
Friday, November 16, 2012

Sweet Cyrus

I went into the kitten room and asked the sweet gray tabby, "Is your name Cyrus?"


And he let a little cry that sounded much more like a yes than a no.  


Introducing, sweet Cyrus Loudermilk.



  1. What a sweet little lover of a kitty boy!!! Cyrus is a little angel :)

  2. It looks like Cyrus has some kitten food on his chin - he's in need of a bath from the Bean!

  3. What a darling boy! Those tiny fangs deserve a squee all their own!

  4. Aww...what a sweet face. Love the food on the chin...saving it for later.

  5. is it the camera angle or is he a wee bit cross-eyed? ;)

  6. I firmly believe that if you give kitties a couple of days they will tell you their name. :-)

    Tina +Louis, Vincent & Thomas (The Kittyboyz)

  7. I had a dream I named my cat Sebastian. When I woke up I asked him if that was his name and he started purring at top volume.
    Five years later and he still purrs at top volume when you say his name.

    Cyrus is definitely a good name for this sweet little boy.

  8. A distinguished name for a dignified little man.

  9. Will there be an "Elliot," as in the character Elliot Loudermilk from the movie Scrooged?

    1. Ooh, I would love to see the black & white kitty (with his heart on his sleeve) named Elliot! I have a b&w male cat named Elliott, and despite being 8 years old, he is still very loud when it comes to demanding milk!

  10. I too believe kitties will tell you their names. Louie had many names before we finally deciding on his. When I called him Louie the first time he actually perked his ears and came running. I knew that was the name. Love Cyrus' beautiful blue/grey eyes. I hope they don't change much!

  11. you take the best kitty pictures! my kittes would never pose as well as sweet Cyrus. He is such a heartbreaker!

  12. TEEFLES!

    Sorry, I'm better now.

    1. I did a similar thing: "Look at those teefeses!"

  13. Ker-thunk! I am in love! Cyrus!!! <3

  14. Our 1st shelter cat came with the name "Sweetie Pie". She decided new home, new life, new name. Took a while for us to guess it but whan I asked her if her name was Gwenivere, she purred and came trotting over as if to say "Well, it took you long enough to know my name!" We had Miss Gwen for 16 wonderful years. Welcome, Cyrus, welcome!

  15. Perfect name for an adorable baby boy! Welcome Cyrus!

  16. i love that little bit of kitten food left on his chin in that last photo.

  17. Yes, cats definitely know their own names. I named my girl Cinnamon, but when a crazy cat lady friend came to visit a few months later, she took one look at her and said, "Her name is Emily." I asked Emily if that was indeed her name, and responded, in fluent cat, "It took you long enough to figure that out!"

    The fact that cats know their own names when they arrive is yet another reason why I've always preferred cats.

    1. SHE responded. That's what I get for not proofing my own comment!

  18. I want to spend my days observing the Naming of Kittens. That's all I want to do.

  19. Aww! It's very nice to meet you, Cyrus!

  20. The toofs... the toofsies..

    AND the little smudge of cat food on the chin. Ah, he's a little boy after my own heart.

  21. This little family of boys are just about the most adorable things I've seen! I love all their faces and fur coats. And big tosies. Every pic of this troop just slays me! I can hardly wait for the next one .

  22. Oh boy. This one's WAY cuter than I was expecting. I'm now in loveX3. You're killin' me here guys! How can I smuggle 3 of you across the border?

  23. Aww, what a sweetie! Is he slightly cross eyed or is he looking too close at the camera?

  24. I love his soft gaze, wee teefs and the potential for Butterbean baths that is wee Cyrus!

  25. My cat name story- years ago my boyfriend took in a cat that had been abandoned by a former tenant in his building. We were going to name her Sally when another tenant told us her name from before was Sadie. We were pretty close!

  26. We went to find cats to match our chosen names. It was pretty easy. Our girl exuded her name from her Humane Society "singles ad", and my boy just was his name. We didn't know that he'd be SO his name when we got him.
    I love that he answered you. :) (And I love the teef and smudge of food on his chin.)
