Well, I thought we had homes squared away for all these fabulous Gibson kittens, but as it turns out, things fell through for dear Charles. So the search begins again for his home and his perfect family.
I'm hoping it will happen very soon because everyone goes in for surgery today, and they will all be ready to depart in a couple of days. The other four are scheduled to leave on Saturday.
He's the sweetest of these sweet peas - he's such a gentle little loving fellow. It truly is a pleasure to be in his presence, and he loves to be in yours too. He's quite generous with his purrs and it just takes one little touch to get his motor started.
Of course he's adorable, too.

He's got the softest, wispiest, buffy-orange coat. His eyes are big and soulful. His broad and very pink nose is the absolute best.
He would love to have a young or young-at-heart feline friend to keep him company and I think he might do best in a quieter home.
SO, if you're in the Seattle-Tacoma area, looking for a dear little boy kitty to add to your family, and your home sounds like it might be a good match for dear Charles, please send us an email and tell us a little bit about yourself.
And if you're not in the market for a fabulous kitten, please help us spread the word!

And yes, he's as sweet as he looks.
Awww Charles - I would have you in a heartbeat but there is an ocean and a whole country between me and you my furry purry friend :(
ReplyDeleteOh Chuck, good luck!
ReplyDeleteYou'll have a home soon.
Aww! He is absolutely adorable! He reminds me of one of my kitties, Pete. Pete would start purring if you just looked at him. He was a kind, gentle soul that unfortunately was taken from us too soon. He was outside exploring on Christmas Eve, 2009, when he was shot by my neighbor and left to die. I will always be haunted by the fact that I wasn't there to protect him or save him. I am so sorry to have spilled all this out, especially on a thread pertaining to such a little sweetheart...
ReplyDeleteThat's absolutely horrible! I'm so sorry for your loss, and I hope you involved the proper authorities. People like that make me absolutely sick. I've had people in rural (and sometimes suburban areas) tell me that they either shoot on site or poison stray cats under the guise of protecting their own outdoor pets or cutting down on overpopulation. I always ask how they can be so sure that the cats they kill are actually feral strays, and not someone's lost or wandering pet. Their inability to answer speaks volumes.
DeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. :(
DeleteShame on that horrible evil neighbour - and on Christmas Eve to top it off??
And I know what you mean stopdropreload. :(
It's OK. Not your fault. You have a vicious neighbor. Sometimes you need to say things. I'm very sorry for your loss.
DeleteThank you all for your kind words. Pete loved to go out at night, and explore, and yes, hunt. I thought he would be safer outside at night. I did involve the authorities and they did nothing, because they didn't see it happen. I KNOW that this boy shot my cat, but he of course, denied it. I found Pete on Christmas morning, when he didn't come home. This neighbor had to be the culprit, because they live on 16 acres of land, and I found Pete beneath some pine trees, about 10 feet from our property line which is near the back of their property. Pete was an avid tree climber, and I am certain that he was shot out of the tree, because he was riddled with buckshot in his hindquarters, and he had a very severely broken hind leg. I have nightmares about this because I envision him laying there, in pain, and I couldn't help him.
DeleteI'm so sorry you (and Pete) had to experience to worst of humanity...people like that boy will only cause further pain and really need help (and I would argue, a swift kick in the head)...I don't think I could control my anger if someone hurt my kitties.., Pete was loved and lived a good life, he's running free at the Rainbow Bridge now with all of our departed fur babies..hugs again
DeleteOh I am so sorry! That is horrible. Couldn't the authorities tell by the bullets which gun/ gun-owner they belonged to? Plus, the culprit shot your cat on *your* property! Well, I'm not surprised the authorities did nothing. They wait until little sociopaths turns into serial killers before doing anything! Perhaps they are the "it's just a cat" type of people... who always infuriate me. Well, I'm glad in any case that Pete led a wonderful life with you and was, obviously, well loved and cared for.
DeleteTengel28, not to defend your neighbor, but do you know if people go coon hunting in your neck of the woods? I wonder if Pete was mistaken for a raccoon or other "pest," and then when your neighbor realized their mistake they were too scared and ashamed to admit it. Of course you know the details better than I - I just thought maybe I'd offer an alternative suggestion that might ease you mind a bit.
DeleteI hear too many stories of horrible things happening to pet cats whom neighbors assume are feral because they are outdoors (and usually without a collar). People automatically think that a feral cat is "diseased" or "dangerous" and take matters into their own hands without knowing all the facts. It's why I'm a big evangelical when it comes to cats wearing collars. I know a collar won't deter the real sociopaths, but it might prevent an honest mistake.
I sent you a message in FB.
ReplyDeleteCharles looks just like my first kitten many years ago. He was a sweetpea as well. I would give Charles my castle if he could be shipped about 2500 miles east.
ReplyDeleteMy sweetest boy loves to be upside down like this too. He is very special and I know he will find a special home.
ReplyDeleteAwwww. I'd adopt my baby in a heartbeat! He'd have a big sister named Chuck to play with and everything. Hmm, that might get a little confusing, though :)
ReplyDeleteAww, he is such a lovely young man. I've always thought that if I lived in the area and had my druthers, I'd adopt him and his Gibson kin Delana. Alas, I am halfway across the country and already at my landlord-set cat limit.
ReplyDeleteWhat a handsome prince. His castle will appear before you know it. <3
ReplyDeleteSuch a dear, sweet soul won't be without a castle for long.
ReplyDeleteI've never wanted to be in the Seattle-Tacoma area more! I feel sure that Charles will have a lovely home soon -- and I wish it could be mine. (Even though I'm not looking for a new kitty at the moment, he could probably change my mind! What do I mean, "probably"?? He's got my heart as it is!)
ReplyDeleteAnd if you live in Maine I've got some beautiful kitties that are going to be going up for adoption in a week or so! :)
ReplyDeleteHow I wish I lived in the Seattle area! Alas my husband wont move 1500 miles just for a kitty cat. Even a super cute one. How sad. Oh well! I know he will find his forever home soon!
There is definitely someone out there for Charles. He is such a sweet little soul, and handsome to boot. Hold on Charles, just a little bit longer. Your forever home is waiting for you.
ReplyDeleteI wish so much you did adoptions out of state (i wholly understand why you don't, but we don't live in washington). My mum just lost her tiny old cat Pookie yesterday, and she's always had such a soft spot for the marmies. I know she would love a new friend like Charles to help her heal her hurt.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Charles will find a great home in no time!
I am so sorry for your mom's loss. I am sure that there are many good organizations near you that will probably have a marmie baby for your mom. I hope she finds one soon. I have experienced loss like that many times over, and I take great comfort in the babies that I currently have to help ease the pain.
DeleteIsn't it fascinating how a little orange kitten, so similar to so many others, can be so uniquely adorable?
ReplyDeleteAs Shana would say, "I love him".
It's true! It's true!
DeleteI love him.
ReplyDeleteHe's so adorable! Gosh, I'm in the Seattle area and my home has room and love for another orange tabby boy... but there's probably no chance I could convince my husband, "Our cat produced a miniature version of himself by... budding or osmosis... while you were gone." :D
ReplyDeleteI adore all your precious fosters, though! Maybe someday!
A special prince indeed! If only he were in search of an East Coast castle! But I know it will be a matter of mere moments before he finds his perfect family!
ReplyDeleteTengel28 - I am so sorry you had to face that sorrow over Pete. I had something simmilar happen when I was a child and it still pains my heart after more than 50 years. You are among friends who understand here.
Oh he is gorgeous-I would take him in a heartbeat...but I am in California! Orange boys are extra specially lovey-dovey, in my experience. He will find his castle soon.
ReplyDeleteCharles would be the perfect playmate for my Louie...if only we didn't live in Indiana. I'm hoping to find him a playmate when we move out of my parents house. He has a 4 year old cat here, but that guy is a loner and dosen't like to be bothered. Lou needs someone like Charles who will purr the day away but take breaks to run rampant around the house. I am sure you will find a wonderful house for him!
ReplyDeleteAhh, good thing I don't live in the Seattle area, because I would have a houseful of your itty bitties! I am sure Charles will charm his way into someone's heart very soon.
ReplyDeleteI've never wished more you did out-of-area adoptions. I've always had a soft spot for gingers! My first cat was a big orange loverboy who purred at an instant, and since he passed away at 15 in 2006 we've been a single-cat household. But my husband and I have started talking about getting a companion for our sweet older lady kitty, who gets lonely now during the days. Oh, if only we were in Seattle! Who could resist this charming prince?
ReplyDeleteI agree with cattywumpus, whocan say 'no' to your cuties!! I have even thought of having my GF who lives out there adopt a baby or two for me... Like I need more... I currently have 6 not-so-IB... Please let us know when he has a home...
ReplyDeleteBut Charles is the 150th Itty Bitty!! This makes him even more special than he already is. And that nose! I love this guy. Positive vibes for this sweetie to find the best home ever!
ReplyDeleteplease give his perfect little nose a kiss for me.
ReplyDeleteThe Universe always takes care of IBKC kittens, and I'm sure in due order, Prince Charles' purrfect loving castle will be found.
ReplyDeleteThe folks who adopt this gorgeous lil kitten are going to find themselves in kitten heaven...can hardly wait to hear all of the adoption stories...and congratulations, once again, on an amazing fundraiser! Just wow! All the love and caring is just overwhelming...IBKC rocks!
ReplyDeleteI am smitten... with that kitten. He's gorgeous! Too bad I live on the east coast. :( I hope he finds a wonderful forever home.
ReplyDeleteI am certain that the universe has big plans for this little fella - but I admit, I'm tempted to hop on a plane to come get him!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am 1,000 percent serious.
DeleteI'm launching a campaign at home to adopt Charles. However, the future hubby is set on a shorthair orange girl this time...