I took the girls into the HS for a check-up and some tests, and I am happy to say, things are looking much better than they were earlier. I'll be taking them in again on Thursday, and I should know more then. They're not out of the woods, but things are looking very promising.
Their energy level is really great and they were bouncing all over the place this morning. I have them inside a wire kennel, so their world is smaller than they would like it to be, but it keeps them safe and allows me to closely monitor them.
Thank you again for all the support. It's been a very stressful past few days, and your words have been so comforting.
It's strange, but saying goodbye to Filbert wasn't the hardest part it all. It was the fight to keep him here that was so difficult. It's gut-wrenching to watch a tiny, sweet boy fail.
I don't know what happens next for animals once they leave our world, but I do know that they are pure, good beings, so whatever it is that waits for them on the other side, if there is such a thing, it can't be anything but peaceful and lovely. And if, by chance, their sweet souls are recycled, I hope dear Filbert returns to us in a healthier body one day.
xo Laurie
I've been frantically refreshing this page all day for some news. Glad the girls are doing better and will continue to send healing prayers their way.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! With all of us sending healing karma and prayers, perhaps these lil gurls will keep feeling stronger every day! I've been watching the blog frequently too, fingers crossed for good news. :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome! With all of us sending healing karma and prayers, perhaps these lil gurls will keep feeling stronger every day! I've been watching the blog frequently too, fingers crossed for good news. :)
ReplyDeleteTears! The foster baby we lost a few weeks ago was a shoulder sitter. I swear there are days her shoulder of choice feels heavier than the other. I like to think she's the new "angel on my shoulder".
ReplyDeleteWill keep praying for your sweet girls.
so sorry for your loss too! Rest in peace little one, you also were loved.
I feel cautiously optimistic now! Thanks so much for the update. Continued white light for them, and hugs for you. A lovely wish for the afterlife. Again, rest in peace sweet little nut. You are missed and were loved, that's what we all strive for.
Yay! That is some much-needed good news. We'll all keep thinking good thoughts for the girls.
ReplyDeleteOh, that is such great news! Keep up the good work, ladies! And enjoy napping in your awesome fleece blankie lined box.
ReplyDeleteFeeling weepy over this dear philosophy. XO
ReplyDeleteYour reflections on this whole situation are so prophetic. Thank you for sharing the journey with us, and thank you for the update on the girls!
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful sentiments, Laurie. And I am soooo glad that things are looking better today than yesterday.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't watch tiny Filbert fail; you watched his body fail him, and you guided him to a peaceful place. He succeeded in being a fantastic being for his short time with you, one whom you -- and we -- will always cherish.
Well put!
DeleteSo relieved for the promising news about these two beautiful bitty girls. xoxo
ReplyDeleteThat is great news!
ReplyDeleteI'll drink a toast to little Filbert and also to Jerry Lee Pickett.
It's a very good sign indeed that these sweeties are bouncing around and wishing they could get out of the kennel!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to start bringing mascara to work.
ReplyDeleteI'm so pleased the girls are doing well. ((((hugs))) re little Filbert. So hard to lose them. xx
ReplyDeleteBeautiful and thoughtful words. I believe little Filbert is in heaven along with Drewey, Jerry Lee and my two cats. Please know that there are lots of people pulling for these two lovely little kitties.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to hear that the girls are doing better. Fostering kittens can really hurt your heart at times. I've had moments when I feel just like you did, that it's almost a relief for them to be gone after the huge struggle to keep them alive. It seems horrible to think of it that way. Feel thankful that you were there for him, loving him in his last moments! Thank you for all you do Laurie!
ReplyDeleteI went through someone similar when I had to put my cat down last year. It was hard, but not as hard as trying to keep him healthy. The same thing happened with my parents who also had to put down one of their cats due to FIP. You try so hard but disease plays no favorites.
ReplyDeleteIt's OK to cry. It's OK to feel relief when it's over. That's the part that hardest to accept. Don't feel guilty over being relieved. It doesn't mean you didn't love Filbert. It means the stress is over and he's no longer in pain.
Good girls!
ReplyDeleteI visit through Google Reader every day, but got a couple of days behind and had to look back to see what you were talking about...I'm so so so very saddened by Filbert's passing. He was the one I totally fell for. Truly, heartfelt condolences to you, his caregiver, for seeing him through his transition. You are a wonderful person, and thank you for the bright light you shine every day.
ReplyDelete....crying again.....................
ReplyDeleteWhew... I'm glad the news is cautiously good and they're feeling spunky. Been feeling for you a lot - losing Filbert is bad enough, seriously worrying about the girls too ... yikes. Keeping up the good thoughts until they are officially out of the woods.
ReplyDeleteWhen cats pass on, they go to Bastet's catnip fields. They lounge in the warm sun. They drink cream from porcelain bowls and receive all the skritchings they want from the hand of Bast.
ReplyDeleteHumans should be so lucky...
Nice! Good thoughts.
DeleteYes, I think Kitty Heaven must be a wonderful, wonderful place. I hope we're allowed in for a visit, some day.
Delete....and sparkle balls. Don't forget they have all the sparkle balls they could ever want.
DeleteI forgot about the sparkle balls. And the string trees. And the shaded tree with an electric blanket. And the...
DeleteThat is such great news, Laurie! I will continue to send positive thoughts, well-wishes, and healing beams to those beautiful little girls! {{{{{{{{{{Wylla, Audrey, Charlene, Laurie, and Craig}}}}}}}}}}
ReplyDeleteGreat news about Audrey and Wylla, the pictures are awesome - my prayers are working :) Your post is very touching and well spoken, I can't imagine heaven without kitty cats and Filbert is one of their littlest angels. In fact, I feel certain he is the guardian angel for his two precious sisters.
ReplyDeleteSo happy to hear this!
ReplyDeleteAs so many others have said, I, too, have been watching the blog all day, hoping and praying for good news for these two beauties. Hoping the good news continues to get better.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that things seem to be going in the right direction and will keep hoping and praying that these two beautiful little ones come through this healthy and strong. It is so hard to watch a little kitten be unwell ( I had to do it a few months ago) - I've been watching and hoping this week.
ReplyDeleteAh, good news! good news!
ReplyDeleteJoy and sorrow and pain, life is tough but when these little girls come around your heart will be full of joy. As will ours!
Yay! Excellent news!!
ReplyDeleteLaurie: this is wonderful news -- I knew that the circle of healing we all created helped to get these wee lassies back on their feet. I am humbled by the IBKC's positive power of love, kindness and humanity that has been shown to Wylla and Audrey. And to you Laurie, Criag, Ms. Bean and the whole crew at the Humane Society -- I have no words that are adequate to express my feelings, so I hope that a simple THANK YOU will do !!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad things are looking up! I have confidence that between you and the wonderful HS vets, you'll have the girls fully healthy soon. They are such a sweet pair!
ReplyDeleteAnd I love the little fleecy bed. Do they not like the pink basket as much, or are you saving that until their insides have settled back down to normal?
Laurie - thank you (and all fosterers) for being so strong and kind and loving. I am so glad to hear the news about the girls and I am certain that Filbert's sweet soul will be back.
Thank you for the good news
ReplyDeleteI, for one, believe cats can and do come back. Maybe not to us, but they come back.
ReplyDeleteFilbert had a tough battle so did you. You made a difference in his life and ours. So watch those girls closely, let our healing thoughts & prayers come to you and know you have made a difference in this world.
Thank you.
Filbert's probably jumping around and trying to play with a grumpy Drewey's tail in the great kitty beyond :) I like thinking there is a kitty heaven/afterlife - it comforts me at least.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm so glad they are starting to get better! Our prayers and hearts are with you! Come on girls, you can kick this thing!
ReplyDeleteSweet news...and I am adding another round of wishes for wellness for wee Wylla and Audrey.
ReplyDeleteAnd it must be said, without the loving and caring that the kittens get while in your care their lives would be the poorer. As would ours.
Keep healing, girls! We're cheering for you!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to hear of improvement with the girls! I hope you're getting rest and taking care of yourself too, Laurie. I'm still holding you all in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteFilbert's little body just couldn't contain all the love and sweetness in his spirit so he had to leave it behind. That's how I think of it anyway.
I was thinking about reincarnation this morning and it just seemed so clear that our sweet pets must come back again -- their lives here are so short, and they represent such goodness. I think Filbert is taking a little break before he comes back here again. And he's grateful to you for your loving care. Now, we must keep our focus on these little girls and make sure that they keep getting stronger!!
ReplyDeleteWow, Laurie. I always thought you were a very special person, but today's post proves to me that I underestimated just how special you really are. And I'm so happy that the girls are improving.
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear some encouraging news. Oh please, oh please, girls, stay bouncy!
ReplyDeleteI love how Laurie described where pure, sweet beings might go after this world -- to someplace peaceful and lovely. That's how I think of it, too, but she expressed it so beautifully!
Here I sit with one kitty on my lap, one on the floor, and my aged sleeping dog next to her - being all weepy. I am so glad the girls are improving & will keep praying. Wherever kitties & dogs go when they leave this earthly life... well, that's where I want to go, too. xo
ReplyDeleteWhat fine news -- thank you!. These girls have a lot of supporters beaming love from all over the world.
ReplyDeleteI don't know, either, if souls are 'recycled,' as Laurie said. But I am confident that if souls exist, kitties have them as much as people do. <3
ReplyDeleteLittle Filbert definitely earned his wings. He had a huge job to do and he accomplished it. I always believed that animals are “lent” to us and given very specific jobs; to make us laugh, to cheer us up when we are down, to teach us to laugh, to not take sides and to love us unconditionally. Filbert’s job was extra special, his job was to remind all of us not to take our pets for granted – yes sometimes that ripped up brand new roll of toilet paper, or the shredded drapes, or the extra expensive cat/dog food can be a frustration, but at the end of the day, when we’ve had a horrible day, feel sick or lonely who is it you can always count on to make you feel better. Sometimes it just a lick, a head butt or just that look they give you as if to say its ok, I’m here for you and I’m not leaving you cause I love you. So Filbert’s mission has been accomplished and he definitely earned his wings!!! Little Angel Filbert as sad as it is that you have left us, thank you so much for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I am getting weepy again. Anonymous, thanks for expressing what is in my heart.
DeleteLaurie, you are a blessing to the kittens - and to us!
Aww, Laurie, my heart goes out to you for the pain of Filbert's loss. Believe me, I think most of your followers have all suffered through something like that, and completely empathize with you. The girls in their little box with the pink blanket look so sweet. Hoping the drugs will take care of this insidious illness.
ReplyDeleteSome tears shed again upon reading today's post. Still, though, positive attitude reigns!!
So well put. I'll be praying for the girls.
ReplyDeleteI was away from the internet most of the day. This was the first site I checked when I got home. So glad those two sweet girls seem better. I believe that Heaven holds all of our sweet pets. I love what someone said about Filbert being his sisters guardian angel. You are an amazing person for all that you do for these kittens and for uniting and touching the hearts of your kitty lover followers!
ReplyDeleteCrap. Crying in public. Darn it. At least there are cute kittens to go with it (and one waiting at home).
ReplyDeleteYou rock Laurie. You really do. Filbert was lucky you have the emotional energy to have been with him during his most difficult time. These girls are lucky too. I can't say that enough.
I always thought that if God went to all the trouble of having Noah build an ark for the animals, he surely has a place for them in heaven.
ReplyDeleteWhat fantastic news. I've been praying I wouldn't have to add a little Wylla or Audrey with wings to the RV dashboard.
ReplyDeleteThe thought of Filbert coming back as a strong healthy kitten makes me smile. Well, smiling while crying.
Thank you Laurie for sharing the good news with us! The kittens are getting the best of care with you. I strongly believe that all my animals will be waiting for me on the other side, otherwise, it would be heaven, would it? I like that idea of God building an ark to include his animals too. Kisses little Filbert, Mary A
ReplyDeleteLast year I had a dream that my then missing, now deceased cat (2011-12) was playing with the cat of my youth (1983-2004).
ReplyDeleteThe kitties and I are keeping you and the girls in our thoughts and prayers. Sad to hear about little filbert. Keep strong Laurie.
ReplyDeleteEmma and Buster
yay!! thanks for taking the time to keep us updated!!
ReplyDeleteAwww - I'm so happy to hear this update. And I'm smiling thinking of little Filbert in a healthier package. :) Thanks for keeping the kitty lovers posted. We love what you do.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSo happy to read this news - thank you Jesus!! Please shower your healing on these tiny beings so they can be vehicles to spread your joy and love to some lucky humans. God please bless Laurie, their caregiver, immensely as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking such good care of these sweeties!
ReplyDeleteI hope the girls continue to improve. They deserve special lives.
ReplyDeleteAwww... glad I didn't have time to read this at work today, because it's always hard to explain that a kitten blog made me cry (at work!). I've always imagined that all the cats of my past are together, comparing notes, as it were.
ReplyDeleteAnd I"m so happy the girls are doing better. They sure are cute!
They are the sweetest kittens i have ever seen. It's good to hear they are doing better.
ReplyDeleteIt took me until nearly 11pm PST to click on the Itty Bitty link on my computer.. I just dreaded opening the page to more bad news, but lo and behold, it's good news. For now, anyway. All that outpouring of love from the Followers of Floof did the trick. I just arrived at Seatac to work in the area tomorrow, so will send a load of my extra-special lovin' down I-5 towards Tacoma to help the itty bitties get even better!
ReplyDeleteGO KITTEHS!!!
Go for it. I have three, am single-it's great :D Three isn't much more trouble than 2 really...
ReplyDeleteAh Laurie-I know what you mean about letting go vs. the struggle to keep one who is too sick here. I will miss little Filbert and am saddened by his passing, but of course the right and best decision for him was made. Still holding out hope and sending lots of healing vibes to the girls.
ReplyDeleteSuch a relief! It makes so much sense that the hard part was fighting. Once it's clear that the most loving thing to do is to let him go, as it was in this case, it means the uncertainty and worry and roller-coaster of emotions is over. Even when you grieve, you know you did the right thing and that he had a very good life.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the good news Laurie. And thank you too for the lovely image of little Filbert. I haven't said much beause the loss of an animal is still too fresh for me but I'm grateful to you and this community for wonderful words posted.
It's great to have good news about the girls! Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed. And I remember when our dear Topaz Cat was failing...it was so hard to accept that she was so sick the kindest thing was to let her leave.
ReplyDeleteSuch a touching post, Laurie. Your words about Filbert were truly heart wrenching--I so hope that sweet boy has a good life here or on the other side.
ReplyDeleteI am so pleased that these beautiful girls are doing well. Thank you for all you do for these beautiful animals.