
Friday, September 14, 2012

The Smallest Small of Them All

This is Louie Small.  Because he was the scrawniest of this Small bunch, we call him Shrimp Louie.  He's starting to fill out, so hopefully this will soon become his ironic nickname.

He's mostly white,  but it looks like he's going to be a Flame Point. His tail is getting oranger every day and he's showing a little color on his paws, too.


Welcome little Louie!


  1. And that came out of a tabby mama? Oh my goodness what a pretty kitty. Welcome Smalls. :)

  2. I love that vegan Laurie has a kitten named Shrimp Louie! Especially since he looks just like my Potter Pot Pie did at that age. The dreamsicleness will only improve with age.

  3. Hello Louie, I am sure you will be big and strong real soon. :)

  4. His precious little sweet pea of a mama gave birth to an angel kitty!

  5. Mama Ruth met some good looking boys if Louie "da Shrimp" Small is any indication.Can not wait to meet the rest of this litter!

  6. Oh, my. That pink nose and tiny little sliver of a pink tongue, plus those blue eyes. He's a charmer, all right!

  7. I'm in love. You're killin' me here. Deb

  8. Is that a spattering of orange freckles across his wee nose, or breakfast? =^. . ^=

  9. I'm not sure. I think that your guest to the blog, Kisses, was the real smallest of the small. But I hope Shrimp will flourish under your care and get big soon!

  10. I wish we were in the market for a kitteh, and that Shrimp Louis was closer to me here. He'd be mine in a heartbeat! Love the little beautiful nose. And those big ears!!!! I predict that he'll grow up to fit those ears and then his nickname won't fit! :) samm

    1. Louie reminds me of my dear departed Elliott as a kitten - white floof and huge ears. Elliott grew into his ears - he was huge!

  11. How cute is this little gentleman!!! Hello poppet, I'm in love with your adorable self :-)

  12. You're killing me, Smalls! With all the compact cuteness :)

  13. Our boy cat, Atticus, is a flame point. He is the sweetest, most playful cat ever!

    1. How weird, my lad is a flame point, and his name is Atticus, too! :)

  14. Oh my, what a handsome little boy! Louie, you're going to be a heartbreaker, I can tell already!

  15. Louie, Louie, oooh oh... We gotta love ya.

  16. Oh my GOSH, what a tiny, sweet face! Must go kiss my kitties immediately. :)

  17. I am a freckle-faced redhead, and before I got my lynx-point boys, I was set on getting a flame with a freckly nose! Louie's a cutie-pie, for sure.

  18. What a lucky, lucky little Louie!
    He may be the first shrimp I can love!

  19. So is he part siamese then? I still find all the colour-point stuff a bit confusing. Does he sound siamese?

    1. Lisa, does this help? The Siamese coloration is actually called "point" and is a form of albinism. More here:

    2. Right, I understand that a little bit (in part from the link you put up that was part of what I've studied before on the subject) but as I understand colour-points can be something other than Siamese too (like Charlene) but I wasn't sure if the flame point was only in the Siamese breed?
      Then again, my query was before the family portrait went up which pretty much cleared up my original question! ;-)
      Thanks for answering, I appreciate that you took the time!

  20. OH!!
    I was hoping they would be color points when you said they were totally different from mama!
    I LOVE flame points. They are so, so, lovely!
    I can't wait to see the rest of the litter and use even more exclamation points!

  21. Sounds like he's going to be a stunner when he grows up!

  22. The shelter where I volunteer sadly lost two adult cats this week - one sweet flame point boy and one sweet tabby girl (although she was a silver tabby, not a brown tabby). Seeing beautiful Ruth and Louie makes me feel better!

  23. Since he's the first kitten featured, I shall think of him as "Louie Prima."

  24. i can't even believe how adorable and sweet he is. i want his other siblings too!

  25. Yay for Louie! My boy Louie is also a tiny guy. He just turned a year old and is just barely tipping the scales at 7.5lbs. Maybe he's just a slow grower? Anyways, excellent name. We noicknamed my guy WooLou b/c instead of a 'meow' he makes a 'woowoo' sound.

  26. Heehee Shrimp Louie. Such a perfect name for such a lovely little man.

  27. Oh I am so so so in love with every one of these kittens.

  28. I just realized that with his coloring, he's sort of shrimp-colored too! Love flames and lynx-points -- they are so easygoing and sweet.
