This little fellow is a very special boy. Not because he's cuter, sweeter, snugglier, or brighter than the other kittens (although he's very cute, sweet, snuggly and bright). He's special because this little guy is the 100th foster kitten to pass through our doors!
So, sound the sirens! Release the balloons! Toss the confetti! Bring on the catnip! Woot! We've got cause for celebration!!! Hooray for the 100 beautiful babies that we've had the pleasure of knowing over the past three and a half years.
We're so excited to be passing this milestone, and look forward to meeting the next 100 and beyond!
Thanks to all of you for sticking around through all these litters. We appreciate your support so much.
I'm curious, what litter were we hosting when you started following this blog? Do tell.
PS Yes, this is the fourth and final kitten from our new brood. Tomorrow we'll start finding out what their names are.
You are 100 on a scale of 1-10!
ReplyDeleteHooray!!! One hundred little lives saved!!! Much thanks to you and all you do!!
ReplyDeleteThe Lovejoys. But they were on their way(s) to their forever homes, so I really count the Darlings as my first itty bitties. That's when I met my still all time favorite FRANCINE! (I always think of her in all caps. She was a star!)
ReplyDeleteYou are my hero, ma'am.
ReplyDeleteYou were hosting the Pickenses when I first discovered you (I think it was via Cute Overload, but I can't be certain).
Bravo! And much love to that adorable little creamsicle fellow up there!
YAY! 100th kitten! And he's a cutie, too!
ReplyDeleteI started following the IBKC blog with the Picketts. I found the blog via cuteoverload.com. Passed it on to mom and the rest is history! We've loved the blog and kittens and of course, Bean, ever since.
Congratulations #100 (name TBA)! And congratulations IBKC for all you do for these young-uns and us. My day wouldn't be complete without my kitty fix!
ReplyDeleteI found this wonderful blog during the days of the Darlings. Hubie-doobie-doo!
ReplyDeletePretty sure it was the Fortunatos.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie!
ReplyDeleteI started following at the very beginning of the Darlings' visit. I think I got here from I Can Has Cheezburger.
The Darlings! I still remember their cute little faces the best :)
ReplyDeleteI think it was the Picketts. Poor Jerry Lee. :(
ReplyDeleteI just started with this litter! They're all so cute!!! Can't wait to learn their names. And dying to find out if that little marmie is a boy or (bestillmyheart) a GIRL! Maybe, just maybe..... One of these littles could join my family! *EEP!*
ReplyDeleteRiza and Mei send their congrats! I believe you were hosting the Picketts when I first started following IBKC.
ReplyDeletecongrats on the 100th kitten! for me, it was the finch boys. although i have gone back and checked out every other litter before them :]
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the 100th kitten. I started following the blog mid-way through the Ashby family. Thanks so much for brightening my day!
ReplyDeleteSqueee! Cutie patootie. Congratulations on the 100th kitty foster. Makes me cry tears of joy.
ReplyDeleteI think the Davenports were being fostered at the time I started reading this blog
concats to Laurie and Charline and Craig. I started to follow with the tub foot ball edition... Cant remember the name of the litter... Enjoy every moment of your blog and proud of what you do. Here's to more and more kittens
ReplyDeletePS - a buff boy sqeel
Hooray for 100 kittens! I discovered you right around the same time the Furmans did (and have spent much of my spare time since then meeting and melting over the earlier itty bitties).
ReplyDeleteI started following with the Merriweathers. Have been hooked ever since!
ReplyDeleteYay for 100 kittens! I began following with the Fortunados...and had to go get me a seal point boy from the Humane Society in Minneapolis shortly thereafter :)
ReplyDeleteI don't remember what litter you had when I started. I just know it's been a long time, and I've loved every single one of them.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 100 babies!!! Cheers to the next!!!!
Hurray for the first 100! I started with the Fortunatos, right after we found our own itty bitty kitty!
ReplyDeleteI came in on the post about Jerry Lee Pickett, loving every minute of his afternoon in the yard. It was so lovingly written and the photographs so beautiful, I've been back every single day since.
ReplyDeleteI found you from Cute Overload with the Livermore gang. Fell hard for Drewey and harder for the Bean. Thanks for making each day a bit brighter with your posts.
Woo-HooooO! 100 wondrous kittens have been Beaned!
ReplyDeleteI came over from cute overload...
I think I started with 1 or 2 litters before the Picketts - but sweet Jerry Lee Pickett was the itty bitty stole and dinged my heart.
And I have been a bit of an avid fan and participant ever since!
Congrats! What a great job you've been doing. I started with the Suprenants. I just love the names you give them :)
ReplyDeleteThe Picketts!
ReplyDeleteAwww what a lovely new set of kittens! Want the lovely grey tuxie guy...
ReplyDeleteAnyways Congrats on the 100 kittens passing through!
I think, not sure now, that it was the Picketts who I first met on your blog... Little Twyla was my favourite of that litter - Anyone know how shes getting on and if there are any pics of her all grown up?
Well, I happen to think all kittens are special, but I guess you are right -- this one is *very* special! Congrats on this milestone, and I look forward to a hundred more sweet little babies finding their forever homes.I honestly can't remember which litter was here when I found you, because it's been a very long time.
ReplyDeleteI think the Lovejoys were your babies when I first started following your fabulous blog...but they have all been darlings...at least so it seems from your wonderful photos!
ReplyDeleteFor me it was the Bouviers, after that photo of Wilhelmina was posted on Cute Overload. I've been a daily reader ever since.
ReplyDelete100 kittens! congratulations to IBKC and hugs to Charlene for her wonderful mothering -kitten raising skills!~ i've been here a long time! but i think it was around the time of Picketts. I also came to IBKC via COL. This is my favorite site ever! I visit every day. :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats! 100 kittens is amazing.
ReplyDeleteI started following with the Bouviers! I can't believe how long ago that was. It was the photo of Willamena and her paw turkey that got me started.
Thanks for all you do for the kitties and for the enjoyment you've brought to me!
Yay for the 100! I was hooked from the Anderson-Erickson and have back-tracked to previous litters. The Darlings stole my heart. I often look at Rhoda asleep in her donut wheel...squee...and the sweet face of Francine and her tiny teeth. They, and The Spooners, have sealed my fate. I am IBKC to the core.
ReplyDeleteHow did you decide which one of this litter of 4 to make the 100th?
ReplyDeleteAlso, the Fortunatos.
Congrats! I came here the last few days you had the Lovejoys (by way of Cute Overload).
ReplyDeleteMy upstairs neighbor told me about the IBKC when I was ready to find a new fuzzie for my old lady fluffy Snookie...
ReplyDeleteI started following the blog with the Pettibones and could not resist Alvie until he was mine. Alvie and his 5 brothers and sisters all stole my heart, though.
Julius (aka Alvie Pettibone) has been the light and joy of my life ever since...ornery little stinker that he is!
Great She Elephant.. He was the last one out of the carrier when I brought them home.
ReplyDeleteNice little batch of four. And coincidence that this last one rounded the entire number to 100.
ReplyDeleteI followed right at the tail end of the Lyttletons, so pretty recent, but it's my favorite blog!
Hip hip hooray for achieving this big (er.. itty bitty!) milestone!!! YAY!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been a devotee since the Darlings! (And the 2009 fundraiser... I do believe it was a Cute Overload link that got it all started for me.)
I've been a reader since Enid and Hester - I think it was the angel wings post.
ReplyDeleteI'm following you since the Lyttletons, and I also went back to your "history". With very rare skips, I "see" you every day. Your always full basket is a part of our life. I congratulate you, for what you're doing, and for the excellent faces you picture. I have a cute face at home too.
ReplyDeleteI started reading when you were fostering the Picketts. I have tears streaming down my face as I'm writing this. And a big lump in my throat. Losing Jerry Lee broke my heart. He was such a precious little soul. I have visited your site almost every day since.
ReplyDeleteThe Lovely Livermores! I was lucky enough to snag two! Thank You Laurie for the wonderful fostering!
ReplyDeleteCori, Albert and Elvis(Davy)
I've been here almost every day since the Lovejoys..Yay for itty bitties and for Laurie, Craig and Bean who adore them.
ReplyDeleteI don't know! It was before the Mayfields.
ReplyDeleteSince you have nothing important to do, why don't you list the surnames in chronological order for us?
Yea for Mr. 100! And here's to the next 100 and onward from there.
Thank you, Laurie, Craig, and Charlene!
I think the Lovejoys had just gone on their way. Seems to me the poll results post for the pairs was still on the front page but the poll itself wasn't. I don't remember how I got here, but maybe the same way as Baxter's Mom in the third comment, since it sounds like she and I started reading about the same time (as did others, but I don't think I was reading Cute Overload). And yes, the Darling Darlings are forever favorites, with those posts about the tote boards. :) Though the Finches and the Spooners were particularly adorable too.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I've read most of the older posts. Both Bernadette and Jerry Lee made me cry and mourn for hours. :( Reading how happy that little boy was with the treats he got on his last day... I don't know how you could do it, letting go of that joyful little life. I mean, I know intellectually, but not emotionally. *sob*
ReplyDeleteI checked in on and off but it was the Finch boys that made me a regular. I cried when they went to their forever homes. I still tear up, don't know why. I can tell you, though, even with 8 kids (of the four-legged meowing kind) I would take this WHOLE litter in a heart beat. Good thing I leave on the east coast...
ReplyDeleteThe Lyttletons - i think i got pointed here from cute overload and check almost daily for new pix - they make my day!
ReplyDeleteYAY for 100 kitties helped! You are all AWESOME!
Congratulations. To think - all the good that you've done! I hope you're proud of yourself, because you should be.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember which litter you were hosting when I started to follow. I've since gone back and checked them all out (many times).
Wow, 100! What an accomplishment (give Bean a bit of kitten kibble to celebrate).
ReplyDeleteI tried searching back in the archives to see when I first started reading and can recall all but the very earliest photos. I honestly don't remember which batch of babies caused those first squeals and ooohs and aahs. My thanks for sharing all these little wonders with us.
After 100, I think Ms. Butterbean has earned a spa day or something, don't you? Maybe her very own small bowl of kitten food? I believe my best friend told me about this site somewhere around the Picketts. I know I was with you when little Jerry Lee left us and have been here every day since, including looking at all the archival materials. Trying to remember my 1st litter started me thinking about who I would choose as my favorite itty bitties....hmm....have to get back to you on that one...............
ReplyDeleteI of course have to add my congrats on the 100th IBK; you have brightened the lives of many kittens and even more followers of your blog. I have loved every minute of my time here, thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I started following daily with the Pettibones. Can't believe how many lucky kittens have passed through!
ReplyDeleteI started following since the Bouviers via Cute Overload which was featuring Willamena and her turkey.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations dear 100th kitten and thank you Laurie, Craig, and Charlene!
I think I started following at Walter and Ira.
ReplyDeleteYou should make a poster with all 100 kittens on it!
My first time here was the sad story of little Jerry Lee, but his darling sister Twyla won my heart forever! do you ever get any updates on her??
ReplyDeleteCongrats! That's so wonderful :o)
ReplyDeleteOn a random note, I thought this might be helpful for anyone with a kitty. I sent in a photo to this contest on Lifetime's site that gives the winner a years supply of food and a cash prize. I know times have been rough so the free food and cash could def help some ppl and their furry friends out ;o)
I started following during the Lytteltons... I think I'd been here once or twice before, though... linked from Cute Overload... of course I read through the entire archive too. Congratulations on a whole lot of cute!
ReplyDeleteI'm also a three year veteran from Cute Overload featuring Miss Willamena. Best discovery ever =)
ReplyDeleteThat's amazing! I love that there are people like you out there! I've been following this blog from almost day 1 and it never fails to put a smile on my face. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I started with the Pettibones. You do great work, and your blog is a source of inspiration and entertainment.
ReplyDeleteI started with the Lytteltons. I love your blog and look forward to checking it everyday. It makes me want a kitten so badly, but I need to stick with my cat per cap rule :-).
ReplyDeleteI got hooked by the Bouviers. When I'm having a bad day, I go through the old pictures of Maddie and I always feel better.
ReplyDeleteWOW!! congratulations on such a huge milestone!
ReplyDeletei think i started at the tail end of the labaths.
yes nichole! enid's wings!
ReplyDeleteWilhelmina and her cute little turkey drawing brought me to the blog, I can't believe how time (and kittens) fly!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the work you do to help all these bitty babies, and the hours of enjoyment you've given us!!!
Laurie, congrats on the 100th kitten you've helped! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely bunch.
It was the tail end of the Lyttletons for me.
But I went and investigated Jerry Lee Pickett and now I'm bawling. :( :(
Woo Hoo! Congrats on 100! That is amazing to know you have helped so many!
ReplyDeleteI had to go back and check, but it looks like I have been following since the Ashbys - I don't always comment much but I think I have seen every post since them (and oh, I went back - they were such cuties!)
Lurker here since Willamena's cute turkey paw drawing. Yay on 100 kittens!
ReplyDeleteThe adorable Darlings were the kitten family you fostered when I first tuned into your blog. And I never looked back! Thanks for all you do!
ReplyDeleteWow, these guys are all very different from one another! I have no idea which litter was here when I first started following, but it was the fall of 2007? Or was it 2008? Whatever the case, the cuteness has been a lovely lift ever since.
ReplyDeleteI have been an avid follower starting with the Pettibones, like others have posted I checked out all the previous litters before I came in and Jerry Lee just broke my heart. Your site has encouraged me to foster and get involved with my local shelter, Furkids in Atlanta.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to meet the new bunch - "Howdy" from the south from my bunch of kitties: Tux, Ginger & Lissa!!
Bless you for all you do Laurie, with the help of Miss Bean and Craig of course.
I followed an innocuous link from Cute Overload, not knowing I'd be completely hooked to your wonderful site!
ReplyDeleteI'm a relative latecomer who started following regularly with the Suprenants -- completely disbelieving that little Ve Ching was still lacking a family.
What an amazing thing that you do to showcase the importance of pet adoption and fostering. Two of our three babies came from the Tacoma Humane Society two years ago. We couldn't imagine our lives now without them!
Wendy Knits linked to your fundraiser last year and I was hooked. Happy 100! Thanks for all you do for the kitties, and for us humans who look forward to happy fuzzy fun time on your blog.
ReplyDeleteI believe that I came in at the tail-end of the Lytteltons. Hooray for reaching 100 kittens!
ReplyDeleteI think the tail end of the Mayfields, as I remember that photo of Fergus laughing out loud.
ReplyDeleteThe Davenports. My Aunt and Uncle adopted Eddie and Inez. I still follow the blog and applaud you and your husband for opening your homes and hearts to all those kitties. Yay for you and yay for all those happy families.
ReplyDeleteI missed Rex von Trout, but possibly after him. . . can't tell from the posts where I jumped in. Loved the Picketts, the Ashbys, &c... really all of them :)
ReplyDeleteIt was the Lovejoys and that outrageously coy "I'm Not Ready for Love" video, still a favorite.
ReplyDeleteRaising my glass to you, Laurie!
Congratulations on 100 piles of fluff! I found you during the Darling weeks and the fundraiser. I was hooked immediately! Ira and Walter Finch are still my favorites.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to go look, Laurie...right now I'm packing for a few days in the wilderness, but I'll try to find it and let you know. Suffice it to say: each kitten every day (and you, and Craig, and of course Mistress Butterbean...and Drewey of Blessed Memory) has given me unalloyed delight. I've laughed and chuckled, and I've wept and gone to hug my Evangeline and Lilliane; I couldn't possibly select a "favorite". I love them all, AND YOU! You are the essence of "mitzvah". "Thank you" doesn't begin to express it.
ReplyDeleteI came aboard with the Picketts and have been visiting this site many times a day since:) Rhoda Darling is my very favoritist fluff ball so far.
ReplyDeleteAfter scrolling back through months and months of posts (a TERRIBLE chore, of course), I've concluded that I arrived here at the same time as the Lovejoys. Still one of my favorite litters.
ReplyDeleteOoh, this baby cutie boy looks like Curtis Furman!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you (Laurie, Craig and Miss Butterbean) on a hundred tiny bundles of love! You do fantastic, inspiring work and we appreciate it all very much every day.
I started following as the Lytteltons were leaving. I'm so sorry I missed the Finches - because, going through the archives, precious little Walter became my favorite IBK ever! Such an adorable sweetheart!
Congratulations and thanks for doing this work. I check every day for some kitty goodness to brighten my heart. You and the kitties do wonders!
ReplyDeleteI can't remember what kitty group it was that caught my attention. I came here from Jezebel. The kitty that haunts me though is that white one with the teeny overbite that was a rescue from somewhere and covered in bloody fleabites? I think you named him Pink and everyone thought he was girl at first? The picture you had of him after a bath was so heart-breaking -- he looked so worried! I'd love to know how he's doing. It was posted early in the year I think.
I started reading as the Ashbys were finding their homes. I was completely sunk by the Lovejoys and have checked the blog every day since then.
ReplyDeleteCornelius with the red bow tie was my first IBKC kitten. And I've been addicted ever since!
ReplyDeleteI have been coming here since at least Cornelius. I have cried lots of tears (sweet Bernadette & dear little Jerry Lee & of course, Drewey) (tearing up right now just thinking of those sweet bebes!) Laurie - you, Craig & the Bean are totally made of Awesome. You have given such love and wonderful starts to all these little kittens and so much joy to everyone who comes here. You are a blessing indeed!
ReplyDeleteI started with the Bouviers and Maddy's travel story. I have loved your blog ever since.
ReplyDeleteI first gave my heart to Francine Darling, and her siblings. Haven't looked back since.
ReplyDeleteI believe I came here partways through the litter right before the beautiful Momma Beaulah Mae and her litter. I don't know the chronology of the litters, so I can't tell you which one.
ReplyDeleteThe story that got me? When Beaulah Mae was still living in the bathroom (Sue's?) and was startled by a noise - and she brought a straying kitten to your lap and went back to be with the rest of the litter.
That's when I knew I had found something pretty darned special.
If you didn't get to meet Beaulah Mae and her kits, check the story out here http://www.theittybittykittycommittee.com/2008/04/such-good-mama-cat.html
Yay! 100 Kitties!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember which litter was here when I started visiting – the LaBath Ladies maybe? I remember swooning when I saw Tressa Lovejoy's picture, such a gorgeous girlie! And being super excited when I found out I was moving to Seattle for school (I might get a chance to adopt an Itty Bitty Kitty!) And tears with Drewey's passing – she was my cranky old kitty when my Valy stayed with my parents.
I think my first batch was the Mayfields, but it might have been a bit earlier. I found the IBKC through Flickr. After a stressful day, or sometimes even during, I'd go browse for pictures of kittens (or other baby animals) and fell in love with Laurie's photography. I finally followed to the blog, and thus an addict was born. So technically, Flickr counts as a gateway drug. :-)
ReplyDeleteI've only been following the Committee for the past month, so the Furmans were my my introduction. Had a soft spot for Oliver; so glad he's found a new home :-)
ReplyDeleteJulia Karr on Twitter kept linking to your blogs, and they were so adorable, I had to subscribe for myself :-)
Congratulations! I've so enjoyed seeing all the little ones go through your home and move on to being with their forever families. I started following IBKC with the Spooners - so sweet!
ReplyDeleteI started following when the LaBath girls were in residence.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your first 100!
I came in just as the Von Trouts were leaving. Has it really been that long?
ReplyDeleteThe Lovejoys were my first litter. I can't believe how long I've been reading this blog!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on # 100. I don't know how you do it, but I'm so glad you do.
I've lost track... some time well after January 2009, some time before the dogathon 2009. I volunteered at a shelter regularly all year, and it was a bad, bad year there - one of the few salves for end of life cat experiences is to have as much kitten going on as you can manage.
ReplyDeleteI started reading this blog when the Bouviers were in residence! I fell in love with Maddie Bouvier, for torties are my favorite kittens and the cute little 'kiss' on her nose.
ReplyDeleteThat's tough, Laurie! I *think* the first litter I peeked in on was the Bouviers. It's hard to remember because I went back and looked through the archives to the beginning when I started reading regularly. LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI took some random stabs in the archives just now and it looks like I started commenting in Feb 08 (as kleinwort, then) and I'm pretty sure I lurked a while first, 'cause I remember waiting for you to get back from a trip.
No matter when it was, every minute has been a joy!! Thank you, hon! And Craig and Charlene and dear Drewey! One hundred wonderful kittens and three years of wonderful community!
The Picketts were the first litter I met through this blog. I was enthralled with their little extra toes ^_^
ReplyDeleteWell done on the hundredth [adorable] little fuzzball! May there be many many more for you and for us, the kitty-loving community :)
WOW! What a wonderful loving achievement! 100 kittens and counting ... yoo are AWESOME! And this special kitty is ... very special!
ReplyDeleteI believe you were raising the Pettibones when I first came to the site and I fell in love with Alvie! Congrats on your 100th! Thank you for helping to give so many little souls a safe and loving place to grow and soar!
ReplyDeleteIt was the Picketts
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on being such a great influence on the little bitty kitties and those of us who have stumbled into peeking at your lives.
Thank you,
Heather, Chaos & Mayhem
My first clear IBKC memory is the arrival of the lovely LaBath ladies.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 100 kitties! You really are amazing.
ReplyDeleteI cannot remember which litter was live when I first discovered the IBKC because I have gone back into the archives so many times... It's all a cute, fuzzy blur.
Eeee!! The 100th kitten is a sweet buff boy just like my very own sweetheart, Cody!!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember when I first discovered the IBKC from a Cute Overload link because I've been through the archives a few times but I think I've been enjoying these precious darlings for at least a year! It's a regular stop for me each day, especially if it's been a difficult one. Bright, sweet kitty faces have a very theraputic effect on one' mood. :)
Congratulations on finding perfect forever homes for 100 fortunate felines!
I cannot remember who the kitties were when I first started viewing, but I do know I came over here because of the Happy Thanksgiving photo of Willamena Bouvier posted on "Cute Overload". So, maybe, November 2007?
ReplyDeleteA kitty making a hand turkey! Fantastic!
I started following this blog at the very end of the Drapers/beginning of the Finches.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think Edith Furman is my favourite.
ReplyDeleteIt was the paw turkey for me as well.
ReplyDeleteTURKEY PAW!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI got hooked back in 2008...dear little Bernadette Mayfield lured me in. Sweet furry angel!
ReplyDelete100! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteI can't remember which family of kitties was my first. Maybe the Picketts. It was through Cute Overload. But I sat there and flipped through every single post that came before, so I feel like I've met all of them :) It's been over 2 years for sure.
I'm now having a conversation with myself. I think it was before the Picketts. What was the first family that was on CO? It was then, whenever that was :)
ReplyDeleteI started reading regularly right about the time of the lovely LaBath ladies!
ReplyDeleteI don't comment, I just pop by periodically and ogle and covet the kitties... I think it was the Davenports, and I came to you you through CO.
ReplyDelete-- Warrior Rabbit
Like many others, it was the wonderful picture of Willamena and her "turkey" on Cuteoverload.com that led me to the IBKC, but I wasn't really a regular until the day I ordered several packs of the kitty cards. This was one of them - http://www.theittybittykittycommittee.com/2009/07/hubie-doobie-do-well-miss-you.html - and I just LOVED what that picture said to me. Hubie's new mom is HUGGING him - don't you want to hug the STUFFING out of your kitties? - and he looks completely ok with it. I have that card on my desk at home, and it makes me so happy to look at it. So that's when I started visiting everyday - just in time for the Anderson-Ericksons - grumpy Clement and Bernice with the fishhook. And I spent a whole weekend going back to the very beginning and reading all the posts from the start!
ReplyDeleteAww, what a doll! I love the orangey ones.
ReplyDeleteI started reading with the Picketts or maybe the litter before. I distinctly remember being a little wrecked over poor little Jerry Lee.
I started reading when you had the batch with Cornelious & his bow tie. Came back because I loved your decorating (that vintage rug with pink! oh!) Then I was hooked with the story of Maddie getting her forever home and the lengths they went too.
ReplyDeleteThe story of Jerry Lee made me cry for days --there was something about him that just broke my heart.
I think I got here from Cheezburger but I'm not sure.
It was the Pettibones or Picketts, I believe, two plus years ago. I'd just lost my beloved 14 year old kitty and somehow found this site and it cheered me up :)
ReplyDeleteThe first kitties I remember looking at are Rex and Reva Von Trout, and I swear I have been to the IBKC every day since then!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited that some of you remember and love Maddie so much. She is still a happy, confident girl.
Sorry I'm so late! I was on vacation! I started just as the Picketts were leaving; I still have the fondest memories of those babies! Coincidentally, I have a little girl that looks very similar to Twyla, but with more stripes. :)
ReplyDeleteOops, late here too! I started with the Littletons - that picture of (I think its) Ridley on his little butt with his back feet up in the air as he's playing is one of my favorite pictures of all time. I got here through either the Webby awards or Cute Overload, I can't recall, but I'm so happy I did. You're an inspiration! When my husband and I finally settle, I've already informed him we'll be fostering cats for our local shelter.