fun to watch her romp and play with just Clement. She developed some sly wresting moves, and even though she's smaller, could pin him in a second. She ran fast and wild all over the house. We just sat back, watched her spaz out, and laughed.
When I think back to the when we first met her - a scared, tiny little thing, just coming out from anesthesia after having a fish hook removed from her lip - and seeing now, the confident kitty she became.... well that's quite a little journey.
Giving in, and accepting that their new world is safer than the old, doesn't come easy to tiny little kittens. I'm sure it's a huge internal struggle for them.
I'm proud of that little girl for being able to change. It was beautiful to witness, and as a foster parent, one of the greatest rewards.
I couldn't be happier with how everything worked out for the Anderson-Ericksons. They all left with their perfect partners, and landed themselves some mighty-fine homes.
Once again,, I thank you Universe.
I know you're itching to see who's next.... give me a minute, and I'll share a little more. It takes a while to get the newbies settled in. Like I said before,, you're going to flip. They are ADORABLE.
Should you find yourself with a little time to kill until then,, you could always click HERE, and make a donation to our fundraiser. We rocked it yesterday,, but it's been a little quiet today.
Stay tuned, my friends.
The A-E's were one of your busiest groups yet. So adorable and absolutely into everything. Can't wait to meet the newbies!
ReplyDeleteI will state again for the record: I am really going to miss Clement.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Laurie, it is a testament to your love and kitten whispering that Bernice developed into the kitteh she is today.
Bye bye, you little dear hearts... **sniff**
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Clement and Bernice on the start of your new adventures in your forever home, and of course to Kris and hubby opening your hearts and home to these precious little ones!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing Bernice's story - I always love hearing about their itty bitty personalities.
ReplyDeleteLoved you all, A-Es, most especially your silly naughty sides. And what fun to read about dear Bernice who became Little Miss Silly Goose Stinker Bernice. :D
ReplyDeleteYikes, I'm about to foster for the first time - two boys who were just neutered because they were already old enough by the time they were caught. Still checking their blood test status, as I have a 4-cat general population that I do not want to put at risk. Any pointers or hints for a nervous newbie???
ReplyDeleteI always pronounced Clement's name in the French way in my head. That is always how he will be to me! The people who adopted these two are truly lucky to get them.
ReplyDeleteOh, little Bernice. You were my favorite from the get go. I'm glad you got to have some quality time with Laurie, Craig and Charlene before you began your new journey. All kittens deserve a happy life -- but you a bit more especially due to your poor lip.