
Friday, August 10, 2012

Hello, Little Gray Guy!!

Sue called yesterday afternoon to let me know she spied a set of new cuties getting examined in vet treatment.    So, before they even made it into the foster room, I was able to stake my claim on the cuties.   It's nice having someone on the inside!

They're a wee bit scared, but already we've seen many signs of improvement.

Here's the first little boy in the bunch.    It's been a long time since we've had an all gray kitty, so I am quite excited we get to spend some time with this adorable charcoal fellow.   Craig is too.  He loves gray kitties.  



OH that face.  That dear, sweet worried little face.

I have no names to announce yet, because some of these babies will be named by some of you!

We raffled off the rights to name two of our kittens and randomly selected two names from our long list of Dog-A-Thon donors.

AND the winners are...

Mari Gadberry


Linda Sanders

Congratulations ladies, please shoot me an email, and I'll assign you your kitten!    I can't wait to hear what you select!!



  1. He brings tears to my eyes. And I mean that.

  2. I love the all gray kitties - such a sweet sweet face!

  3. Aww...he'll learn soon enough that he has nothing to be worried about--he's just hit the Kitty Lottery!

  4. Aw, he does look worried. I can't wait to see him transform into a joyful little creature.

  5. So precious! I love grey kitties too and that's one color we don't have in our tribe. Please give him and his siblings a kiss right between the ears for me!!!

  6. Oh, what a handsome lad. I am partial to all blue/grey kitties too, since I have a pretty blue/grey girl of my own.

  7. I'm going to enjoy this one. We have just adopted a beautiful gray boy from our local shelter, but he's already almost 19 months old. The only thing I miss about adopting older cats is enjoying them as kittens. I'm going to pretend my Jimmy looked just like this little guy!!!!!

    1. Thank you for adopting an adult kitty. I understand about missing out on their kittenhood, but as they grow secure in their new home they sometimes have a brief emergence of kittenhood again. Adult kitties are SO worth it.

    2. Thanks Jason, we always adopt older cats, they are very much worth it. And being only 18 months old, Jimmy is plenty kitteny. I am only too happy to get my kitten fix at the IBKC

  8. What a lovely little kitten! Love to see his brothers and sisters too!

  9. Oh, he looks worried/scared. Those pupils are dilated wide! A few days with Laurie and Craig (and later with Miss Bean) will transform him into a confident snugglebunny.

  10. I like gray kitties too. We have the same color hair -- although I keep that a secret!

    Patti in KY

  11. OMG, he is composed of equal parts dryer lint and disapproval!

    1. This description made my day!

    2. Julius and Josie Bee's MommyAugust 10, 2012 at 10:52 AM

      Heehee!! So funny! He's a real cutie. I agree, he won't be scared for long... Kitty Lottery indeed!! :). Welcome Mr. Handsome...

    3. I love Melissa's of this sweet boy!

  12. Our greybie is on the downslope of cancer today, but I will try to see some hope in this little guy. He looks like a sweetie.

    1. I am so sorry. I hope your little guy recovers.

    2. *Hugs* I've been there with a beloved kitty too...

    3. ((hugs))and wishes for healing for you and your greybie.

  13. Just yesterday I saw a tiny all-gray kitty for adoption from our local no-kill shelter and remembered how wonderful the soft little storm clouds are! I'll be happy to watch this one get over his dissatisfaction.

  14. *laughing* Like they wouldn't have called you anyway, Laurie. You're the kitten vulture!

    And I love you for it. This is adorable.

    And my, he does look worried doesn't he?

    1. And by the way - lookit those gorgeous round eyes. So unique. Green with amber ring around the outside.

  15. Poor little worried tiny gray fella! He will be smiling soon. Good for you Laurie with your "inside" connection.

  16. Oh sweet little Stormy boy! I love that you can see his Tabby lineage in there...that's probably what's making him look so worried...those little tabby stripes on his forehead!

  17. Worried indeed! That'll soon change to carefree and joyful.

    But is it just me or does he sort of resemble a cute squirrel with cat ears? There's something sort of interestingly unusual about the shape of his head/face that makes me think squirrel. :-)

  18. I need to *boop* that little gray nose..

  19. What beautiful, smoky looking eyes! Adorable! Don't worry little fellow. You have just hit the kitty jackpot! :-)

  20. One of my kitties has perpetually worried eyes. It just slays me. This kitten is so cute. Hello there, little dude!

  21. Hi there little man! You really do have the prettiest eyes!

  22. What a beautiful baby blue boy! Blues are some of my favorites--he has such sweet, soulful eyes. I can't wait to meet his littermates and am looking forward to getting to know him better. No need to look so worried, little one, you are in the best place.

  23. Heavy sigh of happy relief that there are babies at your house again!

  24. So sweet! He's all, "I've been through A LOT in the last few days!" He looks like a tiny version of my mom's cat Gradie, who's the exact same dark-silver color. My favorite part of all-gray kitties: their whiskers are gray too!!

  25. Such a worried cute. They don't look too little. Can't wait to meet the whole clan :)

    I'm sure Bean is terribly excited and sniffing under the door..

  26. can't wait to see what color his paw pads are!

  27. Oh my, its OK little fella, you've ended up in the best place ever for little kitties. Laurie, john and Ms Butterbean will look after you.

    Your little worried face tugs at my heart.

  28. Oh my, what a cute cat! You are so dear and sweet :)

  29. I think he's saying "This life stuff is serious biz. I trust the universe to provide for me."

  30. My literal reaction when I first saw the picture was, "Bah!" No real words were formed. He looks like a slightly fluffier version of my Henry. My father has always said we should have named our Russian Blue "Ivan", so I'm just going to throw that name out there as a suggestion. And blues are soooo sweet. Not to say my tabby girl isn't a good cat, but Henry loves to snuggle right next to me and wakes me up by purring too loud.

    1. Ooh...Russian names...I like it! Ivan, Igor, Uri-I could go on. Great idea!

    2. Kat-ya! Kat-erina!

  31. Oh, he's adorable! I have a cat just that color and I bet he looked just like that as a baby - he's a somewhat serious boy now.

  32. What a handsome boy! I can't wait to see him and his siblings grow up as happy and confident young cats via the special care of Laurie, Craig and Ms. Bean!

  33. Is he really gray? On my monitor, he has a brownish cast. A solid brown kitty is even more unusual than a solid gray one, although I have seen one! He truly is adorable, whatever his shade.

    1. He's gray but probably has red undertones in his fur. My Linus has similar coloring.

    2. He does look like he might be a torbie boy! They're really rare, right? I have a dilute torbie girl and she looked similar as a wee thing -- now she has a couple of distinctly orangey patches that showed up as she grew.

  34. I love gray kitties too! Probably why I have two of them. What a sweet little boy you have there! Can't wait to see the rest!

  35. Such a handsome young lad! Don't worry, little guy, the universe just turned your world upside down and gave you the very best it has to offer, a chance to grow up at the Butterbean Kitty Finishing School!

  36. What a sweet little worried face! It's ok little one - you and your siblings are in for a wonderful treat!

  37. Ahhhh, sqeee! He does look worried.

  38. oh how I love little grey kittens with ghost markings. That pretty little M on his forehead and the dramatic eye makeup ... so handsome and dignified

  39. I'm not sure he looks so much worried as just concerned. Not sure what he's gotten himself into, you know! Sweet boy, you're going to find out that you and your family have ended up in the best place possible!

  40. SO cotton pickin' solemn and cute!
    Bring on the next kitten!

  41. He is absolutely adorable! I'm a sucker for grey kitties.

  42. Oh my dear, sweet Lord! He is adorable! Worry not, young lad - you are in the best place ever!

  43. Cutie pie! Can't wait to see him happy and "smiling" instead of looking so worried!
