Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Knapp Vs Knapp

Here's a little pre-surgery day scrimmage between the Knapp boys.  I can't quite decide how to call the match. Wiley seemed to dominate most of it, but he just up and quit at the end.  So I guess Cecil is the winner?  

I'll let you be the judge.


  1. Hey come back here! Come back here! I wasn't finished with you.

  2. There's a part of me that says I need Wiley cause he'd go so well with one of my kittehs... same nose and goatee.

  3. I love Cecil at the end. He's like: "Wait, does this mean I won?!"

  4. I love the little kitten body slam at 00:11.

    1. I was impressed with the slam too!
      The bed bounced visibly...not bad for just a couple pounds of kitty!

  5. I love the way kittens squeak!

  6. Silly distracted Wiley!
    I think he forfeited by running away so Cecil wins by default.

  7. Totally Cecil's win! He got some good neck chomps in there, despite being pinned down on his back! And Wiley, dear, you can't just leave a fight in the middle and expect to be crowned victorious...

  8. I want to see all three kitties in a bag, peeking out. It'd be a Knappsack. *badumtish*

  9. Definitely Cecil is the winner, not only by default, but look at that grip on Wiley's jugular!! I am sure there will be a rematch or two!

  10. Love the little kitten hops at the beginning. My Gus still does those hops and I hope he never stops.
    Poor Cecil, he didn't seem to know why the fight started, or why it was cut short just when he was getting into it. :)

  11. I know, I know.....we ALL win cause that was some serious cute. I do love the look on Cecil's face at the end....

  12. Wiley forfeits! It's Short Attention Span Theater!

  13. Lita and the boys in MelbourneApril 4, 2012 at 5:21 PM

    Kitty smackdowns are gorgeous! of course Cecil won, he's a ginger ninja! (and Wiley was having a blonde moment but, shhh...)Have to go watch it again now and look out for kitten hops. and squeaking - i thought there was no sound?

  14. Definitely Cecil, on a technicality :) (Wiley walked)



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