Last year, the auctions were a huge success. We had a whole lot of fun doing in, we raised a nice little chunk of change for the HS, and the winning bidders came up with some EXCELLENT name choices.
The auctions will run for 3 days. Once they end, the winning bidder will be contacted, we'll find out what they've chosen, and we'll announce their name choice.
Click HERE to visit the auction, and join in on the fun! Happy bidding!!
As a reminder, all of those who donate to our fundraiser will be entered into a raffle. A name will be drawn from this pool and one person will be given the naming rights to a kitten in our next litter after The Suprenants. So, even if you don't participate in our naming rights auctions, you'll still have a chance to name a kitten if you make a donation to the fundraiser.
You can do that by clicking HERE.
Let the auctions begin! Whatever names the winners come up with, the litter's family name is perfect!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pose Miss S#1 shared with us.
ReplyDeleteWoza! I just looked at the current bidding, and it's up to $200 -- ain't no way I could ever top that (ze funds are tight this month). Probably just as well - my kitties are named Kuan (for Kuan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion) and Ananda (for Buddha's beloved disciple). I'd probably name her Shiva or something non-occidentally weird like that! ;)
ReplyDeleteI just tried to visit the Auction, and look what it said: "Unfortunately, access to this particular item has been blocked due to legal restrictions in some countries." I'm from Canada. So, it means that the auctions are only open to people in the States?
ReplyDeleteKountess - I can see the auction - UK here...
ReplyDeleteI wish I had the $$$ to participate in the auction. I hope someone names one of these supreme Suprenant kitties "Lily." I'm amazed there's not been a kitten names Lily. Lily Suprenant has a nice ring to it, yes?
ReplyDeleteOh, one of them MUST be named Cynthia, don't all y'all think???
ReplyDeleteThis one has almost perfectly symmetrical markings...and a very clear "M" on her tiny little forehead. I hope whoever wins this auction gives her an "M" name...like Margo or Mirabelle or Marty (after my favorite character in "Grease"!) or Marcella....*heehee*
ReplyDeleteThanks to the folks who think about naming a kitten for me. But I'd rather the auction proceed as it is scheduled -- with the maximum amount raised for the Humane Society. I feel plenty honored by having the whole litter bear my surname! Thanks, 'though!
ReplyDeleteI try not to play favorites, but this particular Suprenant tugs at my heartstrings.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading a novel with a character named Arley, and I think that might fit this lil girl. But, I also agree that one of them should be named Lily!! :)
ReplyDeleteI can't bid either, but thought I'd throw my 2 cents out there anyway. Good luck to all the bidders!
Kountess,,, This first auction is only open to US bidders (a slip up on my part). The others are all open to international bidders. I don't know why you were blocked, it seems you should still be able to view them regardless.
ReplyDeleteNope, I tried the others and it's still not working :( I made sure to login and I still couldn't see anything. Anyway, someone said that the auction is up to 200$, so I could surely not beat that. Still, maybe someone in another country could and that's sad. And I would have liked to follow up the auction.
ReplyDeleteI really think this kitten looks like a little Mathilda, but I can't afford to bid on her. I'm sure whatever name she gets will be beautiful and fitting though.