Sunday, December 18, 2011

Trimbles + Tree = Trouble

All of a sudden, the Christmas Tree became interesting to the kittens, and now, they're kind of obsessed with it.  

The packages beneath the tree act as steps to the window sill.  From the sill, they can reach higher branches, and they can't keep their paws off of it.   Mostly they just bat at things, but there were a few birds within their reach that now have a teeth marks in them.    Those birds have been moved a little higher up on the tree now.

Everyday, they knock a few ornaments off the tree.  The boxes and skirt beneath catch them, so nothing has been broken yet.

I am hoping that soon the tree phase will pass, because monitoring the tree has become a full time job.














  1. One of the ornaments look like a mylar ball, which is my Gus' favorite toy.

    But, they look totally innocent to me, I suspect a frame up.

  2. This is why we have to keep a tabletop tree on top of a high armoire instead of a proper tree. From tree climbing to ball bouncing and smashing, it just makes life more peaceful around here during the holidays!

  3. Heehee - Christmas tree fun. Great pics!

  4. Growing up we always had a large collection of soft and unbreakable ornaments that went around the bottom of the tree - anything in reach of the kitties. These days I'm lucky to have two cats who'd rather sleep amongst the packages than wrestle with tree branches and sparkly ornaments. I like my lazy kittens, they're easy to deal with.

  5. This is why we have a tree skirt made of aluminum foil.

  6. But those ornaments....they just look soooo tempting! It's just a giant tree of cat toys! :-p


  8. It's a fun post to cheer me up on a gloomy monday morning :)

    Btw.... Isn't the tree itself toxic to the kittnes?

  9. My 7 year old tuxedo cat, Tito, is still fascinated by the Christmas tree. Every year when we set up, his napping spot is permanently by the tree. He also enjoys climbing into and hanging around in the branches. It's quite amusing.

  10. Hee! With this batch of kittens, I keep thinking of a Star Trek (Original Series) episode, only instead of "The Trouble with Tribbles," it's "The Trouble with Trimbles"! :)

  11. *heehee* To be fair though, Miss Laurie, you DID cover your beautiful tree with tons of shiny, sparkly cat toys....

    They are so cute!!

  12. Sweet, innocent can you belive she has ANY involvement based on the 2nd to last photo????

    That tree does look like one massive kitten toy to this human.

  13. If they're only batting at the ornaments and not actually climbing the tree itself, I pretty much call that a huge success.

    We had to start anchoring the tree to the ceiling when my cats were young after it fell over a few times when they climbed it...

  14. aw...kitties love anything i am sure the tree looks very appealing to them. sooo adorable...^_^

  15. How kind of you to set up a tree full of fun just for the kitties! LOL.

  16. Oh, they're adorable! I'm impressed they haven't pulled the tree down yet. When I was growing up, we had two pretty big cats, so our Christmas tree was tied to the walls with fishing twine. And all the fragile ornaments were carefully placed on one side of the top half of the tree: the only place out of the cats' reach. It was a pretty silly looking tree, but it's hard to do Christmas trees with cats!!

  17. Looks like love and gentle petting of the bird to me!!!

  18. I believe Bess is being framed by Willard and Monroe. She just looks too innocent to have participated in any tree trouble.

    The Trouble with Trimbles...ROFL!

  19. It's just too big a temptation for little ones. :) They are just adorable and hope they all find there forever home. Happy Christmas.

  20. Hi.... Adorable

    Can we have a Frost Chirstmas update please?

  21. They are bound to be excited ~ it is their first ChrisMouse. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  22. The best advice that I ever read regarding having a Christmas tree in a house with cats is to not use hooks or thread loops to hang Christmas ornaments, especially fragile ornaments. Use satin ribbon and tie each ornament tightly to a branch. It's important to use satin ribbon, as cats can not chew through it. The weave is too tight. This method as worked for us. Our kittens are almost 5 years old now. This year is the first year they have not climbed in the tree, but they still try desparately to liberate the ornaments.

  23. Christmas ornaments in a kitten / kitty household have to be very sturdy, huh?



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