Well, I thought I had homes for all the girls, but things fell through for Ve Ching and now she's back on the market.

Miss V is a warm and affectionate girl. She's very talkative, and very good at communicating her needs. She's playful and fun, and because she's not leaving with one of her siblings, we're hoping to place her in a home with a kitten or active adult cat. Kittens need company!
If this little girl might be a good fit for your home, please send an email to kittywrangler@gmail.com and tell us a little bit about yourself. Feel free to spread the word too!
She's so lovely and amazing. I'm sure her perfect family will come along soon enough.
Well, I know of this home very close to you, on your street even, that has two wonderful, loving kitty parents, and a special Aunty kitty who loves all little fuzzballs. The husband loves to nap on the couch covered in cats, and the wife is a wonderfully creative woman who spends her spare time (and a lot of her non-spare time) dedicated to the well-being of kittens and runs an amazing kitten blog. They recently came into a large stash of sparkle balls and I think this family would be a perfect new home for Miss V.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry little one, an absolutely wonderful family will claim you very soon. How could they not want to see that beautiful face each day?
ReplyDeleteI wish I lived closer (and that my husband was able to breathe when sharing a living space with a cat). Miss V is darling, and I am sure her family will be along any day now.
ReplyDeleteAwww look at that beauty. Ve Ching, you will find the best forever home very very soon. <3
ReplyDelete...if only Ms V was not a continent away
ReplyDelete...if only my 16 year old kittie welcomed kittens
In a litter of adorable cats, she is the most lovely and charming!
if only....
Ms V, you are going to find just the perfect family real soon. I bet the catnip on it. Hugs!
Look at that face. She won't be furever homeless for long.
ReplyDeleteAwww, sweetie. Maybe one of the families that is taking a pair of her sisters (assuming that the sisters are going in pairs) will decide that they actually need a trio instead of a pair, now? That would be nice...
ReplyDeleteAw, I so wish I could take her... but, I've got the two kitties my apartment allows and am not in the Seattle area.
ReplyDeleteOh she'll find a home for certain. Who could resist that sweet little face?
ReplyDeleteWhat a *gorgeous* girl! No, she won't be homeless for long. Purrs and Light that she finds the *right* forever home soon!
ReplyDeleteShe has grown into a little beauty. I predict she'll have a lovely home before the week is over.
ReplyDeleteI want her! She would coordinate very well with one of my cats (he is a gray medium haired cat). Too bad I live in Va. and I have 1 year old twin daughters. Can you ship :-) (I know you can't, wishful thinking)
ReplyDeleteRight on Kodiac & Kenai's Mom!! I think that is the purrfect solution!
ReplyDeleteShe is going to be a gorgeous adult cat (and LOL@ K&K's mom...I agree!)
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ReplyDeleteFor the record, folks, we don't plan to adopt a kitten any time soon. One day, I'm sure that a kitty or cat will find it's way to us, but I don't see that happening in the immediate future.
ReplyDeleteShe has the sweetest little face. Oh, how I wish I could take her. I am sure she will be scooped up very quickly! She is a dollbaby.
ReplyDeleteWant to come to California, little Miss V??? Awww, I know, that long a trip would be hard on you. I'm sure you'll find a great home soon nearer to you than I am!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, if only I was closer, my kitten and her could have so much fun.
ReplyDeleteShes beautiful!
I would take her in an instant if I was in the Washington State area. I sometimes think my Henry could use a little friend. He got on so well will my dearly departed Albee. I'm sure she will find a home soon, she is a beauty!
ReplyDeleteShe is such a beauty (I especially love the ear floof). With such killer looks, I'm sure she will find a home very soon.
ReplyDeleteSweet Ve Ching (how I love her name) reminds me so very much of my darling Olivia. She and her brother came to us through a Petco adoption day, sponsored by NARF, Nike Animal Rescue Foundation. (This Nike was named in honor of a wonderful German Shepherd.)
ReplyDeleteOlivia, like Ve Ching was talkative, playful, loving and gorgeous. I'm absolutely positive the exact right family will find Ve Ching and be forever grateful to the IBKC for fostering her.
For all those who would love for Ve Ching to come live in other parts of the country (like me), don't feel too badly; even if IBKC had a shipping policy, the airlines generally won't ship animals (unless they are in the cabin) at this dangerously hot time of year. Better she stay comfy in the cool Northwest!
ReplyDeleteLaurie, I knew you were not planning on adopting any kittens, I was just joking. I couldn't resist.
ReplyDeleteMartha, never mind wishing Ve Ching could live in other parts of your country, I wish she could fly across the Big Pond to Wales! I have four boy cats who are in need of a lovely girl cat to boss them around and sort them out. The hens are girls, but they'd rather chase the cats!
ReplyDeleteIf only I owned a house and could welcome a third cat. Of course my tuxedo already feels is space has been invaded by my silver tabby girl. Ve Ching you would have fun with my tabby. Oh such thoughts one dreams of. Oh well
ReplyDeleteOh my! Ve Ching....I do love your sweet floofy self.
ReplyDeleteYou look like an amazingly deep thinker, no wonder you have a lot to say.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you will have a choice of what kitten you will adopt, I think Miss Bean will make the choice when She finds the perfect apprentice Auntie, Bather, Tutor and ideal member of the IBKC
Your photos start my day with a smile. Love your blog. Good luck, little one. Someone is waiting to love you. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
ReplyDeleteIt's really a good thing I don't live in the Seattle area because I would adopt her and ALL the kittens. Well, a good thing for my boyfriend, at least...
ReplyDeleteIf I lived closer! :) My mom and birthmom both live in the area (Renton and Kent) but they each have their perfect number of kitties already!
ReplyDeleteLittle Ve Ching, you are a darling, and I'm sure you will find the perfect home! xoxoxo
Ve Ching, you little enchantress, I am certain your forever family is on its way to you. Who could resist your floofiness, grace and charm?
ReplyDeleteOh, if only I lived on the West Coast! She is so lovely and adorable. She reminds me of my eldest when she was a baby - and she's very vocal too! Maybe it's a tabby thing.
ReplyDeleteGood luck, beautiful little V! We're crossing our fingers, toes and paws for your forever family to find you.
Awwww. Pretty, pretty girl and I wish I could adopt her! She reminds me so much of my cat Maisie when she was a kitten. Maisie still looks like a kitten at two--there's nothing like a fluffy tabby girl. They are stunners.
ReplyDeleteOh, she is so beautiful! I wish we could be her forever family (and we even live in the vicinity!), but we are still in mourning for our beloved furry son. :-( The day will come when we are ready to adopt two who will rule our house.