This just cracked me up. Dad kept saying this morning, "Is it thundering outside?" Actually, the thunder was the sound of two little critters running down the hallway. Anyway, I guess you had to be there, but it really made me laugh! I love the sound of thunder inside my house.
Here's another:
They still do disappearing acts, but I am getting used to their usual hiding places. This morning Mimsey climbed up on Dad's lap while he was reading the paper. I would have taken a picture of that, but he didn't have his shirt on. Last night they both layed on the couch with me for the entire Dancing with the Stars show! They love romping in the enclosed porch. They run up and down the steps, fly across the room and then turn around and run back into the house.
Oh,, but then this happened...
Today I went solo to take the kittens in their carrier to meet their new vet , Dr. Berger, and his staff. Right before I left, I asked Dad to put the kittens in the carrier, while I finished getting ready. Dad didn't go with me, because he had a dentist appointment. About three-fourths of the way to the clinic, I felt movement on the floor by my feet! I absolutely panicked when I saw both kittens on the floor! I could not imagine how they could have managed that - just like the escape artists at a Vegas show. Anyway, I managed to drive the rest of the way very slowly, because luckily they didn't get under the pedals, and there really wasn't a good place to pull over. Besides, I was afraid to open the door along the highway. By the time I got to the clinic, they had both moved to the back again. I got the attention of the receptionist , who helped corral them, and we each carried one into the building. We checked the carrier and found the escape route. Do you remember the small zipper on the top of the carrier? It is just big enough to reach into the carrier without opening the bigger sides on each end.. That zipper was open. I take the blame for that, because the other day I was checking out the carrier to see how to use it, and didn't zip up that one spot. Believe me, that was the first and last time that will ever happen! And, I will never underestimate what they are capable of escaping from.
The examination went fine. They were very good, although neither one was happy about that thermometer! He told me they were both very healthy. Before we left, I took a picture of Dr. Berger and the kittens. They all smiled! Going home was uneventful, because all zippers were closed this time! As a former teacher, I would give them a "C" for the trip up, but an " A" for the return home. They have been sleeping in the sunny spots on our porch all afternoon, and look so sweet and innocent - just like nothing ever happened. I think my blood pressure is back to normal by now. No, I will not be sending them back to you. This was a good lesson for me to learn, and besides, they have already won my heart.
And now, some pictures from my dad. First off,, the happy couple with their happy little pair...

One of Mimsey's hiding places...




Nigel's favorite spot to nap...

Looks like the Frosts found their perfect home!
ReplyDeleteThey look like they have a nice family and home to live in!
Oh my gosh!! What a BEAUTIFUL house!!!! And an even more BEAUTIFUL little family!
ReplyDeleteOh my, what naughty kitties but very cute and how big they have grown.. all in all very satisfactory :)
ReplyDeleteAw, they are so cute!!
ReplyDeleteI'm planning on moving in with your parents.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Amy. Let's move in with Laurie's parents!
ReplyDeleteAh...the first of many lessons the kittens will teach your mom and dad, lol!
ReplyDeleteI'd have had a stroke had 2 kittens been exploring my car on the highway! Your mother certainly must have been a basket case. Clearly those two sweeties have wrapped their little paws around your parents' hearts...just as it should be. Love the indoor thunder story.
ReplyDeleteYour parents are AWESOME. You can tell how much they adore those kittens, who I know adore them right back. Aww!
ReplyDelete"No, I will not be sending them back to you. This was a good lesson for me to learn, and besides, they have already won my heart." Awww..this made me cry a little :)
ReplyDeleteNigel and Mimsey.. you won the kitty lottery and have the greatest jackpot of all...the very best parents to love you!!
Love the thundering herd in the hall..too funny!
Amy & Susan..I am packing my bags and heading for the border (from Canada)..will meet you at Laurie's parents !! Don't need a bedroom, I'll sleep with Mimsey under the pillow! :)
It's going to get crowded at Sharon and Dave's house, but it'll sure be fun when we all move in together.
ReplyDeleteOne of my cats, when young, unzipped a carrier all by herself and suddenly appeared in my lap as I was driving down the freeway! Needless to say, that carrier was promptly returned to the store in favor of a more "kitty-proof" one.
ReplyDeleteLOVE the family portrait! Will that be their Christmas card photo?
They look so relaxed and happy! I'm glad your parents are enjoying them, and your mom can be forgiven her slip-up with the carrier. What a lovely holiday season it will be for your parents and the Frost babies alike!
ReplyDeleteOoh, a log house! I hope I have one that pretty someday. My little cabin is cute but nothing like that. Wait until they find the rafters!
ReplyDeleteHeh heh. Naughty floofy kittens! LOVE!
It's so great to see how pets can dramatically change a person's life for the better. Pretty soon, your parents will be hard pressed to remember what life was like "before kittehs." I'm so happy for them all!
ReplyDeleteLaurie, your mom needs to write her own blog...Adventures in Kitty Wrangling. Too, too cute!
ReplyDeleteTeughcats, I was TOTALLY thinking the same thing! That top picture would be a GREAT Christmas/holiday card photo.
ReplyDeleteLog walls! I live in a log home and was surprised to come home one day and find both Kodiak and Kenai literally climbing the walls. The naughty kittens would scale the walls to play with the skylight shade cords which stopped about 5 feet from the floor! Fortunately, as they got larger they weren't able to do that anymore. Your mom is going to go into panic mode the first time she sees Nigel and Mimsey walk across the room on one of those ceiling beams. She should be prepared. A log home offers all sorts of exciting challenges for kittens.
ReplyDeleteawww - what a great update. I had a similar jail break in the car going for a vet visit...funny later but panic at the time. :)
ReplyDeleteI've been checking every day to see how the sweet babies have been doing. What adventures they seem to be having.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, your parents and Mimsey and Nigel are just perfect together.
Hooray for kitties, parents, log cabins and cat-proof cat carriers.
Of all your kittens, my favorite is Nigel. How lucky your parents are to now have them in their life and how lucky for those kittens. Wonderful photos. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
ReplyDeleteI love reading about the adventures of the Novices and the kittens... I am glad mom survived the scare. Love the part about the receptionist coming to help. The move from the car to the Vet's office is the scariest for me. I can deal with jail breaks in the car or crate failure at my house, but I do worry about the final (and then first) 20 feet or so... Thunder on Mimsey and Nigel, thunder on!
ReplyDeleteMummy has got a very soppy face on just looking at those two. Naughty kittens are such fun prrrrrrr
ReplyDeleteFYI,,, the log home in pic number one is my aunt sue and uncle mike's house. the frosts joined my parents and family there for thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteWell, I agree with all of the above! And I'm coming too - I can keep Mrs Laurie'sMom company, I believe we're about of an age. I'll bring the sparkle balls, the rest of you are on your own. (Thanks, Laurie, for this -can't you just feel the "happy" rolling across the whole country? Or CONTINENT, if Karen's in Canada! Sharon, I'm bringing a chore chart too - we'll take care of the daily stuff so you can just cuddle with the babies and watch teevee!
ReplyDeleteD: to the story about the kittens getting loose in the car... thank heavens they had enough of a sense of self preservation to not interfere with your mom's driving!
ReplyDeleteSeems like everyone is settling in great, and I'm thinking your parents and the Frosts are, indeed, a perfect match.
I had to laugh at "I would have taken a picture of that, but he didn't have his shirt on", because that is so exactly what my Mom would have said! Hee!
ReplyDeleteI love the pics of the babies looking out the window - it looks like these little monkeys have really found their perfect home.
I too enjoyed the comment about not taking your dad's picture since he didn't have a shirt on. Nigel is my very favorite of all the itty bitties too. I'm so glad your parents took them--if they need help wrangling them, I'm across the border in Nebraska!
ReplyDelete"Thundering" that is a good one. My cat is SO NOT light on her feet "pussy footing" was not a phrase meant for her. When she runs down our hallway (bare hardwood) I always refer to her as a "herd of horses" and I ask her, "you heard of horses, haven't you?"
ReplyDeleteShe hasn't been feeling well so I haven't heard that herd for a while, but she is getting better and hope to hear the herd soon.
Love the Frost update. The birdwatching pictures are adorable!
Not the first time cat vs. human ended up in favor of cat! Tell your mom not to feel bad! and...what a joy to get the update!
ReplyDeleteI call my two little thunderstorms too - it's funny how such little packages can make such a ruckus!
ReplyDeleteI also love that your parents have learned the universal kitty rule - they can have the most wonderful, comfy beds in the world - but the best position is right next to them!
I'm glad the Frosts and your parents had a great thanksgiving! Travelling to see family is great!
Wow! I can't believe how much they've grown in a week. They definitely aren't itty bitty any more. Looks like they have settled in and stolen two hearts as well.
ReplyDeleteAw, I'm glad to see they are doing so well. They have a great view for birdwatching, and it's nice to hear they have an enclosed porch. We have one and the cats just love exploring "out" there.
ReplyDeleteMan, talk about cool as a cucumber! Sharon prolly developed that skill raising Laurie. Those little Frost-Houdinis are no match for her!
ReplyDeleteI'm so freakin' grateful for the email and the photos. They paint *such* a delicious portrait of life in Iowa of this family we're all so connected to, and they warm the cockles of my heart. *Thank you* Sharon. xo
These stories are pure delight. Those kittens are lucky (and deserving of that luck!) P.S. loved the "Grant Wood" shot with kittehs instead of pitchforks.
ReplyDeleteAlso, look at all the neat stuff at their new home. Perches. Mousies. Wavy scratcher thingie. Sparkle ball!
ReplyDeleteAnd look at Nige's little paws on the windowsill!!!!
Oh man, I'm crying with happiness and laughter. How wonderful and heartwarming that they all found each other. Looks like a perfect match.
ReplyDeleteThundering down the hallway is wonderful - we call my girl 'the littlest buffalo" because of her not-so-stealthy run down our hard-wood hall. I've seen this swoopy thing that Nigel's blissed out in in other photos - what is that and where could I get one?
ReplyDeleteOh my...but they have settled in well! Love their bird watching positions...look forward to more updates from your Mum and Dad >^..^<
ReplyDeleteI think the Frosts and your parents are a *purr*fect fit!
ReplyDeleteA very inexpensive toy, a tunnel called the Crackle Chute ($7 at the grocery store here in SC, but they have them at some Targets, Petco, and Petsmarts, too--beware of the prices though) that the kittens will love and your parents will get a hoot out of, is a cat tunnel. It makes crinkle (sp?) noise.
I'm serious, it was $7 dollars at my grocery store.
If you want me to pick one up, let me know and where to send it to. If your dad thinks it was thundering with them running the hallway, this will sound like lightening at 2AM in the morning!
But my grown cats love it, too -- possible due to the crackling noise. Let me know (dihans at knology dot net)!
Awesome story!
ReplyDeleteThunderpaws are impressive from a pair of 2 pound kittens!
Glad they are all settling in and Nigel & Mimsey seem to have quite the full day! Bird waiting, Bird watching, Boxing.....WOW!!!
They look so happy!!! :)
ReplyDeleteMy girls have that very same mouse.. it's one of their faves. What a floofball, sitting by the window. You sure that's a kitten??
ReplyDeleteSo, so cute and heart-warming.. They've definitely won the lottery in getting your parents as their furever home.
Laurie, thanks for posting an update on the Frosts. I've been checking everyday for a story on them (and I got to read 3!). They're getting so big already! :) So glad your parents have them for Christmas.
ReplyDeletethey are so beautiful and seem so happy! i'm really glad that your parents are enjoying them. can't wait for more updates!
ReplyDeleteNigel and Mimsey won my heart. I think they are my favorites itty bitties of all! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm very very jealous of your parents, but I know that was the purrfect thing for all of them! Great holidays they are going to have...
When will we meet new kitties? *.*
They all look wonderfully happy, and I see where you get your aesthetic sense, Ms. Laurie! This blog regularly makes my day. *grin*
ReplyDeleteWow, they are going to be HUGE cats! Well as Charlene will tell you, it's mostly floof. What a happy family.
ReplyDeleteLaurie,your parents must be in heaven with these 2 adorable babies..Nigel is soooo flooofy..just want to cuddle him and give him zillions of kisses xoxxoxo
ReplyDeleteLaurie thanks so much for the Frost Report!!! Looks like another match made in heaven for kitties and your parents both!!!! E Mena, the swoopy thing that Nigel is sleeping on is a scratcher scroll, I first saw it on IBKC at Laurie's house - you can get them at Walmart (that is where I got two for my kitties and one for my grand-kitties). They all just love them ;o)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the Frost Report and to Mr and Mrs Kitten Whisperer for sharing the photos of the kittehs! It sounds and looks like they are settling in nicely. Well done on a smooth kitten transfer!
ReplyDeleteLaurie, thank you so much for the Frost Report! It's good to hear (and see!) that they're doing so well - they've definitely moved into the perfect home with the perfect mom and dad! :D
ReplyDeleteOh, that must have been so scary when they escaped! I'm so glad nobody got hurt. Your poor Mom! My youngest was a Baby Houdini too as a kitten, so I can relate. Thanks so much for the pictures - everyone looks so happy! Yay!
ReplyDeleteHooray for such a thorough update! And what an adventure ... escape and thermometer notwithstanding, it sounds like things are going well. Love to these lovebugs and their awesome new parents!
ReplyDeleteI can relate to the Houdini act while driving...
ReplyDeleteWe used to put a kennel barrier and let our cats roam in the back of our truck. We were used to the down is up window convention (prior to the problems). We had one of our cats open the window of our truck as we travelled down a highway at 60 mph. I'm not sure but but I think she yelled "Cry Freedom" to every other cat on that freeway.
I love this blog. I have laughed, loved and cried at every little furry heartbeat that has crossed its path.
We can see by those beautiful pics that those dear little kitties are gonna have a simply wonderful life. That makes us VERY happy.
ReplyDeletePoor little kitties, glad they got home safe.