Yesterday, Bean perched on my desk and kept me company as I crafted. It was a very busy day out there, so there was LOTS to watch. The starlings hopped around yard, searching for their lunch in the lawn. The squirrels were extra squirrelly and raced along the fence and across the roof of the neighbor's garage. It was raining, but i think all the critters seemed to be enjoying the slight increase in temperature and fact the snow had finally melted.
While the activity outside held her attention I grabbed my camera and shot a few photos as Bean gazed out the window.

I just looked at the calendar and realized that Ms Butterbean's birthday is only two weeks away! She'll be turning five this year.
The best present for Bean would be a fresh-out-of-quarentine batch of kittens to celebrate the day with her. In order to make that happen, we would need have to see some kittens here very soon. Fingers crossed we'll get that call! Come on, Universe. We're ready. Please send some kittens our way!
My goodness, she's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAs i keep saying she is one lovely lovely lovely ladycat!!!
ReplyDeleteBean is a supermodel! without the anorexia!
ReplyDeletethe floof! the double floof. the neck floof and tummy floof and cheek floof and ear floof... did I mention the floof? What a beautifloof girl.
ReplyDeleteShe is just a stunningly beautiful kitty. It's hard to take your eyes off her picture. Can't imagine how hard it is too look away in person. To top it all off, she's beautiful AND nice! A very special young lady indeed.
ReplyDeleteFluffiest butt...ever.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful floofy girl!
ReplyDelete(she looks strangely like Sarah Jessica Parker in that 3rd picture)
She is SO very floofy in her winter coat! and is that a new collar I see? so pretty!
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand... how nice that there aren't any little homeless kitties at the moment :)
ReplyDeleteSeeing beautiful new pictures of Miss Bean in all her floofiness = a great day!
ReplyDeleteThe squirrels are going crazy in California too, Laurie. My cat perches in my office and watches them in the front yard. Then he goes to the sliding glass door in the back to see the birds. Then back to the squirrels. Then he naps.
ReplyDeleteAt the risk of being a Debbie Downer, I always wonder why people say they're glad when there aren't any homeless kitties in the shelters. Kittens are born wild all year round, but you don't see a lot in the winter because a lot of them don't make it. But, with the weather warming up, I suspect there'll be kittens soon enough.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope so.
She is such a stunning cat! Perhaps we can donate in the honor of the beauty bean
ReplyDeleteThis Space for Rent - Not all kittens that come into the shelter are ferrel kittens, born in the wild. Many kittens in the shelter have been surrendered by irresponsible pet owners who didn't have their cat spayed or neutered, resulting in an unwanted cat pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteThere is a kitten "season", which starts in Spring and runs through the Fall. I'm sure there are kittens born during the "off-season" that don't make it out there in the cold, but mostly, kittens just aren't being born right now.
A lull is very good because when fewer kittens are being born, the over-burdened shelters get a bit of a breather. Also, kittens often out-shine the older cats, so with fewer kittens available, the older cats have a better chance of getting adopted, which is a VERY good thing.
So, yes. It's a good thing if there are no kittens.
Oh my!!! Soooooooooo *c*u*t*e*!!!!
ReplyDeleteLovely greetings from Germany!
The Bean is one stunning lady. Wow.
ReplyDeleteI do love her expression. Butterbean's a sweetheart.
ReplyDeleteOh da floof. How much does the Bean actually weigh, anyway? She looks so huge, but I'm sure it's just the camera adding the lbs.
ReplyDeleteBean's floof just made my day!!! She is one good lookin' feline!! I think I'll go bury my face in my cat Frank's belly floof right now :)
ReplyDeleteI got a jump on the crowd and donated to the Tacoma Humane Society in honor of your birthday. I will wait on the birthday wishes. I'll make Mom also go to the local Humane Society and make a donation.
ReplyDeleteI know it's heresy to say this, but here goes...
ReplyDeleteHow majestic would the Bean look without her collar breaking up the floof line? I know she's a sometimes-outdoor kitty so a collar is an absolute must, but still... just think, all that floof, wild and free.
so are you outside shooting thru the window? The Bean is super cute! I just want to smoosh my face in all that fluff :)
She looks so pensive in that first shot..." 'Oh to be in England, in the summertime, with my love' ... wait a second, I'd rather stay here with Mom & Dad and Kittens. Mom, where are the kittens?"
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Ms. Bean, what beautiful pictures...the pitter patter of baby paws would be a wonderful birthday gift >^..^<
ReplyDeleteMs. Modiste and Laurie Cinotto ~
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you for speaking up!! We sponsor a kennel at our local animal shelter and manage a TNR feral cat colony. We have gone for 3+ years now with no kittens at the colony.
We also have 7 cats at home...1 from the shelter, 1 former neighborhood stray, 3 injured Good Sam kitties we adopted and healed, and 2 former feral cats.
Kittens are precious and adorable. Just look at the IBKC Graduates montage!
HOWEVER, wouldn't it be great if all people acted responsibly and spayed and neutered their pets? The vast numbers of animals who are euthanized or die of neglect/abuse should be incentive enough.
Once they're here, all animals need to be cared for and protected. Thank you to the loving and generous people at IBKC for the care you provide. But, truly, one day I hope you and Gorgeous Miss Bean can retire.
Love and loud purring, Barbara H. in Northern California are just PRECIOUS!
ReplyDeleteThe second photo just gets me; so shapely and ladylike, but of course gorgeous in all of them. A well cared for, loved and smart kitty. Bean you are beautiful all around.
ReplyDeleteAll Hail Her Majesty Charlene Butterbean! Now that's a lady.
ReplyDeleteShe takes my breath away. I love her.
ReplyDeleteShe is so beautiful, I can't take it! Those eyes! Those whiskers! That floof! :)
ReplyDeleteMs Bean is so beautiful and perfect, as always!
ReplyDeletePS. "Starling" will be a fantastic last name for those Bean birthday kittens! Sending positive vibes your way! :)
Charlene's very own reality TV show. :) My late cat, Tishbite, used to watch the birds who would gather under the pear tree in the front yard. Tishbite didn't have a 'hunter's bone' in her body, but deep down in the very back of her mind something primal and hungry would stir whenever she saw the birds. She would shift from paw to paw and lick her lips in a worried way. Miss her.
ReplyDeleteAwww, she is so floofaliciously beautiful! This has got to be the longest Bean has gone without kittens since you started fostering, right? I do agree it's a good thing there are no homeless little baby cats, though.
ReplyDeleteI can never get enough of this stunningly gorgeous girl.
ReplyDeleteshe really is a gorgeous girl. i would love to have a cuddle with her and all that floof!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Bean makes my day with that face. Smiles all around.
ReplyDeleteThe photos of Bean are just lovely. She is very beautiful and very cute.
ReplyDeleteOh Charlene is a beautiful beautiful gorgeous ladycat.. Sorry I don't agree with one of the comments that said she looks like sjp..Charlene is stunning and zillions times more beautiful than sjp...
ReplyDelete@Anonymous - DOocha know, its not polite to ask how much a LADY weighs? (grin)
ReplyDeleteWe just rejoice in her floofiliciousness!
Anon - she's usually between 11.5 and 12 pounds.
ReplyDeletehee hee - Charlene's got "hammer pants" in the first 2 shots. That's what I call it whenever floofy kitties sit like that, causing the fur to puff out and making their back legs & hips look enormous. They look like they're wearing jodhpurs, or as i prefer to think of it, MC Hammer pants.
ReplyDeleteCan't touch this!
I also would add that I have know a number of people who have taken in stray cats only to find out at the initial vet checkup that the cat is already pregnant. Depending on the health of the cat, they may have the one litter before spaying. So some kittens perhaps come from pet owners who are responsible, but can only manage to take in the original stray.
ReplyDeleteShe totally has a floof ruff in the first 2 pics. She is royalty! :)
ReplyDeleteMy, I love her lion's ruff, which is especially striking in the first photos. What a gorgeous Bean she is!
ReplyDeleteshe IS just absolutely bootiful but what do ya expect, she's a Coon wif a pawsome mom!
ReplyDeleteMy kitty has a lot of floof. While she is a large-ish cat at 13 lbs, she isn't fat like people think when they see her.
ReplyDeleteMy first cat was a stray that we took in. She was pregnant at the time and I wasn't the irresponsible owner because we got her spayed after she gave birth, but someone else was because she was clearly a domestic cat.
Maybe it's a good thing that there are no unwanted kittens. TNR working or people being responsible or something.
ReplyDeleteI have a hunch that this could be a kitten weekend.
ReplyDeleteMs. Bean, you are looking much slimmer these days. Is your mama starving you?
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful Bean! Sending 'lots of kitty thoughts' your way!
ReplyDelete(As if enough folks haven't already said it) I just have to chime in... Stunning portraits, Laure!! What a beautiful Bean!
ReplyDeleteSadly, we know there are babies out there... fingers crossed some quickly find their way to that little bit o' kitteh heaven known as the IBKC!
I can't get over how extra-floofy her haunches are when she's perched on her rear end, facing us head on. I love it.