This is Astrid.

This is Thurston.

The older they get, the easier it is to tell them apart - especially now that Thurston weighs a couple of ounces more than Astrid. He's much thicker through the middle, and Astrid has a sleeker build.
They are both marked in white in the exact same places, but have varying degrees of it. Thurston's feet have much more white than Astrids. Astrid's left front foot has a fair amount, but on her right foot, only the very tips of her toes are white.
Thurston has a boxier, messier bib. Astrid's is tidier and comes to a point.
They both have a patch of white on their lower regions. Thurston sports a "low-rise bikini brief" and Astrid's wearing "granny panties".
The easiest way to identify the two is by their eyebrow whiskers. Above Thurston's right eye, there's a decent-sized patch. Above the left eye, the whiskers are a little sparse. Astrid has equal amounts above both eyes.
I hope you all find this little lesson to be informative. I also hope everyone is paying attention. You may be quizzed later. : )
Awww my first ever kitty back in the late 70s was exactly this pattern!
ReplyDeletePippin was a cutie from what I can remember - was only 7 at the time!
Want these two I really really do... (and their brother too)
All I know is, they are both FREAKING ADORABLE.
ReplyDeleteThey are getting so big!!!
ReplyDeleteI always tell my husband that I could find our Tux in a crowd of them. His white patches and paw pads are very distinct. (He also has CRAZY white whiskers and a ventriloquest dummy's mouth hinge white patch.) It's amazing how similar but so very different Tuxes can look!
ReplyDeleteOK - so if they are sitting still, we are going to get it....but good luck if they are in motion....then you just get blurs of tuxie! :)
ReplyDeleteWe thought Truman Lively was missing an eyebrow for a while. Then we figured out that one is grey and one is white. He feels your uniqueness Thurston.
ReplyDeleteThe cuteness levels in this post are totally out of control.
ReplyDeleteI love it! Be we need a side by side... Or is that just an excuse for more cute.
ReplyDeleteAstrid's bib is so girly and perfect. Leave it to boychild Thurston to get his mussed a bit! Adorable, both.
ReplyDeleteLove the photos, such cute kittens.
ReplyDeleteif they get adopted together can hear them saying "no! it wasn't me! It was the other one!"
ReplyDelete"Astrid's wearing granny panties."
ReplyDeleteCan't stop smiling at that!
Thurston has more white in his ears too. So, so adorable.
ReplyDeleteI think Thurston has a cravat rather than a bib; as befits his name.
ReplyDeleteAdorable! Seriously if I could, I'd adopt these two! Such sweeties! Although I feel now that I'm being unfaithful to my cat. LOL
ReplyDeleteI know it's just me reading too much into things - but I swear looking at them that you can tell Astrid is a girl and Thurston is a boy.
ReplyDeleteSuch sweet faces! I'm with above, I can't believe how much they've grown in such a short time!
Such cuteness here :) They are getting so big too. Sigh...
ReplyDeleteDarin, I don't think that's strange. For adult kitties most of the time I can correctly guess if the cat is a boy or a girl by looking at the face, although I'm not so capable with kittens. After you look at enough cats, you subconsciously see slight differences in muzzle shape and eye placement etc. Certainly people who work with horses tell me they can easily distinguish between mares, stallions, and geldings just by the faces. I wonder if cats say to themselves, "at first all these people look alike, but after you observe them closely you can tell apart the crazy cat ladies from the cat men by their faces."?
ReplyDelete"Astrid's wearing granny panties." pictures of their lower 'tidy-whities'????
Both are gorgeous....and Nadine is no slouch either!
Thurston looks like he's slightly bursting out of his jacket. :D
ReplyDelete@Darin, I totally see what you're saying! I can see it not only in their faces, but also in their stances. Astrid is all ladylike and tidy and Thurston is just slightly mussier and...well, boy-ier. Of course, this plays into traditional gender stereotypes... so please forgive me for being old-fashioned about these wonderful kittehs.
ReplyDeleteThank for the most informative post!!!
ReplyDeletelove these baby kitties *sigh*
Ooh, how BEAUTIFUL are these ittie-bitties!!! Every time I come to this blog, I fall in love... don't anyone tell my cats that I'm cheating on them! :p
ReplyDeleteThere's a new headshot picture of Linus Medley:
ReplyDeleteGosh, Linus is already starting to look so grown-up. Thanks for the picture.
ReplyDeleteLinus! Oh, I love that boy so much.
ReplyDeleteAnd yep, that was very informative, Laurie - thanks! Hee, "granny panties"! I didn't know they made those in tiny kitten sizes!