
Monday, December 10, 2012

SOMEone's Been Chewing on Ralphie's Whiskers


 OK, Boys. Someone has been chewing on Ralphie's whiskers and it needs to stop.

The little lad needs them to navigate through this world.


I have my suspicions, and I am hoping the guilty party will step forward.


Was it you, Clive?  Come on, it WAS you, wasn't it?

NO, I swear it wasn't. I love my brother, I would never do that to him. 



And I feel horrible about it.   I'm sorry, Ralphie. 


I swear it will never happen again. 

And don't worry.  They'll grow back.   


  1. Those itty bitty tiny teeth! So cute!

  2. Oh my!!!... I've never seen such a thing happen -- thank heaven they'll grow back.

  3. I was pretty sure it was Graham, based on the last post. I guess I was wrong - that is a pretty strong confession!

  4. Don't worry Ralphie, they will grow back and you're so cute you can totally carry the look.

    This happened at our house! I was convinced the children had cut the poor baby's whiskers until I caught the culprit in the act!

  5. OMC! Ralphie is adorable with or without whiskers. But we'd rather he had some. xx

  6. They will grow back. Our Minou chewed off the whiskers of little Kismet when she first came home... even her eyebrow whiskers! Kismet survived quite well without her whiskers. She may have been a little bit more clumsy, and would dip her nose a little too far in the water dish... but they did grow back and are quite fantastic. :)

  7. The same thing happened with my Fern. It seemed that each time they finally grew back, one of her sisters would nom them off again. It finally quit when she finally stood up for herself and tired to nom their whiskers.
    I agree, Ralphie can totally carry off the look. I guess that this year instead of getting a Red Ryder B.B. gun Santa will be bringing Ralphie new whiskers. Sorry, had to do it. LOL

  8. Gracious, never seen such a thing. I guess kitten whiskers are good eats.

  9. delurking... funniest post ever! Thank you for the Monday morning giggle.

    Poor Ralphie. :)Karen in Spokane

  10. Why do kitties do the things they do? My cat will chew my hair, if I let him. I wonder if it's the same impulse?

  11. Cyrus must have remembered about Santa Claws' naughty list so he fessed up! :)

  12. oh this is too funny. But Ralphie you are gorgeous anyway, stubbly whiskers and all.

  13. Oh, poor Ralphie!! Hope he gets his whiskers back soon!! Silly kittens!

  14. soo cute!! soo sad!!

    how long will they take to grow back?

  15. Wow, I would never even think this happens to kittens!!! Still a cutie pie tho!

    Ergo - Blog

  16. We've had it happen a few times before, and I've seen lots of whisker-less kitties at the shelter before. It's a dominance thing.

  17. Aww! Poor Ralphie! But, he is too adorable, with or without whiskers! And so are his brothers, no matter how naughty! :-)

  18. Oh my! I am a first-time cat owner and my girls (who are sisters) were kittens I was horrified to discover one of them missing the entire left side of her whiskers! Luckily some veteran cat owners assured me they would grow back.

    Poor Ralphie, I hope they grow back quickly!

  19. Awww poor little Ralphie :(
    It´s lucky that they will grow right back out again :)

  20. Wow - those are REALLY short. We had a brother sister pair once and Morgana chewed off Merlin whiskers. Came home from work and he had one left...I was trying to figure it out when Morgana ran up, pinned him down and chewed off the last one. Poor boy.... :)

    1. That is just so sad!!! Poor little man!!!

  21. Those silly kitties! Those are great photos... they're super adorable :)

  22. Does the whisker-nibbler spit them back out? I'm imagining very picky hairballs if he doesn't!

  23. Poor little Ralphie. I swear boys are more naughty even when they're cats. :p

  24. that's so sad! i hope he pokes the guilty one(s) with his prickly whisker stubs!

  25. Poor little Ralph. First they sit on him, then they eat his whiskers. He needs to enter a Kitten Protection Scheme.

  26. OMG poor little Ralphie! I had no idea kittens did this... hope they grow back fast! (not that he is less cute without them). The only thing my sibling kitties do is-one still tries to suckle on the other! Sometimes she gets away with it, sometimes she gets rabbit-kicks to the head...

  27. Hey, Pumpkin as a kitten got a bit too close to a candle and burned off the whiskers on one side of his face. Poor lad , but he wasn't seriously hurt and after walking into walls for a couple of days has never approached a candle since.

  28. Poor Ralphie. My least favorite thing about cats is how they pick on the each other.
    (she wrote as Gibson chases Gus across the house) ;)

  29. Very happy to see more Ralphie and Clive! I love the orangies and Clive's little patches!

    K from MN

  30. Oh my. My kitty kept mysteriously "trimming" the whiskers on one side of his face and we finally came to the conclusion that he singed them off when he napped on the warm cable box (whiskers went into vents where box was hot and disappeared). Once we got rid of that cable box, they grew back and have served him well ever since.

  31. My kitty used to "trim" the whiskers on one side of his face when he napped on the warm cable box. His face nestled against a vent, whiskers went into the vent and disappeared. Once we got rid of that cable box, his whiskers grew back and have served him well ever since.

  32. O Ralphie, getting picked on by Cyrus.

    I remember the first time I saw 3 whiskers that my very first cat had dropped on my pillowcase. I called the vet all worried about it...they were so kind about all my first-time cat owner concerns.

    That is when I learned that they grow a lot like our hair - they just have a more sensitive connection to sensory nerves than our hair.


  33. Laurie,
    Are you sure Cyrus and not Graham is the guilty party? Poor little Ralphie.

  34. Reminds me of another sweet orange kitten who had to deal with whiskers being nommed! -darin

    1. It's so nice when fellow readers reacquaint us with kittens of yore - thanks, Anon! :)
