Georgie Bartlett and his family moved in with us late Friday afternoon. There are four in this family and they are a special little litter who had kind of a sad start. Let me tell you though, they are fine and I promise their story has a happy ending.
The Bartletts were abandoned at a bus stop in Roy, Washington. They were found crammed inside a filthy carrier by a kind soul who brought into the Humane Society.
They were crusty, thin, flea-infested, with ear mites and signs of upper respiratory infections (runny eyes and noses). They also had little bald patches on their lower back legs - signs that they had been contained in a space with a hard surface beneath them.
The fine folks in Vet Treatment took care of the ear mites and fleas, put them on antibiotics, and got them on the road to good health. Traci, foster care coordinator, called me Friday to let me know they mine if I wanted them.
OF COURSE I wanted them.
I set up their quarters, and went to pick them up at the shelter later that day. They were tearing around their kennel when I arrived. They were a tiny bit scared when I packed them into their carrier, but did fine on the way home.
Once I got home, I took them into their room and one by one, placed them into the large, collapsable kennel I had setup for them.
I thought for sure, given their start, that I would have some fraidy-cats on my hands. But, within seconds, and I mean SECONDS, I had two of them on their sides letting me scratch their bellies. They were purring strong and just as happy as could be.
Shortly there after, kitten number three was purring and by the next morning, number four was too!
By Saturday morning, they were napping on my lap, content and comfortable.
And today, they are romping, wrestling, playing, eating, drinking, bouncing, pouncing, poofing, purring, cuddling, snuggling just like any kittens do. They are happy, happy little beings filled with life and love!
Now, back to Georgie Bartlett. He looks like a bit of a little ragamuffin, but he's the sweetest little boy. When he came into the shelter, his nose was all crusty with food and runny eye and nose goop and when they cleaned off the crust, a little fur came with. Hopefully that will grow back soon.

This little video illustrates the little love that he is.
He's got a funny little tail, too. It's just half the length of a normal tail, and if you feel it, it's all kinky. It's pretty funny when he puffs it up in excitement. Actually, it's pretty silly. : )
This is a special little batch of babies, and I think we're all going to enjoy spending time with them.
Why Bartlett, you ask? Well, because they are all pear-shaped! Once these scrawny little babes got a good meal inside their bellies, their middles got quite round. Hopefully the rest of their bodies will catch up soon!
Welcome, Bartletts. I'm so happy to have you here!
Oh, Laurie, you are a kitty Fairy Godmother. I hope you know you have a place reserved for you in heaven for all of your kindness and love. You are an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteAnd welcome Bartletts! You have won the kitty lottery!
Even though these adorable kitties had a bit of a rough start in life, I'm sure your foster home is the beginning of a great future for them.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me so sad that people can do this. At least they left them where someone would fnd them, not in an out of the way place. That's the only good thing to say about those people! So glad they got rescued.
ReplyDeleteAwww....look at little Raggedy Man, already working on his air biscuit technique.
ReplyDeleteMy little rescued kitty also has that short, kinky tail! Exactly the same! I wonder what caused it?
ReplyDelete:-o that VIDEO! *thunk* *is ded from cute*
ReplyDeleteI think Amy has it right - you ARE a fairy godmother to kittens in need such as the Bartletts. Just watching little George bask in the peace and love in your home has me shedding happy tears.
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Bartletts! (And Laurie, you also have a nack for naming kittens!)
As stated by one of the previous posters, these kittens have indeed won the kitty lottery. I have no doubt you will find them the wonderful homes they deserve!
ReplyDeleteOh my, how heartbreaking but yea for wonderful people just like you, Laurie. I look forward to their little story here.
ReplyDeleteYep, kitty lottery winners!!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome little darlings! Life is going to be SO much better from now on. It's lovely to meet you. Play on!
ReplyDeleteChristmas came early for the Bartlett kitties.
ReplyDeleteNew kittens!! You just made my day! *squeeee!*
ReplyDelete"Throw away" kitties become the best kitties! It seems as if they are forever grateful for the love and kindness bestowed upon them and they some how just know what their life could have been if a miracle had not found them. Thank you Laurie!
ReplyDeleteSo THAT's what Charlene meant by Santa coming early! It's true for us and for these lucky little kittens.
ReplyDeleteWhat Cori said. And little do they know the joys of meeting The Bean! They may have gotten off to a rough start, but things are looking up for the Bartletts!
ReplyDeleteToo teary to comment in any rational manner...just welcome little Bartlett family.
ReplyDeleteGeorge -- reminds me of "It's a Wonderful Life". And now you have it little Georgie!
ReplyDeleteWhat a Mr. Sweetiemuffin! He's a peach of a pear.
ReplyDeleteI love how little George is in ecstasies during the petting, though his head pops up once as if looking for the next exciting thing. Laurie, Santa must know how good you've been this year to bring you this new litter of babies who need your loving touch.
ReplyDeleteWhat a precious little guy! And already enjoying a warm, safe sleep on a nice bed - the Universe thanks you again.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh - what a sweet, sweet baby boy! Yes, Georgie, you and your sibs have won the kitty lottery! Looking forward to meeting the rest of the Bartlett clan!
ReplyDeleteMy rescue, Tux, has a stub tail! It's very short and half at least the length of my other cats'. I wonder what causes it?
ReplyDeleteOh, lucky little Bartletts! I am all teary, but in a good way.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU!
ReplyDeletePoor sweet babies, what a terrible start! But things are looking up for them now. I know with your tender loving care they will be healthy in no time :-)
ReplyDeleteOh goodness! What a terrible beginning, but what a happy place they are in now!!! We will be purring for all of them!
ReplyDeleteSo incredibly sweet. You're the perfect place for them to be for the holidays. They are lucky ducks!
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwwww, mummy is doing her clenchy then open hands and saying "oooh I want to cuddle them, I want to cuddle them". Mummy is strange!
ReplyDeleteAwwww! Your TLC is definitely just what the doctor ordered for this special little bunch. Can't wait to read and see more about them!
ReplyDeleteHe is just ready to soak up all your love.So wonderful. These kitties are amazing. Such forgiveness and love for humans in spite of what they have been through.
Poor kittens. Thank God that they were brought to the shelter and will now find happy forever homes.
ReplyDeletePoor little baby with the bald nose. I know he'll be so very happy and handsome after a little TLC!
ReplyDeleteAw Georgie, I'm so glad you and your siblings found such a wonderful foster home! Everything is going to be good from here on end, little cutie man.
ReplyDeleteLoving the way Georgie's paws extend out in happiness. Can't wait to meet the rest!!!
ReplyDeleteLet's thank the Good Soul who brought these babies into the shelter for Laurie and us to snorgle!
Oh No! Must resist moving to Tacoma to adopt Georgie. I have a marmalade kitty and he only has a stub for a tail. It had to be amputated when some kids set him on fire. But he ended up at a shelter where I met him and fell in love - he's 15-ish this year and I've had him for 13 years now. But I definately have a soft spot for odd tailed kitties!
ReplyDeleteLove a happy ending... sniffle... proving once again - all you need is love and a little food and water and medicine and petting doesn't hurt either.
ReplyDeleteYes, please, I'll take two.
ReplyDeleteOh Georgie Bartlett, I'll take you!
ReplyDeleteYet another tug at my heart strings. :)
ReplyDeleteChristmas came early, what a precious little boy. I have a feeling George will heal and become a handsome little boy and his furever home will be blessed to have him in their lives. Laurie, thanks for being willing to take on this rag-tag little bunch... with your loving and compassionate touch their rough start will become a forgotten memory.
ReplyDeleteoh, what a little LOVE. thank the heavens for the loving soul who brought them to the vet, the wonderful care there, and their loving foster parents.
ReplyDeletei expect charlene is looking forward to new babies (and kitten food!)
Oh, my, he is so, SO adorable! And yes, he and his siblings are definitely living the good life now in the hands of Angel Laurie. I'm so glad that Georgie and his siblings will never want again for love and the best of care! And I can't wait to meet the rest of the Bartlett family. What a perfect name! :)
ReplyDeleteLaurie, I think kitties just know they are safe and loved in your hands, so I'm not at all surprised that they warmed up to you so quickly! Georgie is a darling. :) Can't wait to meet the others!
ReplyDeleteI kind of wonder if you, and those who also have tails like Georgie's are related to one of the bobtails. "longy" bobtails have short tails and I've heard they're often kinky.
ReplyDeleteI have a neighbor who has a Sheltie with a tail that is kinked funny because he was crowded in funny prior to birth (thus he was a markdown purebred...). Maybe these guys with runty tails were boxed in funny when they were growing, and their tail bones bunched up like derailed train cars??
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie orange boy - i do have a soft spot for orange cats.
ReplyDeleteIf there is something that doesnt end to amaze me is how which individual cat has a unique way of kneading. I have three cats- one is super soft and caring, the other likes to nail you a bit, and the last one gives a great massage! :)
About kinky and/or stubby tails:
ReplyDeleteMy grandparents always had cats and kittens on their farm. They had some Manx kitties in the mix through the years, including the one I took home named Max. He was the mellowest, most awesome cat ever. Anyway, one year they had a litter with the weird tails--half length or kinked, etc. It's just genetics.
Thank you. They know a good thing when they see it. I look forward to seeing them grow up and find new homes to live in and new families to love.
ReplyDeleteOh my. After that hard start, I'm so glad they have you to take care of them. And I'm glad they're so resilient and are back to being happy kitties!
ReplyDeleteGeorgie looks like such a sweetie. Can't wait to meet the rest.
What a sweet little guy! :) I can't wait to meet the rest of them! It is wonderful that people like you exist to care for kittens in need. <3
ReplyDeleteHi Georgie, Honey. Welcome Little One.
ReplyDelete(I said this outloud at soon as the webpage loaded :) )
Thank goodness for everyone who has stepped in to care for these little ones. I'm so happy to know that they'll have love-filled lives from now on.
Georgie is adorable, missing fur and all.
No doubt your "Good Vibes" were immediately felt when the kitties arrived, hence the transformation to happy kitties. We all love following your blog and I'll admit I visit it often daily just for the updates. You inspire a lot of people and it is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteomg... happy tears here :) sniff sniff. oh the orange kitties! reminds me of my dearly departed Pablo.
ReplyDeleteAh...now I understand the Bean's rather mysterious tweet about Santa coming early this year!
ReplyDeleteLittle Georgie Bartlett...so pleased to meet you, and can't wait to meet the rest of your siblings. After such a rough start in life, it is only fitting you have a great home to spend Christmas in, with the delightful Ms. Bean, while you wait for your forever homes >^..^<
Georgie porgie! What an orangie! Get big and happy with ibkc love. :)
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwww!!!! I am so happy these kitties will have a second chance at life, let us know when they are each adopted out!!
ReplyDeleteOh, my, such an expert cuddler after only a few days with you. How wonderful that these itty bitties won the abandoned kitten lottery and are now going to know nothing but full tummies (well, except before a certain trip to the v-e-t) and lots of love.
ReplyDeleteOh my. The Bartletts are so fortunate to have you Laurie. You are a special person.
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for their rough start but things are on the way up for them.
Yay for the Bartletts! You guys are lucky. And if Georgie's any indication, gorgeous too!
Can't wait to meet the rest. :)
What a delightful young man!
ReplyDeleteI love his little nosey, his incredible air biscuits and the Christmasy story of their rescue....
Thank you to the wonderful human who brought the Bartletts in!
I lost it when I saw his little nose. What a sweet sweet little face and boy. :)
ReplyDeleteMy older tabby, Fiona, was SO sick at the shelter that I went back for her afraid she'd end up not being adopted. It took me weeks to get all the crusties off of her face and legs (yep, legs - she was seriously sick - they let me take her home so that she could die being loved - that was five years ago!).
I cannot imagine a world without the kitties. They are such precious and loving and forgiving creatures. If God sheds tears when the sparrow falls, then he does the same for each kitty. And boy, oh boy, do I. :)
THANK you, Laurie and Craig and Charlene, seriously, for the love you so generously give these littlest and sweetest of God's fluff balls. xoxo
This is just so heartwarming. What lucky kitties to have found such a wonderful place to restart their little lives. It pains me to think of the kind of person could abandon such little babes at a bus stop. I found my kitty abandoned and bloodied in a parking lot 4 1/2 years ago, but you'd never know it today. He is so full of life. Thank you for taking such good care of the Bartletts. I'm so glad they get to be a part of the club of kitties who get a second chance :)
ReplyDeletehe's so beautiful! i love his eyes and i wish i could feel his cute little tail. he is the most gorgeous colour - a true ginger biscuit kitty :) i can't wait to meet the rest of the family! thank you for all of your hard work and for sharing. <3
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say but "Yup,what they said!" You know, the warmth you start out there spreads; each of us who are warmed by your love for the babies (and theirs back)is multiplied by each of US, who spread it further. I venture to say that all of OUR kitties benefit too....the snorgling we would give YOUR babies are diverted to ours.
ReplyDeleteI have a cat with a short kinky tail as well! The people we got him from said that their vet reckoned his tail had broken in the womb, or not long after he'd been born. It feels unfinished at the tip, if you know what I mean. He fluffs it up as fluffy as can be!
ReplyDeletePoor little Bartletts, but they'll be fine now they're with you and the BeanieGirl. Can't wait to meet the rest of them. Bless you for taking such good care of the ittie bitties.
Oh joy! Of all the babies I've seen on the IBKC, this little fellow resembles my Orange Boy who happened to pick me when I first saw him at my local shelter.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the others!
YEAH!!! We are very excited that you have this special bunch and know that they are in a very wonderful place to get better and big enough for their own homes!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you always, Laurie. Give these special little babies some hugs and smooches from me. ^_^
ReplyDeleteLook at all the people here alone that stated how their babies were abandoned and such. All of mine are rescues, also. When I think of the total number across this earth (dogs and cats) that are tossed aside like rubbish...it makes me feel like I am drowning.
ReplyDeleteBecause of all those cruel people out there, thank God for each and everyone of you. God bless you all and all of His furry creatures!
Oh, he is a little Christmas Angel ~ and so are his siblings. Thank goodness they were all saved.
ReplyDeleteIt breaks my heart to think that dear little animals can be treated so badly. it makes me ashamed to be human. Thank you to you and ALL rescuers and foster parents, for being so kind and for restoring my faith in human nature.
Blessings to you all.
(Milo and Alfie's mom)
Who are those horrible cruel people who dumped those lovely adorable innocent babes?!?!Bad karma to them!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad the HS took them in,and they felt the LOVE straight into your home Laurie..They knew straight away you will look after them soooo well and give them tons of love,so they start their motors and lost their fear in your lovely home..And the Bean will be a very very good teacher to you...
sorry...I meant, Charlene will be a good teacher to Them!!!
ReplyDeleteI simply love that video of little Georgie soaking up the love! Thanks for taking care of this scruffy, skinny little family. I'm sure they'll be fat and happy soonest!
ReplyDeleteOh that too breaks my heart hearing how they were treated in their first weeks of life! Thank God someone had the idea to bring them to the shelter to get help. I am not surprised these wee ones warmed up so quickly to you, Laurie. Your home has the essence of the Kitten Whisperer in it and they know that they are now safe. May they continue to thrive and find forever homes as good as yours. Your karma pool must be an ocean of goodness for all you do for these kittens!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how people who are cruel to animals can live with themselves, look at themselves in the mirror and sleep at night.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad these precious, innocent babies were rescued and are now safe and warm in your loving arms, Laurie. And you can tell little Georgie already trusts you completely. What a sweetheart! I can't wait to meet the other tiny Bartletts. Thanks to all the kind souls who made this Christmas miracle happen!