Norma LOVES being belly-side up and will play, and play, and roll around and wave those little arms and bear paws at you.
She's pretty adorable when she's just sitting still, but once she get's all wiggly, oh my gosh, her cuteness grows exponentially.
Cutest lil' bear cub ever..
ReplyDeleteKiss Kiss, little Bear!
ReplyDeleteThe way you start your babies out on their backs on your lap is, I believe, one of the things that stays with them and makes them above average in the adorable kitten/bear cub department.
ReplyDeleteOh. Dear. LORD. I didn't really need to be a puddle on the floor today ... but thanks anyway for sharing that!
ReplyDeleteIt's all a part of their training, Anne. They're in a vulnerable position when on their backs. I feel that if you can show them that they can feel safe with their bellies up, it will help them learn to trust.
ReplyDeleteSo it's not so much about cuteness, although it's very cute, it's about raising confident kittens.
Can you just hear her? Rawr! Sweet baby bear cub.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, she is SOOOOOOO beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI've got a big 11-year-old boy cat who loves to lie on his back and have his tummy tickled. You know a cat feels comfortable and safe when they'll lie on their backs. (And happily, all three of mine do!)
ReplyDeleteOMGosh! Norma is definitely my fav now. What a cutie.
ReplyDeleteTiny lil bearbaby, oh my Norma!
ReplyDeleteAdorable. What is that white smudge above Norma's right eye? I thought it was a mote of dust but I see it in all her pictures.
ReplyDeleteI propose changing Norma's name to Ursula which means "little she-bear."
ReplyDeleteLove her to bits.
ReplyDeleteAck! Being attacked by squee! Must get to hospital!! Norma is the cutest little bear cub I'd love to be 'mangled' by.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I look at the pictures, I think, could these kittens BE any cuter? And then, tomorrow comes, and they ARE. It's never ending (thank goodness!).
ReplyDeleteKelley O
Thanks for the b-day gift of extra cute kittenyness!!
ReplyDeletePicture #2 is unBEARably cute! What a sweet little girl!
ReplyDeleteMakes me think of an overstimulated infant waves all four limbs since they have no real control over them yet!
I loved it when Toes would 'present belly' for a good rub, since she was such a nervous, timid girl when she was young.
Feel free to torture yourself some more and share it with us, Laurie!
Bear paws!! I think I just fainted!
ReplyDeleteI have a black cat who resembled this little fluffball when I adopted her. She used to climb her perch bear-style, as opposed to jumping up. She looked just like a black bear cub.
ReplyDeleteCutest baby bear ever! Love them tiny paws!
ReplyDeleteWave your hands in the air like you don't care, Norma.
ReplyDeleteOh My Gosh, I am in love!!!!! Oh how i wish i lived closer, would beg for Miss Norma
ReplyDeleteConfident kittens -- you're training them well, Laurie :)
ReplyDeleteThat cuteness tortures my heart!
ReplyDeleteThat cuteness tortures my heart!