
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween!  One of our favorite days of the year!  There are no kittens here to help celebrate the day, but I've got a collection of links and photos from Halloween celebrations of previous years.  There's even a link to a video from wee Bean's very first Halloween.  

Please enjoy the trip down this holiday memory lane.     


Bean Halloween Greetings


Charlene Boooooooterbean
Halloween Bean Perched on the Porch


Gone Batty
With the Lively Bunch.

I promise I will never make you wear a costume again Bean.
I swear.

The devil made me do it.

There's a ghost in this post.
With the Drapers


Itty Bitty Vampires

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlene Butterbean
Little Miss Bean and her first Halloween.

Halloween Still Life with Albert Livermore
Albert Allen Poe
He perched, and sat, and nothing more...

sweet little pumpkin - maddie

The BOOviers
Sweet little pumpkins...

Happy Hallow-Bean and Candy Corny
Anxiously await the trick-or-treaters...

Spider wranglin'...
With Albert and Davy


  1. Oh my! What spook-tacular post of fabulous Bean posts! Thank you! And sorry Charlene that you had to be humiliated in a costume to entertain us.

  2. Happy Halloween, Charlene BOOOOOOterbean! (And Laurie and Craig of course)

    I don't know why, but I couldn't see all of the pictures in the older posts?...but what I did see was darling! How cute were the Boooooviers? I love Halloween.

  3. The Itty Bitty Vampire post is one of my all-time favorites! I also love the "Albert Allen Poe" post because Albert is so excellently in character!

  4. It was so fun to see the pics from past Halloweens, I remember most of them. I especially love the pics of Bean and Drewey as little cowgirls! Thanks for posting Laurie, hope you, Craig and Bean have a great Trick or Treat day.

  5. LOVED to watch all the pictures from past Halloweens <3

  6. after seeing that picture of Drewey as a cowgirl, I hope you know where that inner crank came from!! Love 'em all, thanks for the post!

  7. This is so precious! The kitties are so adorable. I love the idea of pets and Halloween. I wonder what they're thinking, being surrounded by all this confusing costumes, decorations and the costumes WE force on them! Anyway, great pictures depicting a very kitty Halloween :) Check out my blogpost about Halloween from my pet bunny's point of view. Haha. I got creative imagining what this scary holiday would appear like in an animal's eyes! Enjoy!!

  8. Taking the time to view all the photos was pure delight. Thanks for the wonderful pix and all you've done over the years. Tomorrow is All Saints' Day, another special day for you and Charlene B, two of the living saints I keep in my prayers.

  9. Love the trip down past halloween lane! There is nothing better than baby Bean and the pumpkin!

  10. I think Bean looks cute in her costumes. I wish my cats were as tolerant.

  11. Thanks for a really fun post. Those spiders were big!

  12. Ohhh, I love seeing pictures of my little boys as babies(Albert and Elvis/Davy). Now they eat spooky spiders...thanks for the early training!


    1. Can you give us an update on how Albert and Elvis are doing? I'd like to see what handsome mancats they've grown up to be.

  13. We get a small pumpkin each year solely because of this photo of Maddie =^. .^=
