Do you remember meeting our kitty-loving friend John?
Well, I am happy to announce that John is now Jimmy's dad.
We couldn't be happier that John and wife Monika adopted the boy. They are two of our favorite people in the world, and they are also the awesomest kitty parents ever.
To illustrate their awesomeness, I will share this photo with you.

Photo courtesy of Monika
Yes, they built this little squirrel dining room outside their kitchen window so their big kitties, Howard and Junior, could observe and be entertained by the squirrels in their yard. Isn't that brilliant?
John has seen many of our kittens come and go over the years but there was something about Jimmy that caught his eye and according to Monika, he just couldn't stop talking about that boy. Monika realized this was more than just an infatuation, so she asked me if Jimmy had been spoken for.
At that point in time, I was in the middle of an email exchange with a woman who was interested in possibly adopting Jimmy and Royal, and we were trying to figure out a convenient time to meet. It sounded very promising, and I shared this with Monika, and told her I would keep her posted.
But before the meeting happened, the gal emailed to let me know that they had adopted another pair.
Shortly after I received this message, the phone rang, the caller ID read "Monika", but it was John's voice on the other end of the phone. I told him what had just happened, and he told me he wanted Jimmy. Sight unseen, he knew that kitten was meant to be theirs.
John had plans to head out of town for a weekend with the guys, so Monika was the one who came down to Tacoma to fill out the adoption paperwork and pick up dear Jimmy.
Well, John couldn't stand not being there when Jimmy arrived, so he cut his weekend plans short to be at home for this momentous occasion. Yes, John chose his kitten over a weekend of card-playing, cigar smoking, and drinking with the boys.
It was all worth it though - here's the magical moment when John met Jimmy.

Photo courtesy of Monika
I've talked with Monika several times since Jimmy moved in, and things are going great. REALLY, really, really, really great.
Those tabby boys, Howard and Junior, accepted Jimmy nearly instantly, and they're already sleeping in piles and playing together. Jimmy does a good job at keeping them on their toes, and now before Howard and Junior enter a room, they always look both ways to see if Jimmy is near and ready to pounce. I had to laugh when she told me that because Jimmy was the king of the ambush wrestling match, and was always taking down his unsuspecting brothers. He's got some very sly moves.
Here's the little tabby family. Howard on the left, Junior in the middle, Jimmy on the right.
Don't they look like they belong together?

Photo courtesy of John
I think they do.
It's funny how things play out. It seemed at first there was another destiny for Jimmy, but now it's clear he was meant to join this family with John, Monika, Howard and Junior.
You'll be happy to know, we'll be getting lots of updates. John is already planning to set up studio lights in their home for optimum kitten photographs, and I promise to give you a report every time I pay the happy family a visit.
So Jimmy, we won't say goodbye, we'll say SEE YOU LATER. Because we will.

I am so glad for Jimmy and Howard and Junior! They have such wonderful parents.
ReplyDeletePlease tell Monika that John is a keeper. (she probably already knows that though)
I love these stories!! I hope Jimmy gives Monika and John a ton of happiness and joy. Well, I know he will. What a lovely adoption story!
ReplyDeleteSo happy for Jimmy! I nearly LOL'd when I read that Howard and Junior look both ways before entering a room. Jimmy is definitely a kitten to contend with if he has two adult cats wary of him. *G* Go Jimmy! It's a Happy Ever After for everyone.
ReplyDeleteOh, how marvelous is that!? Pretty dang marvelous. Happy Gotcha Day, Jimmy (and John and Monika).
ReplyDeleteI am teary with happiness for Jimmy as well as Monika & John and big tabby bros Howard & Junior, too!
ReplyDeleteI just love how each itty bitty's homes come about.
Clearly, John realized that the BEST guys weekend to be had was with Jimmy and Howard and Junior!!!
ReplyDeletePS: LUV the squirrel dining room!
So much tabby going on there. You can never have too much.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that Jimmy is in the basket by himself in the next to last picture and the other 2 boys are outside of it like they are waiting on "his highness". Jimmy already has them trained! What a wonderful story!! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI loved that John knew Jimmy was supposed to be part of his and Monika's family. He looks so comfy with his brothers, Howard and Junior, and I love that he is already using his ninja wrestling moves on them. There couldn't be a more perfect home for Jimmy.
ReplyDeleteHow AWESOME!!...I have had a "thing" for Jimmy ever since I saw him on IBKC! But I am in GA and have 3 kitties of my own! Jimmy found the PERFECT family for him, humans and cats alike! I am really glad we will get to see more of him in the future! Thanks John and Monika for giving this special boy a fur-ever home!
ReplyDeleteTerrific adoption story! That kitten is RIGHT AT HOME! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic story! Jimmy is a lucky guy!
ReplyDeleteHow absolutely perfect! For Jimmy. For John and Monika. For Howard and Junior. And for us, knowing that we'll see many many more chapters of the Adventures of Jimmy in coming months and years!
ReplyDeleteSo glad for everyone! Jimmy had my heart the minute I saw him - but, alas - I'm a bit far from IBKC to be adopting any kittens. So, it all works out the way it should!
ReplyDeleteJimmy's homecoming story has made my day. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHey, Laurie, I LOVE how you tell stories. They have a fairy tale quality to them. And that's what we adore: fairy tell endings for princes like Jimmy. You are one special angel.
ReplyDeleteFabulous tabby story. This is a real heart-warmer. A happy family forever after.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great squirrel set-up!!!
Between this story and a review of the "Jimmy Wins" picture, I'm just about squee'd out. This is simply a terrific story all the way around. John and Monika rock!
ReplyDeleteTotally tabbylicious!! Sounds like fate had a plan for Jimmy and it was with John and Monika and his new fur brothers. Love, love, love the squirrel dining room.
ReplyDeleteThat squirrel dining room! How cool is that??? John and Monika sound like great, kitty-loving people. I'm so glad Jimmy found them!
ReplyDeletewhile Royal and Jimmy didn't go to those other folks, two other kittens (cats?) did, so the "Others" were meant for the Others!! I am hoping we get a "Royal goes to his furever home" story soon! Congrats to all involved!!
ReplyDeleteThis is just the splendidest of splendid! I'm so happy that everyone is so happy :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know which is cuter, that squirrel dining room or Laurie's kitty telethon sets. Such lucky cats to have such thoughtful, creative parents :)
Ach, the whole story was just what I needed. Very happy for all involved - it all makes me want to move to Seattle to get a kitten of my own!
ReplyDeleteK from MN
John & Monika are SO lucky to get Jimmy!! And Jimmy is equally lucky to have such a wonderful home with built-in cuddly brothers.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm...I wonder which guitar Jimmy will be photographed with :)
ReplyDeleteWonderful !! :) a perfect match made in kitty heaven. I'm glad that Jimmy found his forever home and I do love (really love) happy endings.
ReplyDeleteWhile I love all the adoption stories, this one just melted me into a happy little puddle! Clearly the universe knew where Jimmy belongs. Humans who adore him, and two big brothers to kick around -- what more could a kitten want? :) Oh yes, a squirrel dining table to provide hours of entertainment! Is that the cutest thing ever or what???
ReplyDeleteA question, Laurie -- are they John and Monika planning on keeping Jimmy's name? It definitely fits with Howard and Junior, all nice "boy" names. But that's just MHO, obviously.
It just amazes me at how many great people are out there. Jimmy seems to have found a good home.
Chief Editor
Universal Cats
Well this is truly amazing. I couldn't be happier than if I had gotten to take home Jimmy myself. And if he can't be with me, than this is just about the most perfect alternate arrangement I could have come up with for him! He already looks so at home with his new furbrothers. And how cool is the squirrel dining room? I need to figure out a setup like that for my girls...Hooray and Purrs to all!
ReplyDeleteJohn and Monika are good people! I adore that squirrel table
ReplyDeleteWill John and the Tabby Boyz make a music video for the next FUNdraiser? It could raise squillions!
ReplyDeleteThe squirrel dining facility is freaking awesome. And I LOVE the stories about "our" itty bitties winning over their big brothers and sisters (dogs or cats or et cetera!). Those are my favorite kind of stories. Love, Darin.