Thanks for the report, Mom. And thanks for the pictures, Dad.

It hardly seems possible that it has almost been one year since we drove to Chicago and picked up these sweet little creatures. Nigel is slightly bigger than Mimsey, but Mimsey outweighs him. Mimsey has the typical skinny tail, while Nigel's tail continues to be Charlene-like floofy. They hardly look like they came from the same litter. It is a good thing that Mimsey has her brother to chase her from one end of the house to the end of the porch, since she needs the exercise, or she might get chubby! Nigel is the playful one. He loves batting around the sparkle balls and squeaky mouse toys, often just entertaining himself. Mimsey chooses to lounge on the porch rocking chairs or the end of our bed. They both are leapers! The other day Nigel jumped on my plant stand, knocking the plant into a crock that was close by. Luckily, neither Nigel nor the plant or crock got harmed! I was not happy!
Dave and I see a huge difference in the amount of affection they show us. Having been dog people for many years, we were used to the affection and adoration that most dogs give their owners. Although Nigel and Mimsey spend a lot of time hanging out together, they do spend more and more time with us, too, often following us from room to room. I think they hear the car come into the driveway, because they both are standing in the hallway by the door when we come in. We don't get the jumping back flips like our dog, Jake, used to do when we returned home, but in their own way, they rub up against our legs and purr as if to tell us, "Glad you're back."
I take them to our vet's office to have their nails clipped. Even though I have cat scissors to do this myself, I haven't quite gotten up the nerve to do it. Those nails sure do grow fast! Two white cats create lots of white hair on everything. I know now I should have done a better job at getting them used to being brushed. They will tolerate it for a short time, but also try to disappear when I show up with a brush. Both Nigel and Mimsey are big-time purrers, especially when they jump up on my lap. To me, this is saying, "You guys are OK!"

They are beautiful! I'm so glad your parents are enjoying them, and it sounds like Nigel and Mimsey know they're living the good life!
ReplyDeleteOh Wow Nigel - You floofy big guy!
ReplyDeleteWhat a handsome cat you turned out to be Nigel!
Mimsey you are a lovely lady cat too!
I can see you have your humans wrapped round your paws!! :D
Wow, he might have more toe floof than Charlene!
ReplyDeleteNigel's got some impressive toe-hawks to go with his floofiness!
ReplyDeleteAnd Miss Mimsey is delightfully beautiful.
So glad to hear they are well and have succeeded in wrapping their humans around their lovely paws!
Many many thanks for the update!
Thank you for the update. Both Nigel and Mimsey are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteThey're beautiful! And those toe floofs (toe hawks) are gorgeous :D
ReplyDeleteYay, thanks for the update! So glad to hear it's going so well. And just look at those feeetts!!:)
ReplyDeleteLove the update and glad to hear the whole family is happy!
ReplyDeleteHoly cats- they have gotten so big!!! What a great update...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update on these 2. Has your mom tried a comb instead of the brush? My Maine Coon hates the brush and LOVES the comb. We play "Comb the Baby" almost everyday now...
ReplyDeleteWow, they have grown up to be such gorgeous cats! Thanks so much for the update -- it's great to hear how happy everybody is.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update -- boy !! those babies sure grew up fast !!
ReplyDeleteMy floofy kitty likes the comb much better than the brush too. Nigel and Mimsey are gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteWhat a tail, it's gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteA really happy family!
ReplyDeleteAgreed on floofy kitties and combs! Mine have thick long coats and floofy tails--the brush pulls too much on the floof.
ReplyDeleteThird on using a comb for longhaired kits!
ReplyDeleteOur comb is called the "Untangler" and its teeth rotate, which makes for a comfortable and even pleasant experience for our longhaired grey baby, Zoey. She LOVES being combed, even her long and floofy tail, which is very much like Nigel's.
Ooooh!!! They've grown into such beautiful cats!!! And they'll always be the cutie little Frost babies to me.... <3 <3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I DO love the alumni pix. They are both such beautiful cats, and they look so soft!
ReplyDeleteI have a round tines steel comb with and a "narrow" end and a "wide" end. My semi-floofy kitty lets me comb him if I am gentle and start with the "wide" end of the comb.
Nigel looks like he needs a bigger bed! Although I'm sure he can curl himself into it when he pleases.
ReplyDeleteWhat pretty pretty babies.
Gorgeous cats! We hope they have many wonderful years together.
ReplyDeleteThey are so beautiful.... and so lucky!
ReplyDeleteMay I suggest trying "people" nail clippers? I wait until I catch mine sleeping and then trim their toenails. Sometimes it takes more than one nap to finish the job, but I find it much easier than using pet toenail clippers. You can do it!
I add another vote for a comb. My (admittedly short haired) likes her face to be brushed but prefers a steel flea comb on her body. Although it took a few years before she got used to regular combing/grooming, so don't be discouraged if they are restless about it when they are young.
ReplyDeleteWith cats you do get the purr "Glad you're back welcome", but you might warn your parents that if they ever go away on a week long vacation they might also return to the combination purr/ miaow-of-discontent-that-you-abandoned-me!
This is an awesome report! I can tell that mom and dad are still totally, head over heels in love with these two magnificent cats...they have grown up to be such gorgeous boys...I loved your moms description of what life is like with felines in the my vets office there is a lil plaque on the wall that says "A house is not a home without a cat" sure your mom and dad would totally agree...I thank them so much for taking time out to prepare this wonderful update...thank you for all of your wonderful work Laurie!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update! Nigel and Mimsey are so cute, and it sounds like they are having fun with your parents.
ReplyDeleteMy two have gradually gotten used to regular brushing, but for a while they resisted. I finally won them over by using a zoom groom. The hair gets everywhere when you brush, but at least you get it off, and the cats really love the feel of it.
ReplyDeleteAh I really enjoyed this update. These two have always been amongst my favorite of the kittens. They really have grown up to be beautiful cats! I'm so glad they have each other to play with. Mimsey made me chuckle - she looks like a greedy little girl, I bet her brother has to eat his food quickly so that he doesn't have it nicked by his sister. So sweet!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely update ~ we love to hear how past itty bitty's are doing. xxxxx
ReplyDeleteThey are so beautiful! (Sorry Nigel, you're beautiful...those toe tufts!)
ReplyDeleteThe brush with the little bent-over spines is the bestest-- get the one that's round or oval! Then, alternate the places they like (back, chin scritchies) with the ones they don't (sides & tummy). I found that holding the groom-ee's chest up with my left hand (Making her support herself on her hinds) left all sides open for brushing. The more I brushed, the more she grew to like it. Gently and slowly work into it. WELL worth the extra effort. Before long, SHE was telling ME when it was B&B time (brushing & bed).
ReplyDeleteMimsy, I mean this in the most delightful are the cutest little chunk-a-butt!!! Kisses to them both.
ReplyDeleteawesome toe floof nigel!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the updates! Both Nigel and Mimsy are adorable. If they aren't fans of being brushed, you can try a "petting glove." I used to have one of these things. It is a glove covered in rubber nubbins which remove loose fur as you stroke the cat. Perhaps they will like this better.
ReplyDeleteI also recommend a Furminator-like brush. If they only tolerate limited brushing, best make it count!
Both are very good looking cats.
ReplyDeleteI love the way the gray in Mimsy's fur highlights her pink nose. Beautiful cats that have wonderful humans!
ReplyDeleteMaybe if they're so different they actually have different dads? Apparently this can happen, indeed it is by no means uncommon.
ReplyDeleteRe. claw-clipping: isn't it awfully expensive to have the vet do it?! But if they're used to SOMEONE doing it regularly, then it should be easy to do it yourself - as long as you have an accomplice to hold them! Doing it alone is possible, but not easy, and you have to pick your moment.
Congratulations on two beautiful cats. xxx