The Trimbles were very shy kittens when they moved in with us, and we've worked very hard with them trying to cure them of this behavior. Willard and Bess are doing well, but Monroe just isn't 100% there. He's made a tremendous amount of progress during his stay, but still has his scaredy-cat ways.
At times, he seems completely fine and acts like your typical squirrelly kitten. He's very comfortable when he's in the guest room. It's his space, and he feels secure there.
He likes being up high on things, and is at ease on top of the bed. When he's there, he's happy to receive love and pets and happy to show his affection in return. He's quite cuddly when he feels safe and comfortable.
He's less comfortable in open spaces, like the living and dining room, and if you walk into those rooms and he's playing on the floor, he'll dash under the couch or table.
If he's on the back of a chair or on the couch, you can come right up to him, and he won't retreat. If you're sitting on the couch, he'll join you there for a cuddle.
He's kind of complex, but I think we've figured his patterns out.
I know when he leaves our nest, there will be a big adjustment period for Monroe. We really need to find an adopter that is patient, calm and loving and willing to see him through this phase. The ideal home for him would be a quieter one. I feel one without small children would be best. I think he would enjoy the company of either an adult cat (he adores Charlene) or another kitten.
He's a fabulous little fellow, and worth the wait to get to know.
With all of our kittens, it's important that they're placed in a home that suits them best. Because he's such a sensitive little lad, it's extra, extra important for him.
So, if you're in the Seattle/Tacoma area and feel you might be a good match for Monroe, please send an email of introduction to kittywrangler(at)gmail(dot)com Or, if you can think of someone awesome, please send them our way.
Thanks for your help, friends.

I unfortunately can't adopt this sweet little kitten, but I'm curious, Laurie: do you think Monroe would do well in a home with another, older cat?
ReplyDeleteoh ... I had hoped they would go off on their forever adventures together :(. Poor fella!
ReplyDeleteHe also might do well in a home with an older settled cat that can show him it's okay to be there. I hope he finds a wonderful forever home. He looks really sweet.
ReplyDeleteHe is a sweet kitten! Hope he gets his right forever home - He deserves all the love a human can give him!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful wee boy he is ~ somebody is going to be very lucky indeed. I's adopt him in a flash if I could. xx
ReplyDeleteI think he would do find with an adult cat or kitten. He gets along just fine with his siblings and Charlene. He just needs to find the right patient human to help him through the transitional period.
ReplyDeleteHe is terribly flooftastic, and love the Bean, so I think he would do well with an older kitty. Good luck little fuzzbutt!
ReplyDeleteHe's such a cutie! Just a little shy, that's all... But shy boys are the most charming ones!
ReplyDeleteyou might just have to keep him with Charlene. though I guess you don't want to bring in another feline. but he seems to love her.
ReplyDeleteI want him so very badly. I have to floofy kitties who would love him but we have a rule in our house that the cats can't out number the people. :-(
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet little guy, is it wrong that I wish I could actually move to Seattle / Tacoma area from Manhattan for him? and for lots of the other IBKC kids? Best to this little floof, wish I could tickles your sweet ear fluff.
ReplyDeleteMonroe, you are such a cutie. I'm sure there is a person or family for you. My big black medium long-haired cat was real timid, too. Took a long time (months) to get her out during the day. She prowled at night and hid during the day.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, you have the best way with words and explaining things. I am sure with your wonderful description the right home will find Monroe!
ReplyDeleteHe has the most adorable little contemplative expression. You can almost see him thinking as he sits there.
ReplyDeleteAww sweetie, I understand being shy... if only we didn't live at opposite ends of the continent.
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed that the perfect forever home comes up soon. In the meantime, enjoy the extra Butterbean time!
Yay kittehmus! Squee!!!1!
ReplyDeleteI would take him in a heartbeat if Monroe was in the NYC area. My older tortie scaredy cat, Bean, would take to him very well. She only trusts us and will not come out for anyone except our VERY closest friends. My boy cat would just have to deal with the competition. He is so floofy and sweet. That little face says it all!
ReplyDeleteAs someone who adopted a similar kitty (our Puckasaurus does not like feet or crowds, still,) these little scaredy cats are so worth the extra patience! I'm sure someone will come along who will be a great forever home for little Monroe.
ReplyDeleteI agree with SaraB. While scaredy cats are a bit trying on your heart at times, they are definitely worth the extra patience. Not much beats the love and cuddles they give in return when the house is calm and quiet at the end of the day or on a snowy(!) weekend when the hustle bustle world is silenced for a while. Monroe, your special family is out there and they are going to be very fortunate to have your floof and personality in their house, I just know it!
ReplyDeleteAwwww he's so sweet. I wish I could take him. I can tell any potential adopters of scaredy cats that it is WELL worth the effort and occasional feelings of being rejected by one's kitteh to hang in there with them. My Daphne was the scaredy-est kitty ever when I got her 8 years ago but with time and patience she is now the lovingest babygirl ever. :)
ReplyDeleteI have a little stray with the same issues. She can cope with stuff if she knows what to anticipate, so we have a little system of routines developed and that seem to help. I try to repeat the same series of actions every time I try to get her to do something new. She still panics if I put her on my left shoulder instead of my right! But I found that if I preface a particular action with a repeated sound (a little kissy noise before I put my face close to her) she learns to anticipate the action and will relax. I hope Monroe will find a family who can figure out what works best for him!
ReplyDeleteMy Gordie is like that. He's a big maine coon that we had as a 3mo kitten, and he's never quite gotten over the scaredy cat phase. He feels more comfortable inside our mid-size house than the larger house we had before. He definitely likes 1-on-1 time and has even gotten used to our toddlers (we had him before the toddlers) but he still likes to hide under furniture when people arrive.
ReplyDeleteI hope Monroe finds a home perfect for him :)
Oh I would LOVE to give little floofy Monroe a quiet, loving home, but alas, I'm across the border in Vancouver. Sigh.
Dearest Laurie ~ We know that each of the little babies is an individual with individual needs. Some take a little more time.
ReplyDeleteMonroe could not have landed in a better place while he waits for his permanent family to claim him. Think if he'd been in a home - or the shelter - where perhaps his 'staff' wouldn't have been so tuned in to what he needs or had the time necessary to provide it.
I love your beautiful heart.
My cat Calpurnia is still quite a bit like that - except when eating, if she is on the ground she will skitter away.
ReplyDeleteMy solution was to put cat beds on end tables so she would spend more time at a level where she wasn't as anxious when people tromp by.
Oh, Monroe, you precious little sweetie. Laurie described your personality and needs perfectly. Your people will find you, and you'll live happily ever after together. Yep. Just you wait and see.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet boy! My Harley is very much like that, but she was a feral 2 year old when I got her, so I think that's to be expected. Like others have said -- it makes the cuddles so much better, because I know she loves me!
ReplyDeleteSweet Monroe...the world will become your oyster.
ReplyDeleteLaurie you have described his needs so well and with tender loving care Monroe will blossom. And an accepting mentor cat (like Charlene) would probably help him a great deal.
Virtual ear skritches and loong slooow blinks for you dear boy.
Dear, adoreable Monroe - There's a wonderful world out there, and we have no doubt at all that with a great advocate like Laurie, you are going to find the absolutely best home possible for you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely post--he's such a beautiful boy and I am sure he will find the right patient family. Along with your care and Bean's tutelage, he will find his happy forever home. I could gaze at him for hours--such a handsome boy.
ReplyDeleteOh, sweet floofy Monroe. How I wish I could take him but I live on the wrong coast.
ReplyDeleteI just know someone will read this wonderful post about him and offer him a forever home.
Scaredy cats are definitely worth any extra effort. They love the hardest (once strangers are gone!) and it's so rewarding to see them finally come out of their shells. My Sebastian still runs from loud noises (usually caused by him knocking things over - he's also a klutz) but he's finally gotten over stranger danger. I love that he now lets everyone see how handsome and sweet he is.
ReplyDeleteWe have a "Monroe". Her name is Twitch. She's a quirky one, but oh so loveable on her terms ( but then what cat doesn't have their own agenda). She loves to join us on the coach or in bed for a good snuggle and earth rocking purr! If only I was in Tacoma...
ReplyDeleteI'm always so impressed with the care you put into finding the right families for the right kittens.
ReplyDeleteMy dear, departed torbie Einstein was a Monroe (in more ways than one since that was my maiden name and I was still single when she adopted me). Once we had a routine established and understood each other's movements and motivations, we lived 18 beautiful golden years together. I miss my best friend and purring heating pad terribly. If Monroe has a yen to see Michigan, I've got lots of wonderful hidey-holes in my house and lots of love to share when he decides to come out. (I know, I know....)
ReplyDeleteI've got a Monroe-like cat, named Timothy. He's been making progress slowly over the past seven years or so. But when he feels safe he is absolutely the sweetest! Whoever gets Monroe will be quite lucky, I think!
ReplyDeleteI think Monroe just might have the sweetest kitten face ever!!
ReplyDeleteHis eyes are absolutely exquisite. Too bad I'm in Jersey (for many reasons, ha ha!)--I would love to make Monroe feel safe, warm, and adored.
ReplyDeleteI wish I were closer to your area. I'd take Monroe in a split second. I have two cats. Miss Cleo hasn't a shy bone in her body. Mister, however, was ferel when I got him way too early in his life. (He probably was four or five weeks.) He's seven years old now and still skittish a bit. Just in the past year he has come around to where he'll sleep in the bed with me. I was so excited and surprised the first time he did it. He won't come out of the bedroom when visitors come and that's fine with me. He plays with Miss Cleo and is very happy. The vet says he's in great shape other than a skin condition that he has to get a shot for every three/four months. I hope Monroe finds someone who will be patient with him and accept that he may or may not come out of his shyness. And he's perfect however he is.
He is so pretty, I would love to adopt him if I didn't live so far away!
ReplyDeleteOH! he is sooo cute! He looks like he is a maine coon or at least a mix. he reminds me of my Bellatrix LaFluffypants who was a lonely shy long haired kitten in need of home too. when we got her it took weeks to build trust, now she is such a lovebug and a confident and curious cat! its hard to believe how shy she was. we already had a kitten and that really helped her. so i am hoping little monroe will be as lucky! i put out an "all Points Bulletin" on my facebook page to help the search!