Yesterday was the two week mark for the little Lamms so the quarantine has been lifted. They're still too small to explore the rest of the house, so I let Charlene come into their world to mingle with them.
Well, Charlene was her usual cool self. She chirped a little hello when she entered their space but the wee ones weren't nearly as friendly. Her greeting was returned with some puffing and hissing.
Charlene remained calm and just hung back and let them take her in. The kittens carefully observed Charlene from the safety of their basket.
After a few minutes the kittens relaxed a bit and Baxter and Edna climbed out and toddled over to take a closer look at Bean. In both cases, their fear got the best of them, their ears went flat, and they puffed up again.
Charlene waited patiently, and eventually she was able to move a little closer for a proper hello - a smooch on the nose. Well, not an actual kiss, but noses were bumped.

See, there's no need to fear her, kittens. Charlene is your friend.

She doesn't want to hurt you. She wants to lick you.
How freakin' precious!! I LOVE the way Charlene sits with her back the the Lamms, gently swishing her tail to give them a preview of the joys to come. What an amazing girl she is.
ReplyDeleteHow cute! What kind of cat is Charlene?? She's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteShock and awwww! So tiny and fierce. The last picture is card-worthy.
ReplyDeleteThey seem to be thinking "she wants to do WHAT to us" in that last shot. No doubt Ms Bean will soon have them all over her looking for nose bumps, baths, and tail games.
ReplyDeleteThat last photo has a caption:
ReplyDeleteShe gives BAFFS?!
All those big blue eyes!
ReplyDelete"Did you see her TAIL!!! It be HOOGE!!!"
DeleteThat is what I think they were thinking in that last shot
I agree with Holly. That last pic is gorgeous. What a sweetie is Miss Charlene. So patient with the babies.
ReplyDeleteThat is adorable! Tiny kittens are so funny when they fuzz up and hiss.
ReplyDeleteAww, Charlene is so patient. Those kittens are vicious, you know. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome on so many levels. First of all, I never cease to be amazed at how wise, loving and patient Charlene is with all the kittens - she knows to just sit and wait until they're ready. Secondly, in the first part of the video, I love how little Baxter is peeking out underneath the sib (not sure which one) who has climbed on top of him in fear. And third, the last photo is so cute and just cracks me up: they're all wide-eyed and look so concerned, like "Are you really sure the big kitty is OK???" Love this!
ReplyDelete(Of course, I'm sure they'll all be under Charlene's paw in no time, getting a good cleaning!)
Yes, Miss Bean wants them kittens clean. But really, she just wants to nibble on their kibble!
ReplyDeleteToo darn cute! Love the last picture with all those wide eyes!
ReplyDeleteBaxter peering out under his bro/sis is priceless. He knows to be concerned, but just can't get a chance to even see what the fuss is about. So precious! The last pic is definitely a "Holy Kitten Poop! You won't believe what just happened!" moment.
ReplyDeleteIs there anything cuter than teensy floofy baby kittens trying to act all fierce and scary? Such adorableness! And clearly Charlene agrees; her patience with the babies' fear is just remarkable. Honestly, could there possibly be another big kitty as welcoming to babies as the Bean? To answer my own question, no, no, there couldn't be!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Laurie, did I see correctly that all four of the Lamms have teensy white toe socks?
ReplyDeleteLittle Baxter at 0:15 is too adorbs for words...
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed at how wise Bean is! She is Laurie's not-so-secret weapon in this kitty-fostering operation for sure. *swoon*
Oh Charlene, you're such a wonderful and patient kitty.
ReplyDeletelooking at that last picture, they expected to be lunch!! Poor Charlene.... just not feeling the love from this group - we bet she wins them over in no time!
ReplyDeleteWhile watching the Lamms huddle together in their basket, I found myself humming a song from Sesame Street. "One of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn't belong..." (And I am so very glad we have a splash of orangey goodness in Baxter!)
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've ever seen a kitty quite so patient and sweet and gentle as Charlene. All she wants to do is give them lovin's!
ReplyDeleteThat was a bit heartbreaking, to see the wee ones so frightened. Please be sure to add a video of them loving it up with Bean soon, as a happy bookend to this!
ReplyDeleteWhat a good sweet Kitty Charlene is - I can learn a lot from her!! And that last photo - soooooooo precious!
ReplyDeleteOh, no, it's a giant!
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of sillies! *g* Baxter was quite brave, going up to her first. Daring to confront the savage Bean! I laughed at him crouched before her, ears back, while she just looks down at him like "Yes? Would you like something?"
ReplyDeleteI have two cats, Sam and Maya. Sam was about three when I brought home Maya, who was six months at the time. Sam is a Large Cat and I wanted to be careful about him not using superior size on Maya when they met, so I'd planned to keep her in my room and slowly introduce them with a baby gate in the doorway so they could see and smell and get used to each other that way. Maya was rather insecure about me leaving the bedroom and, being part Siamese, quite vocal about it. The bathroom door was very near the bedroom door, so I left the bedroom door open a crack, with the baby gate there, when I went into the bathroom. Maya, of course, was right at the gate. Sam came over to check out what was going on, and when Maya saw him, she Hissed with all her might. Sam looked at her, then at me with a 'What's her problem?' expression. I laughed and took down the gate, and by the next morning they were getting on well enough to team up for the early morning 'Mommy, FEED US!' wakeup call. Nothing quite like a cat getting Right Next to your ear and loudly vocalizing. XP
Class is now in session, kittens!
ReplyDeleteThe last picture is SO CUTE! They're little faces are hilarious!
ReplyDeleteI love how patient Miss Charlene is and just sat there!
ReplyDelete"I think she is going to EAT us, did you see how she tasted us first???"
ReplyDeleteLick you till your heads shine? Run, run for your lives!
ReplyDeleteWell, she not only wants to lick them, but grab a bite of kitten food as well. :)
ReplyDeleteI suppose that if I was suddenly presented with someone who was twice as big and floofy as I was, I'd be a little hissy too. Never ceases to amaze me how patient Ms Bean is with every new group of kittens that comes in.
Freshman Orientation with Professor Bean!
ReplyDeleteBean is amazing. She is utterly unflappable. You and the kittens are so lucky.
ReplyDeleteThe little Lamms are adorable. I love how they take shelter in their basket.
Your Charlene is such a good 'mother'. Great kitty.
ReplyDeleteJonni in AZ
Baxter cracked me up...sitting at the bottom of the pile being very very quiet!
ReplyDeleteAlso, don't those kittens know that it is easier to be eaten when they are all sitting in the "bowl"? LOL
I love Charlene so much! She's such a beautiful angel. Truly a blessing to you....and kittens. I also love seeing little, tiny, puffy, hissy kittehs. So scarey!!!
ReplyDeleteI love everything about Baxter in this video.