Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Perfect Tabby Trio

I've got so many pictures of the gorgeous Suprenant sisters left to share with you. So while we wait for Miss V's family to find their way to us, I'll continue to post some pics of the whole family. And, of course, more pics of Ve and Bean too.

Here we have beautiful Biscuit, Betty and Ve Ching. Pure tabby perfection.





  1. How could anyone resist little Miss V? Look at that ear floof, those fabulous leg stripes! Those whiskers!

  2. Gah... I have a weakness for tabbies anyway, but *three at once giving beseeching looks?* If they demanded I give them all my worldly goods, I'd probably do it with a smile.

    Hmm.... thought. We gotta get these girls on promoting world peace. Who could say no t them?

  3. Oh hai babies! Is it my imagination, or was Betty a tiny little peanut compared to Biscuit and Ve Ching?

  4. Floofy and stripey! swoooon... yes, my knees just went weak at the sight of 3 perfect tabby girls.

    Miss Ve, I'm sure your family is running to you!

  5. If you go from Betty to Ve Ching to Biscuit, it's like putting a tabby in Photoshop and moving the "Floof" setting from 25% to 50% to 100%.

  6. The ear floof.. The ear floof is KILLING ME! I love the way V's seems to stick out the most. I'm a sucker for floof.

  7. They are such beautiful little floofy, stripey girls!

  8. Three tiny tabby maids are we,
    Pert as a tabby cat can be,
    Filled to the brim with stripes, you see-ee,
    Three tiny tabby maids!

    (Photoshop "floof" setting, heehee)

  9. Did you have to glue them down to sit like that? Lovely picture though!

  10. I love these photos! The second looks like you said to Betty, okay now you need to kneel down now and get a glamour shot. Such beauties!!

  11. Heehee, perfect, Melissa! And now I can't get it out of my head!

  12. Oh I get it - these cats are made of pipe cleaners. There is no other way to pose them so perfectly...or so I am convinced.

  13. Christie, she's slightly smaller, but her coat is shorter too, which make her look even tinier compared to the V and B.



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