Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Trimbles 'Round the Tree

A post-breakfast play session in the living room and under the tree.  It's fun being a Trimble!


  1. Oh, little Trimble catlets. So darling. Thanks for brightening my day!

  2. That treeskirt is getting a workout!

  3. I love the beginning where one Trimble is in the background attacking the tree.

  4. Every Christmas tree should be trimmed with Trimbles!

  5. Floofy butt! I love me some floofy tabby kittens.

  6. OMC - how cute. The baby with the track is very single-minded...

  7. Hahha! Love the moment at 2:27 when one trimble almost ploughs down another zipping across the room! What cuties!

  8. Tis the way kittens should be - playful and adventurous yet within the safe confines of a loving home. May all kittens have that some day - you, Craig and Bean have certainly helped your share.

  9. Oh what a joyful treat to watch on my lunchbreak - you just cheered up my whole office!!

  10. Tiny tabbies
    Havin' fun
    Tiny tabbies
    Rompin' in the sun

  11. That last bit, where one Trimble seemed to think himself the victor of the battle and was walking away with his tail up only to be frightened by a speeding sister(?). Tail goes down. LMAO!

    Thank you!

  12. 1. Monroe Trimble is one woolly little dude.
    2. I love watching kittens play.
    3. I want to go home to my own kitties. :)

  13. My Lord! These Trimbles are just what someone needs under their tree this Christmas! All three of them together!

  14. You are very brave to have such low hanging ornaments with three energetic kittens!

  15. Such fun and focus (from 1 kitten at least!).
    A lovely present for the day.


  16. Deck the halls with tiny Trimbles, fa la la la la, la la la la!

  17. debkakes beat me to it ~ 2:27 cracks me up!

  18. How awesome is Monroe?! Such determination, such focus! The other two are bouncing all over the place, attacking tree branches, chasing each other back and forth across the room, and he really could not care less. Must. get. the. BALL.

    Yep, I'm totally smitten.

  19. Monroe is amazing!Video is full of fun and entertainment. These three kittens are so energetic.

  20. Glad to see they're not so shy anymore. That green toy looks to be the most fun thing EVER. No christmas is complete without kittens!

  21. Geraldine had fun watching this video she kept peering over the monitor to see if the kittens were back there.

  22. I was listening for a human gasp when the ornament began so sway. Guess this isn't your first kitty/tree rodeo. How much fun! And Mr. Flooffy is so devoted to his toy. He will be great fun for someone.

  23. It's been a long time since I've craved a kitten as much as I crave Wee Willard Trimble!

  24. Trimbles playing round the kitty tree, scratchy toys with chase-y balls,
    shiney and shimmery things to bat all around, and and chasing other kitty toes... - to chestnuts roasting...

  25. Ours can just do that kind of thing for hours upon hours - you're watching just thinking - "is it STILL that interesting??"

  26. Maren and I watched this video together, with my laptop on the couch next to us. The previously always cool Miss Maraboo was riveted by the on-screen action, going so far as to leave my lap, stand on the keyboard and meow at the screen. I was astonished!!

    To tell the truth, I was just as engaged as Maren, but instead of meowing, I was laughing out loud at the antics of those precious kittens. Go Trimbles!!

  27. Monroe is Awesome! These three kittens are so energetic.Video is full of fun and entertainment.

  28. Monroe is great. The video is very interesting. It is full of fun and entrainment.These three kittens are so energetic.



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