Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thank You Part 1

If you were here,  I would give you all a HUGE hug.  Every last, single one of you.   Sadly, that  isn't something easily done given the vast number of you fine people and also, your geographic locations.   

I will try my best to express my gratitude, but please do me a favor and take these words and multiply them by a squillion.   And then double,  no, triple it, and please feel them like I mean them. 

So from the very, very bottom of my heart , I thank you for giving, caring,  supporting, and cheering so much.    

I am so touched by your generous, loving spirits and huge hearts.   Thank YOU for getting behind this campaign with such passion and zeal and seeing it through to it's glorious end.    Thank you for wanting to reach the goal as much as we all did.  And thank you for making it happen. 

I never thought we could top the wonderfulness of last year's fundraiser, but we did, and then some.   I am quite proud of what we accomplished together.  There were a lot of people out there (not you, of course) who didn't think we would be able to reach such a huge goal, but we did!     We are powerful!!

The money is still trickling in, and as it stands, with all we raised online combined with what the other gals on the team brought in AND then add the money from the auction items,   and our total is at $48,529.05.   

 Can you believe it?   I wouldn't be surprised if by the time we're all through,  and all the matching donations from employers come in, we'll clear $50,000.    Simply remarkable.  No, it's completely mind-blowing. 

This money will go far and help many, and  I promise to keep you updated on how and who it's all used to help. 

I am by no means done thanking you (there are some VERY special individuals that need thanking) but right now, it's very late, and Dog-A-Thon is only a few hours away, so I need to sign off. 

So, what's to come....
- More thank-yous to some special individuals who played a special part in the incredible event.
- I'll crunch some numbers, and let you know how much we raised for the senior cats, the foster program, and the spay and neuter programs.
- Pictures of dogs!  What, Dogs? !!!  and pictures of Dog-A-Thon
- Winners!  Yes!  We've got some raffling to do.
- More Suprenants going  in for snippity-snippin', and we'll start saying goodbye!   Yep.  It's that time. 

Good night,  dear friends.  Sweet dreams,   I love you. 

xoxo Laurie

OH,  If you're in the area, please come on down to Dog-A-Thon, and look for us.     Click HERE to find out details on the day. 


  1. Our family hopes you have a lovely doggie day. We are so happy for you and the IBKC!

    The Van Dyke Family

    PS We feel sparkly!

  2. I'm so delighted to have played a small part in all this, and thrilled to death for little Opal that her $.05 stands so prominently on the total board (who, by the way donated HALF her net worth if my substandard math is correct). Sparkle balls to all!
    Old Gray Mare

  3. I only wish I could have done more! I'm proud to be part of this community.

    I kind of wish Beanie could go to the DogaThon (maybe in a kitty stroller?). She is a celebrity, y'know. :-)


  4. Laurie, I have to be honest. When I saw your goal last month I thought, "Oh that's too much! It's nearly double what was raised last year AND the economy is still slow. It will never happen." This is one of those times I'm very happy to be very wrong. You've helped justify my faith in humanity and demonstrate that deep down most people are good decent folk.

    Thank you.

  5. @Darin, I agree. I too wish I could have done more, but I feel good that I was able to play a small part in the tremendous success of this. Yay for kitties and doggies! :)

  6. Thanks Laurie for aiming high! And thanks to everyone who left fun and fascinating messages in memory of the kitties that touched their lives. My favorite was the donation dedicated to "mighty, floofing Nicodemus who lived exuberantly and died far too young." That must have been some cat! I hope that the kitties helped realize in their own way their debt to innumerable cats long gone who have kindled our love for all felines.

  7. The way I see it, Laurie, is that you and your husband do all the hard work with these kitties. The least we readers can do is step up and help you when you call for it. Pushing a few buttons and donating a few greenies is nothing in comparison to the work you do.

  8. testing....can't get comments to work

  9. Pictures of dogs?! Ewww....just kidding, I love them too. But how does Charlene feel about that?

  10. Charlene is pretty (and) magnanimous about the whole dog thing.

    @Jason - I also thought the goal was awfully high. Thank goodness I was wrong.

  11. My entire cat hold is so thrilled that the Drewey Senior Cat Fund, the foster program and the spay-and-neuter program have been so well gifted this year. Cynthia, who ran so many donation matches, is an absolute angel.



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